Sentences with phrase «of regressing»

He is just as capable of regressing these data against any other «target» series, such as the increasing trend of self - opinionated verbage (sic) he has produced over the last few years, and... (better say no more)»
If your dog does show signs of regressing back into resource guarding, you'll need to go back and repeat the training again, making an extra effort to keep up the cues during the maintenance phase.
But it's Rockwell's Owen — an overgrown boy in a movie full of regressing adults — who contributes most to the film's air of compassionate whimsy.
The whole point of regressing is that your child is expressing self - doubt.
Therefore our Yes - saying must give us totally to the moment before us, and if we accept its actuality as the «center» which is everywhere, then we can be delivered from every temptation of regressing to a backward movement which is a reversal and diminution of an actual and immediate present.
I think what usually happens to these people when they are confronted with a convincing truth that challenges their present way of thinking is that they revert to a childish coping mechanism of regressing into a more secure but less mature belief system.
But... the infinite regress in question is an example of the «non-vicious» type of regress, since it concerns possibilities, and these not (on one view of potentiality) as a definite multitude, whose number is infinite, but as a continuum, which in the words of Peirce is «beyond all multitude,» as God was formerly described as being; and indeed, as we shall see, the continuum of possibilities is one aspect of God which may be truly so described.
«It is particularly upsetting to learn of this regress on the 10th Anniversary of the National Day of Apology.

Not exact matches

Increasing terms of trade has the same effect as technical progress, and decreasing terms of trade can be interpreted as a form of technical regress.
«In a lot of stories you read, it regresses back to happy talk at the end — there was a problem, we solved it and now it's all fixed,» says Michael Freeman, a psychiatrist who is studying the personality traits of entrepreneurs at University of California, San Francisco.
Big data, social data, data mining — there's so much data around, and so many things you're supposed to do with it, that it's a wonder many entrepreneurs don't curl into the fetal position and enact a new type of data regression, where the mound of data causes you to regress back to the womb.
This acknowledgement, that employees have family responsibilities outside of work, is beneficial for employee retention and well - being, and we should never regress into the antiquated «you must always be in your desk from 9:00 to 5:00» mentality.
Interesting enough, a bunch of finance PhDs got bored with regressing financial datasets and decided to take a stab at macroeconomic finance.
«Steven Hill's groundbreaking book on the part - time, unstable «Uber Economy» shows how a new sub-economy becomes a work of law - flouting regress undermining full - time work.
A socionomist knows that the stock market is a meter of social mood, which is the engine of social progress and regress.
The best pin bar setups occur near confluent levels of previous price action as the market moves in one direction and then regresses back to re-test a previous support or resistance level.
Exhibit 2 shows summary statistics of the four dividend indices regressed on Fama - French factor returns including market beta (Mkt - rf), small size (SMB), value (HML), and momentum (MOM).
Actually, Islam is fairly oppressive of women... I think Christianity is actually a step up in tolerance over Islam... we probably won» regress.
Such regress has happened before: In the nineteenth century, the (correct) vitamin C deficiency theory of scurvy was replaced by the false belief that scurvy was caused by proximity to spoiled foods.
The Pilgrim's Regress is an allegory of Lewis» journey to faith in Christ.
At the age of 2, first our son, Zeke (now 6), and then our daughter, Anna (now 5), began regressing — that is, they started losing skills they had gained, and retreating into a teary bubble of fear and confusion.
=============== @simram «Infinite causal regress — If the existence of every member of a set is explained, the existence of that set is thereby explained.»
One thought process seeks to advance the development of mankind, while the other wishes to further regress into the bronze age beliefs of desert tribes.
Until better leaders emerge that can provide a vision of forgiveness I fear they will remain mired in the obsession of revenge and continue to regress.
While the world progresses, the muslim countries have not only regressed, but some still live in the time of their prophet.
It is the ever - regressing self of the subject - object relation.
What is agreed upon is that the self - consciousness involved in the satisfaction of an actual entity can not have the status of knowledge (for knowledge refers us to reflection, and hence to an additional process), nor can it have the structure of intentionality (for intentional self - awareness fractures unity and leads to an infinite regress).
He is regressing to the worst version of his old self — whiskey - soaked and imploding.
In either case the mind is faced with a conundrum: an endless regress without possibility of finding a First Efficient Cause, or ultimate reason, on the one hand, or an absolutebeginning without necessity, on the other.
As psychiatrist Frieda Fromm - Reichmann once put it, «Unless one believes and feels that the most regressed catatonic, on the back ward of the mental hospital, is more alike than different from oneself, one will be of little help to the mentally ill person.»
Of course one could argue that an open dimension involves an infinite regress, and is therefore impossible.
To avoid an infinite regress we must affirm a being that is the cause of its own necessity.
Then please explain to me (avoiding infinite regress) how the cause of the physical universe could be itself physical.
So it caused them to regress instead of progress.
How many times have I seen myself and others on the path towards wisdom suddenly regress to our former ways of thinking simply because the darkness was lasting too long and we didn't give our spiritual eyes time to discern truth in the new environment?
Avoiding infinite regress, there couldn't be an infinite series of causes for our physical universe, so whatever this cause was, it was eternal and un-caused.
One way is to say that if you introduce the consciousness of the observer as one of the variables of the world you are still in a regress since it implies that there is an awareness of the consciousness by a further observer who sees his state of consciousness, and so on.
Three of Aquinas» proofs involve infinite regress and there is no reason to think that god provides a terminator, much less the Christian god or any other god.
If it's of any interest, I have read Till we have faces (a long time ago and I remember very little), Christian Reflections (lots of good stuff in there) and The Pilgrims Regress (very out of date to postmodern philosophies, but I really enjoyed it), and I got NT Wright's Simply Jesus and Simply Christian for Christmas.
Moreover, if ever we halt the regress of past events in order to specify O, then O functions in every way like a «future» or «potentially related» event of E, for: (i) there will always be events in the past of O, and (ii) there will be a finite number of intermediaries between O and E (and this satisfies the two formal criteria for O's being in a «potential, future relation» to E).
The infinite distance of O requires that we never halt the regress in order to specify O.
8 Julian Wolfe, «Infinite Regress and the Cosmological Argument, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 2 (1971), 246 - 49.
Determinism rejects this and is left with a choice between Spinozism (or the Leibnizian subterfuge) and a wholesale admission of contingency entirely beyond our experience, back at the beginning or back of the beginning, some act of God, endowed with supreme freedom (in a sense in which our freedom is not simply inferior but is zero), or some mere arbitrary, absolute chance, or finally an infinite regress for which nothing at all by way of reason is conceivable.
One is obliged to ask, however, whether the overall sense of this secularization enacted on behalf of progress may in some profound sense have involved regress as well.
Near the end of The Pilgrim's Regress, John, the pilgrim who has finally made his way back to Mother Church, sings a song about «the tether and pang of the particular.»
And, although the poem from Pilgrim's Regress surely betrays the influence of philosophical idealism on Lewis's thought, it also shows certain Christian assumptions about what it means to be human.
Unlike Samuel Beckett or Jorge Luis Borges, who provide a modernist critique of dialectical hubris by parodying the infinite regress of its logic while never going beyond that logic themselves, Solzhenitsyn claims to have learned how to move beyond the absurdities born of an unbridled rationalism, since he, and the rest of his fellow zeks (prisoners), have suffered dialectic's most extreme miscalculation.
I also can not logically assume that the cause of our universe had a cause, because again, that is infinite regress.
It continually amazes me that presumably mature students, more and more of them second - career people in their 40s and 50s, regress so quickly in the current adolescent model of education and regard the seminary as in loco parentis.
He can not distinguish questions regarding the existence of the universe from questions regarding its physical origin; he does not grasp how assertions regarding the absolute must logically differ from assertions regarding contingent beings; he does not know the differences between truths of reason and empirical facts; he has no concept of ontology, in contradistinction to, say, physics or evolutionary biology; he does not understand how assertions regarding transcendental perfections differ from assertions regarding maximum magnitude; he clumsily imagines that the idea of God is susceptible to the same argument from infinite regress traditionally advanced against materialism; he does not understand what the metaphysical concept of simplicity entails; and on and on.
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