Sentences with phrase «of questionable ingredients»

Many people become aware of the questionable ingredients in highly processed pet foods and are looking for a better way.
These really aren't whole foods and often contain a lot of questionable ingredients.
Unfortunately, most hot chocolates out there are full of questionable ingredients and loaded with artificial sweeteners.
These foods usually come with a long list of questionable ingredients and a suspicious shelf - life that lasts well beyond the length of most marriages.
You don't have to worry about how it was made, how long ago it was made, or what sort of questionable ingredients it contains.
There are also a number of questionable ingredients such as inexpensive fillers and low - quality supplements which may do more harm for your dog than good.
Now you can make a vegan cream cheese that doesn't taste like tofu or have a bunch of questionable ingredients.
And, while there are lots of facial products I'd like to get off the shelves because of their questionable ingredients, I'd rather you switch your body products first.
To me, this diet made much more sense than a bag of kibble made of questionable ingredients that often sat on warehouse shelves for months and maybe years before it is eaten.
Not only do they have a lot of questionable ingredients, but making your own is easy, fast, and a LOT healthier.
Conventional salad dressings are full of questionable ingredients, and «healthier» ones may not be much better.
In our research however, many of the products on the market contain a laundry list of questionable ingredients, artificial coloring and preservatives, or wheat and gluten.
Their responsibly raised and fed animal protein sources provide for a more nutrient dense meal that is free of questionable ingredients.
«Most consumers are also unaware of questionable ingredients in disposable products, or even the fact that manufacturers are not legally required to disclose ingredients in the first place.»
I have avoided Caesar salad for a long time because I was afraid of the questionable ingredients in it — but this raw version looks delicious.
Also, a lot of soy sauces contain all sorts of questionable ingredients beyond just the conventional soybeans.
Most protein powder contains an array of questionable ingredients such as aspartame, saccharin, fructose and artificial colors.
If you love dry shampoo, but don't want to use a store bought aerosol can of questionable ingredients like isobutane, butane and propane - this DIY dry shampoo recipe is for you!
This is because Hill's designed a dog food especially for those pets struggling with their hearts, and this item has the least amount of questionable ingredients as part of the manufacturing process.
Flour tortillas of the store - bought variety usually have a lot of questionable ingredients that leave an odd aftertaste.
Ditch the store - bought energy bars full of questionable ingredients and make a batch of these homemade ones for hungry snacking anytime.
Says Madeleine Shaw, founder of LunaPads, another reusable company whose products I use and like: «Most consumers are also unaware of questionable ingredients in disposable products, or even the fact that manufacturers are not legally required to disclose ingredients in the first place.»
But normally granola is not Paleo because of the oats and when you buy it in the store it's full of all sorts of questionable ingredients.
All are made with natural ingredients, are biodegradable, compostable, free of questionable ingredients, and cruelty - free.
If you're like me and love the flavor of taco seasoning but you're not that crazy about some of the questionable ingredients in some of the seasonings, why not make your own?
through our research and testing we found the majority of sunscreens currently on the market are full of questionable ingredients and known carcinogens.
This can act as a penetration enhancer, and if your lip balm contains any of the questionable ingredients listed above, absorption into the bloodstream will be increased.
You get to choose all your own ingredients (including ones that are in season) thereby avoiding any of the questionable ingredients found in brands at the store.
The Vaseline products contain a lot of questionable ingredients that can do more harm than good.
Second find, even the green - washed, «natural» brands had a lot of questionable ingredients that were getting swept under the ingredient list rug.
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