Sentences with phrase «of radiation exposure»

Young children or pregnant women should have no contact with I - 131 treated cats for 2 - weeks after treatment to decrease their risk of radiation exposure.
This means, if you are 2 inches away from the source, you experience 1/4 the amount of radiation exposure as you would if you were just 1 inch away from it.
The exact level of radiation exposure that causes cell death is not known, so all exposure should be treated as if it is going to produce cell death.
The major source of radiation exposure from air travel comes from the flight itself.
They have to let the people know exactly what will happen, the delayed effects [of radiation exposure].
The issue of radiation exposure is significant as doctors continue to order CT scans with increasing frequency.
The new, long - term study suggests that animals have returned to the area and are even thriving despite 30 years of radiation exposure.
Cat must be kept indoors exclusively for 2 - weeks following discharge in order to minimize the possibility of radiation exposure to other people.
-- Keep your cat separate from any other cats in the household in order to reduce the risk of radiation exposure.
However, because of the small amount of radiation exposure, it's typically reserved for patients who have not gotten definitive results via other means.
Compared with the effects of the radiation exposure from Fukushima, «the number of expected fatalities are never going to be that large,» says Thomas McKone, of the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health.
B16F10 cells pre-treated with 20 µM SP600125 prior to 3.0 Gy of radiation exposure also increased cell death compared to 3.0 Gy group (P < 0.01, Figs. 2 and 5).
The trial, called «Matroshka AstroRad Radiation Experiment», or MARE in short, is the first time that the impact of radiation exposure on humans is being measured in deep space.
There is no doubt that ingesting radionuclides is one of the worst forms of radiation exposure, because it continues for a long period of time.
to develop treatment guidelines for managing hematologic toxicity among victims of radiation exposure,
Because the level of radiation exposure needed to perform radiography is very low, even pregnant females and very young pets can undergo radiography.
Another source of radiation exposure comes from aboveground nuclear testing in the 1950s and 1960s.
When venturing into long, manned deep space missions, the threat of radiation exposure is significantly higher, posing one of the most significant challenges facing NASA as it prepares to launch manned missions to Mars.
«The amount of radiation exposure during one scan is equivalent to 0.01 chest X-rays,» says Dr. Hill.
These events — even more than the use of nuclear weapons at the end of World War II — launched an ongoing public debate over whether the risks of radiation exposure outweigh the benefits of nuclear technology.
The first - ever study of radiation exposure on wild primates, conducted in 2012, found that monkeys near Fukushima had significantly lower red and white blood - cell counts compared with monkeys elsewhere in Japan.
«Heart imaging procedures account for almost 40 percent of the radiation exposure from medical imaging.»
Marine scientists have calculated that, based on all the radioactive particles released (or leaking) from Fukushima, a dose due to this most recent nuclear accident would add up to a total of roughly one microsievert (a unit of radiation exposure) of extra radiation — roughly one tenth the average daily dose most Americans experience, one fortieth the amount from a cross — North America flight and one one - hundredth the exposure from a dental x-ray.
The number of cancer cases was small, meaning they could be statistical blips rather than genuine products of radiation exposure, he says.
After Hayashi's first two - week stint at the plant ended, he discovered his nuclear passbook - a record of radiation exposure - had been falsified to show he had been an employee of larger firms higher up the ladder of contractors, not RH Kogyo.
Workers are limited to 100 millisieverts of radiation exposure over five years.
Cardiac stress testing, particularly with imaging, has been the focus of debate about rising health care costs, inappropriate use, and patient safety in the context of radiation exposure.
Surprisingly, B16F10 cells pre-treated with either 20 µM U0126 or LY294002 prior to 3.0 Gy of radiation exposure showed almost equal increase in cell death (about 55 %, Fig. 4) compared to 3.0 Gy group (Figs. 2 and 5).
Comparison of radiation exposure dose, CT image quality and PET SUV according to pitch (Table speed) in PET / CT using AEC (Auto Exposure Control).
to educate health care professionals about pertinent aspects of radiation exposure management,
We hear more and more about the harmful effects of radiation exposure through the use of cellular telephones.
Although the USPSTF recommends against screening in the general asymptomatic adult population, several factors substantially increase the risk for thyroid cancer, including a history of radiation exposure to the head and neck as a child, exposure to radioactive fallout, family history of thyroid cancer in a first - degree relative, and certain genetic conditions, such as familial medullary thyroid cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome (type 2A or 2B).4
Fetuses, infants, and children are also at risk of developing thyroid problems — including thyroid nodules, hypothyroidism, and thyroid cancer — as a result of radiation exposure.
At the time of the Curies» achievement, the health risks of radiation exposure weren't known.
Reducing heavy metal levels can also help minimize the destructive effects and symptoms of artificial EMFs (a form of radiation exposure), produced by cell phones, laptops, cell phone towers and Wi - Fi networks.
The Radiation Injury Treatment Network ® (RITN) provides comprehensive evaluation and treatment for victims of radiation exposure or other marrow toxic injuries.
Because the level of radiation exposure needed to perform digital radiography is very low, even pregnant females and very young pets can undergo radiography.
For this reason, the committee has recommended that the permissible level of radiation emitted from mobile phone towers be reduced by one - tenth the current value and that India adopt the U.S. standard for the permitted amount of radiation exposure from handsets.
It details the threat levels of radiation exposure from events like the Fukushima explosion down to a dental x-ray.
«This definition was designed to allow us to identify relatively acute effects of radiation exposure from the accident,» said Goldenberg.
As a result, the sources of radiation exposure would be different isotopes for a thorium - based radiation source than uranium - based source, and the relationship between exposure and health effect would be different as well.
With 3.0 Gy, radiation alone treatment produced significant amount of cell death compared to control as well 2.0 Gy of radiation exposure (Fig. 2).
For example, Curiosity's measurements of radiation levels — made during its eight - month cruise through space and while on the planet's surface — suggest that the risk of radiation exposure is not a «showstopper» for manned Mars missions.
California's department of public health suggested that people who want to reduce their risk of radiation exposure could take the following steps:
As worries grow over radiation leaks at Fukushima, is it possible to gauge the immediate and lasting health effects of radiation exposure?
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