Sentences with phrase «of questionable origin»

However, most of them are ineffective and loaded with artificial preservatives, wheat, starches and ingredients of questionable origin.
I read that in a couple reviews of questionable origins and hoped it was true.
«The most significant money laundering vulnerability at US casinos is the potential for individuals to access foreign funds of questionable origin through US casinos, and to use the money for gambling and other personal or entertainment expenses, and then withdraw or transfer the remaining funds either in the United States or elsewhere,» said a recent US Treasury report.
Made without harmful chemicals and using only virgin iron ore (no recycled iron of questionable origins), this cookware is natural and environmentally friendly.
The cumulative effects of this deafening silence dim any hopes of putting in place legal mechanisms aimed at properly investigating crimes broadcast on Twitter by rebel forces of questionable origin.
«They tried to derail our campaign once before with e-mails of questionable origin.
A girl ripping off her facial hair with a sketchy mask of questionable origin?
An American diamond merchant travels to Russia to sell rare blue diamonds of questionable origin and falls into an obsessive relationship with a cafe owner in a small Siberian town, but he is unable to extricate himself from the treacherous world of the diamond trade.
Your car is important — why bring it to a shop that uses aftermarket parts of questionable origin?
Lovingly photographed by Michael Wolf in China and Hong Kong, they are called «b*st*rd» chairs because of their questionable origin.
[89] Campaign manager Michael Caputo initially stated that the authenticity of some of the e-mails could not be verified [90] and continues to maintain that the e-mails were «of questionable origin;» [91] the site themselves could not identify the anonymous source of the e-mails and was only able to verify them through a series of cc: addresses included with the package of e-mails.
Suffice to say, most of the sheet music uploaded by users are of questionable origin, but Scribd is making strides to remedy this situation.
International money, much of it anonymous and of questionable origin is sloshing around the globe looking for a return.
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