Sentences with phrase «of quality of a teacher»

Personally, I'm really proud of the quality of our teacher training.
Furthermore, it is progressively greater at higher grades, indicating a cumulative impact of the qualities of teachers in a school on the pupil's achievements.
To be absolutely clear, then, in this chapter, the meaning of a high (HSS) or low (LSS) scoring school is in reference to the ratings of the quality of teachers «instruction.
If we want to improve public schools, we must address the educational issues in concert with the environmental and societal issues we face, never underestimating the importance of the quality of teachers.
Wendy Kaufman, Teacher I am most proud of the quality of our teachers and staff.
My son had Ms. Hummer for two years and we moved him to Grandville Public Schools this year where he has grown in so many ways because of the quality of teachers that he has had.
If based only on lesson observations, cite the Ofsted position as recently adopted - Ofsted now says that basing an assessment of quality of a teacher's teaching on a single lesson observation is not reliable, and Ofsted inspectors will not be allocating a grade to single lessons at all in future.

Not exact matches

«Consumers have a huge demand for better service yet the quality and the spread of teachers is very uneven in China,» Tung said.
Though it operates with the mission of providing high - quality, low - cost education for all, Bridge has drawn criticism from some education experts and teachers unions for the model it uses to make good on that mission.
An advocate for a local teachers union also expressed concern to the New York Times Magazine about the quality of the education, arguing Bridge focuses less on getting poor students to the baseline as enticing public school students to switch to Bridge schools.
Consumers have a huge demand for better service yet the quality and the spread of teachers is very uneven in China.
But the very best of the lot share a few common qualities: They are all supremely well educated, highly talented researchers, exceptional teachers, and, perhaps most important of all, they inspire students and their students inspire them.
The ex-McKinsey consultant, school teacher and Harvard, Oxford and University of Pennsylvania alum is an expert in the qualities of successful people.
With the great success enjoyed by SQC in Japan, and through his own abilities as a teacher and promoter of quality control and related management approaches, Deming became the iconic figure in the field, the «father of quality control.»
While you could argue the choice of topic was motivated by the political and professional interests of the 40,000 - member provincial teachers» union and regulatory association — and someone is sure to — no one can claim Environics is not a quality public opinion research firm using solid methodology.
We work with a network of teachers who use our framework and guidelines to ensure a consistent and hiqh quality educational experience that can deliver the needed knowledge in your business or corporation to understand the threats and opportunities as well as challenges and paths to grasping this complex and hard - to - grasp technology and theory we call Blockchain.
The final quality required for authentic dialogue is prudence: the prudence of a teacher who is most careful to make allowances for the psychological and moral circumstances of his hearer [Mt 6:7], particularly if he is a child, unprepared, suspicious or hostile... [who] is always at pains to learn the sensitivities of his audience, and... [who] adapts himself... to the susceptibilities and the degree of intelligence of his hearers.
Titus, a young leader of an argumentative church, needed to learn to refute false teachers, calm church disunity, and find quality leaders.
They were the most notable series of ethical teachers in the ancient world and the fountainhead of the noblest moral qualities in the Hebrew faith, but the great prophetic writers were comprehended within four centuries, and not only the legal but the sacrificial system preceded, underlay, and outlived them all.
The degree to which the goals of religious education are achieved depends, to a large extent, on the quality of the student - teacher relationship.
The evangelist increases the quantity of people in the church; the pastor - teacher increases the quality.
To reduce the danger of precipitating a mass lemming - like exodus of Sunday school teachers, let me hasten to say the criteria are statements of ideal qualities which even the most effective teachers only approximate.
Lisa Selph's daughter Hannah was being encouraged by her violin teacher to buy a professional - quality instrument at a price of $ 10,000.
I have already stated that the evidence indicates that the chief contribution to happiness is the quality of relationships with those with whom one has most to do, parents, siblings, other relatives, neighbors, playmates, teacher, employers, and others.
In Europe the academic teacher is expected to do both research and teaching, and there can be no doubt that this combination is very healthy and has good effects on the quality of both research and instruction.
Nash hopes that teachers and students will assume «a vantage point of determining those virtues that are most likely to encourage a better quality of democratic life for everyone.»
Subject experts have also warned that by not contributing anything towards RE teacher training, the government would see a decline in the quality of religious education in schools.
Though it is difficult to raise children in what might be called a «gender - neutral environment», part of the antidote to the current gender - laden environments in which children tend now to be raised is this view of the work of the Spirit in giving gifts as the Spirit chooses, which encourages those who are the teachers and guides of the young to observe the emerging qualities of spirit in each child and to bring those qualities to full flower rather than trying to redirect any «alpha» qualities in women or «beta» qualities in men towards any «norm.»
Enid Worrell, former home economics teacher and now owner and cook at the Bonito, was proud to inform us that her first name spelled backwards is «dine,» which was propitious considering the quality of her food.
@Tindan2 the word decline according to my english teacher has 3 diff meanings one of which is «a gradual and continous loss of strenghs, numbers, quality or value» and to me arsenal fits here in every aspect... plus am not english of which i doubt you're (must be a pathetic one if indeed you're).
At the very moment when a student might be gearing up to react to the teacher's comments as a threat, a sign of the teacher's personal disapproval or bias, the Post-it gave the student an alternative frame through which to view those comments — not as an attack, in other words, but as a vote of confidence that the student was capable of high - quality work.
If you were to brainstorm factors related to tweens» academic achievement, you might think of the quality of their school, their teacher's credentials, their inherent ability, and your involvement in their schoolwork.
These databases are extremely useful and valuable, but there does not appear to be a ton of oversight or quality - control over the available materials, and it would certainly behoove teachers using them to think as critically about the assignments they're downloading as they would about the assignments they're writing themselves.
I also became acutely aware of the challenges public school art teachers face with large class sizes, poor quality materials, and infrequent class time.
We have put together a «checklist for head teachers»: a brief guide to the practical steps every school can take to improve the quality and take - up of its food.
I have talked with many parents, occupational therapists, and teachers who believe that children and teens today do not have the quality of handwriting that the same age children had in the past.
A longitudinal study by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development concluded in 2007 that «although parenting was a stronger and more consistent predictor of children's development than early child ‐ care experience, higher quality care predicted higher vocabulary scores and more exposure to center care predicted more teacher ‐ reported externalizing problems.
Join a growing team of teachers who are working in their chosen field for a company that values professional development, encourages open communication and provides the highest - quality early development program in the country.
I'm going to contact the teacher and see what policies, if any, are in place regarding the nutritional quality of the snacks that parents send in.
As Kevin Concannon, the USDA's Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services recently told me, «A quality and nutritious school meal program can insure that all of the investments we're making in the buildings, in the materials, and in the teachers will pay off because there's lots of evidence showing that kids who eat healthier will learn better.»
Since returning from California, Chagnon and other members of the Challenge Success team have worked with teachers to emphasize quality over quantity in homework assignments and craft policies to reduce students» workload.
And at the root of his research and thinking is the assertion that character is... a set of qualities that [enables] kids to change themselves and qualities that parents and teachers can instill.
The program might allow certain students opportunities for higher - level work, yet it also can siphon off the best students and teachers and may reduce the quality of education for non-AP students, and in some cases, cause undue stress for students enrolled in the program.
Teachers know that their job is to deal with the child who walks through the door no matter what he brings, but if they were able to write a list of qualities they'd like parents to develop in their child, this would be it:
I realize, of course, that there have always been sharp disparities between schools in affluent areas and poor areas — reflected in the quality of teachers, the availability of materials, the curricula, facilities and more.
In addition to supporting children's music development, our in - school curriculum raises the overall quality of a child's education by touching many important factors all at once: school readiness, family engagement, parent - child relationships, and teacher professional development.
By studying the most recent research on early childhood education, the Orfalea Fund was able to invest where it mattered most: in the relationships among directors, teachers, and parents, in the quality of environments, and in the establishment and documentation of best practices.
Investigating successful kids and programs at low - income schools and high - achieving prep schools, as well as interviewing psychologists and neuroscientists, Tough challenges some conventional wisdom on causes of failure (poverty, teacher quality) and contends that nurturing character in children and young adults is the key to success.
Deom says she is proud of the high - quality instruction that Sommerfeld and other teachers lend to the district «s classes.
-LCB- «id»: 10197717, «title»: «Fed Up With School Lunches», «duration»: «3:00», «description»: «One teacher went undercover to determine the quality of school lunches.»
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