Sentences with phrase «of recent events»

In light of recent events in the news, it only seems natural to start talking environment.
Check out our archive of recent events on wide - ranging energy access topics, featuring distinguished panelists.
In the wake of recent events, this is without doubt the most cynical type of scam.
The event offered a lively discussion regarding the ramifications of the European crisis, particularly in light of recent events regarding the Greek debt.
Against the backdrop of recent events, this philosophy of entrepreneurship is needed now more than ever.
And then from there I decided to write a book about people who had no memories of recent events, except for one person, the main character.
Then I will describe how the flow of recent events, viewed through that framework, has had a bearing on decisions.
The sequence of recent events makes a lot more sense now for investors.
This is my decision, and mine alone, and my first consideration has been the effect of recent events on my family.
It may be possible, however, to say that the occurrence of recent events is consistent with physically based expectations arising from climate change.
It's a lot to take on in the face of recent events and we all appreciate the opportunity to participate.
Enjoy high quality photos and videos of recent events.
After three blog posts and several comments to online news stories, I thought it was time for a lighter response to the absurdity of recent events.
This'll include details of recent events and updates by the devs; screenshots, guides, and videos shared by the community; and an overview of your own achievements and friend activity.
This term has been a cornerstone of recent events, like bitcoin's «block size» debate and the ethereum hard fork, coloring how these events are communicated to the wider public.
Then during your interview, talk about your involvement in the organization and the success of the recent event you helped plan and execute.
Tipping the top or bottom of a market is never smart, especially at a time of volatile trading; but a series of recent events point to confidence growing in the start of a recovery in the Western Australian economy.
Because of recent events in France and other areas of the world, people are hyper aware of their safety, and the possibility of danger when traveling.
It can also be seen as the result of recent events in which government bodies were reportedly considering measures to halt what they called an «overheating of virtual currency speculation.»
Quantifying the impact of recent events on Canada's reputation is frustratingly difficult.
Here is a roundup of a number of recent events surrounding the opportunities for comprehensive reform of the housing finance industry following the 2016 election, the health of the Federal Housing Administration's (FHA) Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund, and the future of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (GSEs) after conservatorship.
In light of recent events surrounding Segwit2x and the Bitcoin Cash (BCC) hard fork event, several exchange and bitcoin companies have decided to take precautions by halting trades, deposits, and withdrawals to ensure that user funds remain safe.
It was well done, but I just can not take his deft almost - truths about our town lying down, particularly in view of recent events here.
A couple of recent events have highlighted one or two of the peculiarities of the subculture of American Christianity, specifically evangelical Christianity.
Meanwhile, Jill Stein has been campaigning all week on the east coast, and there are some great photos of her recent events at her website here.
Check out photos of our recent events on YouTube, or Contact Us today for more information on our Beach Wedding Packages.
A striking example of the way in which the attitude toward evil has been influenced by the horror of recent events is found in a statement of Jean - Paul Sartre born out of the experience of the French underground:
At the same time Carleton's administration was aware of recent events at York University where there had been large, heated demonstrations, including confrontations between the SAIA and Hillel groups, and situations requiring security and police to intervene.
«Improved understanding of the spatial patterns of change over the three periods studied are vital for understanding the causes of recent events,» he said.
This crude oil connection between the Alaskan Arctic and California refineries can also be illuminated with a timeline of recent events regarding current and future upstream extraction, downstream refinery expansion efforts, and the climate politics and policies affecting the downstream refinery sector in California.
This is in light of recent events related to Uber drivers being ruled as employees by Californian Court.
3/07/2018 Western Digital stock broke out to a multi-year high Wednesday as a confluence of recent events appears to have emboldened...
«We went to Kitchener, Ont., and the adviser in that case rented the Galaxy movie theatre,» he says of a recent event.
The new report starts out with a summary of recent events (the topics addressed are: bubble & crash, hacks & scams, reaction & regulation and adoption & trends), an in - depth discussion of whether bitcoin's surge actually deserves to be called a bubble (which we found particularly interesting), and a section that deals extensively with the schism in the bitcoin community that led to the fork that created Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and other offshoots.
Mindfulness workshops, career mentoring services, and «Yoga Friday» classes are just a few of the recent events RealSelf employees have taken advantage of.
While the central bank is taking note of recent events in Europe and China, comments from Chairman Janet Yellen last week confirmed that the committee's bias is to begin raising rates this year.
However, in the «light» that has been shed on American values by a very vocal and powerful minority, and the consequent rush of the masses to «step into the light», that can be the only natural consequence of recent events.
I wish I could laugh along with you and Caryn with the joke being made at Joseph's expense but in the light of recent events for me, where I am at, at present emotionally as a result and your and Caryn's interaction at other relevant times this for me has not been possible.
a: a report of recent events b: previously unknown information c: something having a specified influence or effect 2 a: material reported in a newspaper or news periodical or on a newscast b: matter that is newsworthy 3: newscast
For one thing, as used in that connection, «anti-Semitism» draws its meaning from an assessment of recent events; that is, the present meaning of the term is falsely applied to an ancient era.
We'll start the round - up of recent events right here in New York.
Surrounded by several elected officials, Brad Silver of the Bronx Jewish Community Council speaks of recent events against the Jewish community.
There are media outlets other than Faux News... and as I have told you before folks who never read newspapers or watch TV news score higher on knowledge of recent events than the angry, white, delusional men who buy the trash put on TV by that sexual harasser Ailes.
Her supporters have described the governor's increasing shift leftward — delineated below — as «the Cynthia effect,» an interpretation of recent events his allies adamantly deny.
«There may be a degree of uncertainty in this session because of the monumental scope and character of recent events, but the ethics question is going to be very important,» said Benjamin.
Some examples of these recent events are described below (in response to the questions posed to IPCC by the governments) and placed in a long - term perspective.
But everyone should seek out the corresponding frontrunner in the live - action category, Reed Van Dyk's DeKalb Elementary, and not just because the cloud of recent events in Parkland, Florida make this stark, sober two - hander between a teenage high - school shooter and a terrified but coolly empathetic school secretary particularly throat - grabbing.
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