Sentences with phrase «of renewed interest»

Many people have been supportive of my renewed interest in writing.
His paper was published in 1996 and so has been around for 17 years but is seeing a lot of renewed interest.
Much of this renewed interest is motivated by the nation's worst financial crisis in 80 years.
Bringing together over twenty five major oils, gouaches and drawings, this is the first Magritte show of this scale to be presented in New York in almost fifteen years, and comes at a time of renewed interest in Surrealism and its key exponents.
The approach comes at a time of renewed interest by large drugmakers in smaller biotech firms, with U.S. - based Celgene clinching a deal to buy Impact Biomedicines for up to $ 7 billion on Sunday and Japan's Takeda Pharmaceutical agreeing last week to buy another Belgian biotech group TiGenix for $ 630 million.
In a sign of renewed interest in Baltimore's downtown business district, more companies are looking to boost their visibility by splashing names and logos atop prominent Inner Harbor office towers.In recent months, R2integrated, Lupin Pharmaceuticals...
While Democrats are looking to take advantage of a renewed interest in education funding, some Republican candidates are betting that the movement will die down.
This April, because of renewed interest in transmutation, the agency's radioactive waste management committee, which Flowers chairs, took the step of reissuing its conclusions.
It highlights the inclusion of an American artist, Forrest Bess (1911 - 1977) a self - taught or outsider artist relatively unknown in Europe, but recently subject of renewed interest in the States.
Thanks to a recent wave of renewed interest, we know much more about the artists who opted to work with the earth itself, the Land Art movement of the 1960s and 1970s.
Ending up in this unique dual position as artist and commentator, it has fallen on him to be the cultural instigator and diplomatic facilitator of the renewed interest, practice and discourse surrounding what he calls «Progressive Graffiti,» which has also previously been called «Abstract Graffiti.»
In the 1990s and the last decade, we've seen the consumer coming back to brown whiskeys, which is a direct result of the renewed interest in the classic cocktail.
The third phase, labeled «detachment», consists of a renewed interest in surroundings, albeit a remote, distant kind of interest.
This may be a worrying trend for Cameron given the near - certainty of renewed interest in UKIP next year as the European Parliament elections approach.
While not the newest weight loss plan on the block, the Keto Diet has seen a surge of renewed interest over the past few years.
In the current climate of renewed interest in improving schools, many in higher education are again asking, «In...
On paper, Cursed Castilla, from developer Juan Antonio Becerra — otherwise known as Locomalito — is yet another nostalgia - fueled action platformer seizing an opportunity to make hay of this renewed interest in retro - style games.
Though taking a more methodical approach in its design than the most recent offerings, there's a definite sense of renewed interest within not just the historical - era setting, but within the stripped - back gameplay that once again forms the core experience.
This perceptual complexity, along with the fusion of color and structure, lies, I believe, at the core of the renewed interest in the work not just of Thomas, but also of formally oriented Color Field painters of the»60s and»70s, like Morris Louis, Kenneth Noland, and Gene Davis.
Despite scores of countervailing movements and upheavals in the art world since, abstraction has endured, enjoying periodic bursts of renewed interest among artists.
Just this year, the Modern returned to «Abstract Expressionist New York,» with the artist at the center of a renewed interest in narrative and human flesh, ending with Philip Guston.
Unconscious Unbound: Surrealism in America is part of this renewed interest in American surrealism; its scope challenges the traditional parameters of what constitutes surrealist art while maintaining a spotlight on surrealism's masters.
The Frick was a beneficiary of this renewed interest and holds four of Piero's paintings, more than any other institution outside of Europe.
Now at the forefront of the renewed interest in the evolution of Land Art, feminist and conceptual art practices, Stuart's intimate and monumentally scaled works synthesize drawings with the post-minimalist sculpture and the discourse surrounding site - specific Land Art.
His whorl of ornamentation and the detailed drawings of knights and dark forests place him in a context of renewed interest for contemporary artists.
But the dramatically dropping costs of offshore wind, which is now cheaper than nuclear power and closing in on parity with fossil fuels in Europe, have sparked an explosion of renewed interest in the US.
That book, which asks what a judge should do «when he must hand down a ruling based on a law that he considers unjust or oppressive,» will be or seem to be of renewed interest under the current regime.
Given how there might be some battery angle to the latest Galaxy S6 teaser, we're very curious to see what becomes of this renewed interest in wireless charging tech.
In this era of renewed interest in entrepreneurship, some parents we interviewed described it as a way of recapturing for their children a stake in «the Canadian Dream» — the opportunity to control their destiny and have a chance at gaining wealth.
Jones had been living in the area for a few years and had seen glimmers of renewed interest.
When Weichert, REALTORS ®, the country's third largest real estate company, launched its franchising operation this summer, it was seen by some in the industry as the latest sign of renewed interest in the franchise concept.
While we should support these patches with full force, let's take advantage of this renewed interest in overhauling the patent system to tackle the larger issues that have led to the problems we're seeing today.
Partially because of the renewed interest in the Metro, the July 2009 issue of Car and Driver included a base model 1998 Chevrolet Metro 3 - door hatchback among vehicles tested for fuel efficiency alongside two hybrid models: the redesigned Honda Insight and Toyota Prius models.
The approach comes at a time of renewed interest by large drugmakers in...
Since it's more of a digital asset than a traditional cryptocurrency, its addition to Revolut could spark a lot of renewed interest in XRP.
Loan brokers say last summer's jump in rates for the 30 - year fixed mortgage sparked much of the renewed interest in ARMs.
Succulents (as the family that includes aeoniums, crassulas, sempervivums and echeverias is called) are enjoying a wave of renewed interest.
Ending up in this unique dual position as artist and commentator, it has fallen on him to be the cultural instigator and diplomatic facilitator of this renewed interest, practice and discourse surrounding what he calls «Progressive Graffiti,» which has also previously been called «Abstract Graffiti.»
Apollo Global Capital, which had expressed interest to then Tribune board chairman Eddy Hartenstein last fall but never went «hostile,» shows no sign of renewed interest.
I should like to put this as strongly as I can, because, as it seems to me, some of the renewed interest in prayer and in the devotional and the spiritual life in our day has frequently led many good people far away from true Christian prayer.
But the contests on May 1 and 2 are taking place at a time of renewed interest in the role that the councils play in the city's long - standing tug of war over control of its schools.
We believe that at least some of this renewed interest is due to the project opportunities presented by the Internet and World Wide Web... as this guide attempts to demonstrate by introducing you to projects that use the Internet and World Wide Web.
We believe that at least some of this renewed interest is due to the project opportunities presented by the Internet and World Wide Web.
Naturally, Hyundai wants to take advantage of renewed interest in these affordable, practical, and efficient vehicles, and so it has redesigned the Elantra GT for the 2018 model year.
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