Sentences with phrase «of reference for»

I wouldn't use them as point of reference for what we can «look forward to» in future windows.
I would suggest very different terms of reference for study.
This gives you a solid frame of reference for what you value most before you consider negotiating a compromise with your ex.
This special gives you a resume and a cover letter plus a list of references for $ 130 (actual cost is $ 180 so you are saving $ 27 %).
The recommendation letter template below shows the format of a typical letter of reference for employment or educational purposes.
This part of the book serves as a good source of reference for these issues.
The goal of the work is to give people a frame of reference for understanding news stories or other information about radiation and nuclear safety.
They have become a point of reference for many photographers.
It could have been a place of reference for active multiplayer gaming that offers pure fun.
But it's a decent frame of reference for how much money a school has to spend on new capital projects and on enhancing the quality of its education.
You refuse to acknowledge just some basic undeniable points of reference for discussion.
These resources are a good point of reference for anyone looking to see what is available and to find a suitable position that matches their talents and qualifications.
I hope to order mine soon but need some sort of reference for sizing!
But not everyone has the time or the interest in creating a grocery price book that meticulously tracks prices so they have a frame of reference for comparing prices.
These three central uses of data in school education all require an appropriate frame of reference for interpreting data.
The new report details a framework of reference for other states interested in on - the - ground efforts of the network.
Finding a solid point of reference for measuring is what I'm trying to do now.
Job seekers will often ask a former manager, colleague, or teacher to write them a letter of reference for employment.
In fact, most of the people take dating as an entertainment task and that is why they look for various kinds of references for dates.
Both provide a frame of reference for other entries in their genre.
I see you stating that again and again, so give some sort of references for that.
Additionally, a normal result will be used as the frame of reference for comparison against future tests, increasing the accuracy of the tests.
The document is ideal as a point of reference for people seeking global financial management.
What the book does is give a frame of reference for addressing some common problems that we all run into with relationships.
The autofocus uses 39 points of reference for excellent and very quick focusing results, all in a compact and ergonomic design.
As a member of the teaching board, you can download this model and use it to write the letter of reference for students.
With that one frame of reference for performance, I believe that you can make real change in your life by awareness and practice.
It must be a constant point of reference for everyone who wants to think responsibly about what the love of neighbor and the quest for justice mean for the present and future.
Who am I to put someone in jail for murder when there is no point of reference for goodness?
But seriously, I love «basics» posts because it gives such a good frame of reference for building outfits.
I used a lot of referencing for my character from him.
She also created a whimsical feedback «sandwich» template that serves as both a tool and a shared point of reference for reminding students to reflect on the three big questions.
Not every writer will need every one of these, mind you, but it should give a good frame of reference for filling out your own (probably ever - changing) circle.
This score range was introduced to establish an easy - to - understand, common frame of reference for lenders and consumers.
Together, these works operate on a continuum, creating a new frame of reference for post-war attempts at attacking those «big» things like color, space and gesture.
The selected artists have used the body as a point of reference for expressing political and aesthetic issues; pushing the boundaries of artistic expression through their individual use of media.
The final text failed to ensure the survival of the protocol, though it sets some terms of reference for continuing the talks next year.
The terms of reference for advisory committees need to be clear on the parameters of discussion at meetings.
The successful candidate will become the point of reference for colleagues and customers alike, by keeping schedules and providing feedback, documentation and information.
Given below is a sample cover letter of reference for suggestion.
Resources and links displayed on these pages provide points of reference for rehabilitation counseling professionals.
It also helps provide a frame of reference for why we respond to others as well as life stresses in the way we do.
Many of these provisions speak merely in broad terms, but they still serve as points of reference for state and local governments charged with establishing and maintaining public schools.
We set out our terms of reference for this contest quite simply.
And indeed, the list of references for this website is extensive, but there is not a single one after 2000.
It today's day and age, the Internet is the first source of reference for your new employer.
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