Sentences with phrase «of religious doctrine»

Certainly the latter are not the basis for the understanding of the basic meaning of the religious doctrine of creation.
It has been suggested by some scientists and theologians that this provides a confirmation of the religious doctrine of creation.
Advocates of embryonic stem cell research were thought to be in a long line of pioneers fighting the restraints of religious doctrine to push forward with scientific research.
Like every generation coming of age, a substantial portion will ask questions that can't be answered within the restricted confines of religious doctrine.
The financial realities of Christian schools also tend to dull the sharp edges of religious doctrine.
Though he denied having much knowledge of religious doctrines and affairs, he nevertheless displayed a deeply human sensitivity that made of his comic artistry something considerably more than an occasional tickle on the periphery of our existence.
If civil courts undertake to resolve such controversies in order to adjudicate the property dispute, the hazards are ever present of inhibiting the free development of religious doctrine and of implicating secular interests in matters of purely ecclesiastical concern... [T] he [First] Amendment therefore commands civil courts to decide church property disputes without resolving underlying controversies over religious doctrine.»
I'm not suggesting that all persons of faith are this way, but many of the more vocal religious people that get air time in the media (especially elected officials) choose to believe certain aspects of their religious doctrine and ignore / reject those tenets that do not fall in line with their socio - political agendas.
I don't see how this is proof that God doesn't exist — rather it is evidence that this particular interpretation of religious doctrine is flawed.
But if both proudly refer to themselves as the Lord's chosen, they diverge on one especially inflammatory point of religious doctrine: unlike their present - day Mormon compatriots, Mormon Fundamentalists passionately believe that Saints have a divine obligation to take multiple wives.
But they seemed to agree that there's no easy, uniform principle that would allow church employees to seek redress in the courts without entangling the courts in questions of religious doctrine.
The followers traditionally take generations to mellow and discard the «wrath» of a religious doctrine before they focus on the good it appears.
This is because the search for a satisfactory formulation of religious doctrines, while very much a personal matter, occurs within a specific context.11 That context is the religious community that we belong to.
Some humans express empathy within the bounds of a religious doctrines, yes; others express empathy for different reasons, like a genuine concern for the well - being of others for its own sake.
I suppose you might have a better understanding of religious doctrine and a greater depth of biblical knowledge than the Holy Father.
The merit of religious doctrine is not a matter for secular human rights judges to address, and certainly not in a simplistic and gratuitously insulting way.
Portions of the Bible that are used, demand respect for human life and justice, not imposition of religious doctrine.
In the same way that the Internet has liberated hordes of people from the oppression of religious doctrine (atheism has exploded exponentially around the globe in the past 10 years), it is possible that «American Sniper's» enormous box office success will backfire as more people wake up to the con game that America's corporate political military junta is running.
Many teach creationism instead of evolution and require students and parents to adhere to certain principles of religious doctrine.
She felt it first, and then saw the skin ripple, a movement like a hand beneath a sheet» — and is stilted and inflexible when being distilled through the prism of religious doctrine.
The connotations of books as cornerstones of religious doctrine are underscored by Damien Hirst's New Religion, a huge, plinth - mounted mixed - media sculpture in the form of a shelved Bible, set off by a display of Francis Bacon's much - pored - over ephemera, battered Muybridge photos and snaggly Polaroids, displayed in glass like the fingerbones of a saint.
Local boards and courts are to decide whether the objector's beliefs are sincerely held and whether they are, in his own scheme of things, religious; they are not to require proof of the religious doctrines, nor are they to reject beliefs because they are not comprehensible.
The six fundamentals of Islam — belief in God, in Angels, in the scriptures, in the messengers of God, in the Day of Resurrection, and in God's disposition for good and evil — are taught to all Muslims, but those who receive only simple religious instruction have only superficial knowledge of religious doctrine.
Yet, to the dismay and irritation of many who were then with the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, including such students of the history and development of religious doctrine and institutions as Shailer Mathews, Edward Scribner Ames, and Shirley Jackson Case, this book was wholly unintelligible.
This interpretative problem has led some religious authorities to claim that the courts are behaving unfairly towards religious believers by ruling on cases which, in their eyes at least, revolve around aspects of religious doctrine, without having the necessary expertise to do so.
The installation as a totality is a meditation on the incalculable loss of unrealized potential and hopelessness in the face of unfathomable human cruelty and a stark reminder that gender - based violence and subjugation, which is often underpinned by interpretations of religious doctrine, are all too present evils that will continue to persist so long as good people do nothing.
At first sight, it seems perfectly sensible that the English courts stay as far away as possible from deciding points of religious doctrine.
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