Sentences with phrase «of religious observance»

«Human beings are going to worship,» he said, citing the constancy of religious observance in places where it is discouraged.
This high level of religious observance, symbolised by America's bustling «megachurches», is unique in the developed world.
Using a four - part measurement of religious observance for Christians — weekly church attendance, daily prayer, saying religion is important and believing in God with «absolute certainty» — Pew found that 70 percent of Christian college grads were highly committed to their religion.
In terms of religious observance, contemporary Britain is not a Christian place — and it's a good thing, too.
No student shall be refused admission to or be expelled from The Cooper Union solely because he / she is unable to participate in any examination, study or work requirement because of religious observances and practices.
You compartmentalize your experience so that you are reason and evidenced based when you work, or indeed almost everywhere else in your life, except for whatever time you spend in the church or other area of religious observance and then you believe in myths.
The inertial force of custom prolonged the existence of religious observances: required chapel, behavioral discipline by church standards, pastoral activities such as YMCA centers.
He offended them even more deeply by His criticism of their elaborate use of religious observance.
Its appeal is complex, drawing on belief in anthropogenic global warming and trust in the «scientific consensus» behind it; the Great Recession and a protective reaction to rapid social change; a basic need for the concrete, local, and personal; the waning of religious observance; peer pressure, star power, money, and more.
The Feast of the Passover is the most important and sacred of all religious observances for the Jews.
Yes fairness, that's what neutrality of religious observances by the government is.
The authors challenge churches to recover the idea of the family as a locus of religious observance, to develop a «bilingual theology» that addresses the needs of intact families and also the realities of other family forms, to critically confront divorce as a sign of failure and yet support those who are divorced and directly to take up the issue of father absence.
Those with a strong record of religious observance fared much better.
That is, the subject of how to eat over the upcoming Islamic period of religious observance known as Ramadan
This isn't something that happens in the West, however, and the thought of trying to maintain a functioning, healthy daytime lifestyle during the warmer summer months, without even water to subsist on must be a true test of religious observance that we can only marvel at.
Many people only attend a service during the holidays, but for others, this is the peak of their religious observances.
The American Jewish community manifests a wide range of Jewish cultural traditions as well as encompassing the full spectrum of religious observance.
Some Jewish dating websites are geared toward all Jewish people regardless of religious observance.
Back in London for the various ceremonies - the very epitome of the religious observance and obedience that she had wanted to get away from - Ronit feels all eyes on her: curious, and disapproving, but in a way cowed by her authentic connection with this revered religious leader.
Note that the employer's ability to require employees to work on a public holiday is subject to the employee's right to take a day off for purposes of religious observance under the Ontario Human Rights Code, and to the terms of the employee's employment contract.
includes all aspects of religious observance and practice, as well as belief, unless an employer demonstrates that he is unable to reasonably accommodate to an employee's or prospective employee's religious observance or practice without undue hardship on the conduct of the employer's business
The Scottish government is facing a potential legal challenge over its decision not to allow young people to opt - out of religious observance in schools.
There are several choices in terms of religious observance, including «Other / Unaffiliated».
Students absent because of religious observances and practices will be given the opportunity to make up any examination, study or work requirement missed without penalty.
Normal adult samples can be distinguished from mentally and emotionally sick adult samples better than 99 out of 100 times on the basis of the degree of religious observance in the childhood home... the degree of religious observance in the childhood home plays an important role in the maintenance of mental health.
Like most other dating sites, there are also «About Me» factoids to complete at will, including a mandatory indication of your level of religious observance, ranging from culturally Jewish to extremely observant.
Our Key Dimensions of compatibility match you with people who share similar traits and attributes, whether it's your level of religious observance or your ability to resolve conflicts.
The most recent UN Children's Rights Committee review called on the Scottish government to extend the parental right to opt - out of religious observance to young people.
Kosher consumers are free to decide which certifiers meet their level of religious observance and which do not.
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