Sentences with phrase «of responses from readers»

We received hundreds of responses from readers, who were overwhelmingly critical of those climate change experts who believe that global warming is inevitable.
Mark Orwoll's December Smart Traveler column got a flood of responses from readers and users at
After publishing my article on food confessions a couple months ago, I received an amazing amount of response from readers who wanted to share their...
Even if you are the type who would continue writing if nobody ever saw your work, as a professional who markets his work you necessarily seek some kind of response from readers.

Not exact matches

After receiving and sorting through hundreds of responses from media outlets and readers of the blog, the titles have been whittled down to 20 and the most popular books are highly favored.
So Mic is rolling out reader - response surveys on some of its stories, which give users a sliding scale of worthiness they can choose from to express whether a post was deemed time - worthy or not.
As an unofficial conclusion, Abernathy McGraw's essay «Life Lessons from Kill Bill» commends readers to five themes of Tarantino's films: the world as a stage, the response to injustice, the importance of family, the limits of revenge, and the cost of redemption.
In response to our coordinate efforts for Mutuality 2012, I have heard from women who say they feel their dignity and worth have been restored, from multiple readers who have changed their minds about women in ministry, from couples relieved that they can finally put a name to how their relationship has functioned all along, from singles freshly inspired by the «great cloud of witnesses» that surrounds them, from followers of Jesus whose passion for justice and equality has been renewed, from women ready to «get on with it» and stop asking permission to use their gifts and start unapologetically using them.
Medicine Woman (Harper & Row, 1980), the initial account of her experiences, won Andrews an enormous response from readers across the country.
This does not mean, of course, that the author ever forgets or betrays his science; what it does mean is: that the reader's approach, and response, to these pages must of necessity be quite different from those demanded by the scientific works.
Perhaps the first readers of the gospel were expected to learn from the immediacy of the response here: no time for excuses.
So much of this project has emerged from conversations here on the blog that I try to base decisions on reader response as often as possible.
Responses from your readers were of additional help.
Readers of SHS will recall my disgust at the appalling column by Jane Brody referring her readers to groups that promote and indeed, may also assist in suicides.I wrote a letter in response to that column and spent a very frustrating morning yesterday trying to keep it from being eviscerated in Readers of SHS will recall my disgust at the appalling column by Jane Brody referring her readers to groups that promote and indeed, may also assist in suicides.I wrote a letter in response to that column and spent a very frustrating morning yesterday trying to keep it from being eviscerated in readers to groups that promote and indeed, may also assist in suicides.I wrote a letter in response to that column and spent a very frustrating morning yesterday trying to keep it from being eviscerated in the....
I received many, many messages from readers offering counter-evidence to my complaint in the form of notable contemporary writers who do engage faith matters in their fiction, and indeed Image journal has developed a list of what it calls «the Image Top 50 Contemporary Writers of Faith» in response to the essay.
But what makes Fish's book unique in this regard is not just the way he clearly wants to distance himself from the main implications of his own reader - response criticism: that the reader decides the meaning of a text, even to the point that the text quite disappears (the title of one of Fish's later books in fact plaintively asked, Is There a Text in This Class?).
There were 187 happy comments from JustArsenal readers after the game, and I am sincerely expecting the at least the same response this year after Saturday's destruction of our rivals.
There have been lots of responses to my Huffington Post piece «Why Men Need to Cheat» (at last count, 4,042 comments and a lot of responses throughout the web, including one by Chopper Papa), but I then I got an email from a reader who calls himself U.G. Gold.
The following are a few of the responses that I received from API staff, the blogging team, and a few regular readers of API Speaks.
Note: This post was a newsletter sent out at the end of 2017, but I had such a great response to it from readers that I thought I'd share it here.
«Pantley applies succinct solutions to dozens of everyday - problem scenarios — from backtalk to dawdling to lying to sharing to screaming — as guides for readers to fashion their own responses.
Last year my readers advised me that they were flabbergasted at the number of responses they received from grateful servicemen and women.
A reader could not help but noting the irony of this statement from state Democratic Party Chairman Jay Jacobs in response to former Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno's conviction on federal corruption charges back in May 2010:
Department of Culture Media and Sport officials had failed to open a file with 6,085 digital responses from readers of the Radio Times.
Michael Gove made a similar comment recently in response to a question from a reader of the Independent.
Weisman: You know, there is the deep spiritual (unclear 7:04) of, you know, the human race at the brink and the fact that, all right, so whatever happens — I am not articulating this really well — but I think that one of these [the] strongest experiences that I have had in doing this book and the response of them getting from readers is that it's not a depressing book, it's almost, it's kind of uplifting in a way.
In my last post, I addressed the first of two questions raised by a reader in response to a newsletter circulated by a representative of Biotics Research Canada, citing articles from Dr. Lawrence Wilson and Dr. Mark Hyman.
This is a question I get from Mark's Daily Apple readers all of the time, so it's about time I gave a thorough response.
Other blogs deal with issues of love and romance, and encourage responses from readers.
This week, in response to an inquiry from a reader, I thought I'd address a common, day - to - day Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a
Those aspects include choosing great books with real characters working their way through real lives; reading the books with support from partners, volunteers, or tutors, a recording of the book, or a resource teacher; talking about books with other readers — confirming what you understand and adding your own insights; writing about books; and extending understanding through artistic response
Once teachers transform traditional writing tasks into real - life ones that include audience, they will see the «have - tos» turn into a desire to get it done, make it good, and the excitement of getting a response from their reader or readers.
Based, in part, on survey responses from adult readers as well as students, Reading in the Wild offers solid advice and strategies on how to develop, encourage, and assess five key reading habits that cultivate a lifelong love of reading.
This article was also covered recently on Diane Ravitch's blog here, although readers should also see Pearson's Senior Vice President's prior response to, and critique of Stroup's assertions and claims (from August 2, 2014) here.
Readers have to respect this response from Decatur City Schools Superintendent David Dude, who posted on his Facebook page about 11 days ago after the forecast of icy rain, which never fell but left schools closed.
The response from our readers was astounding — not just from those who agreed with our choices, but in the list of vehicles posted on our Facebook page in response.
the one format that resonated as true was blogging — total control, lightning fast publishing, immediate response from readers, even a little bit of money — which felt like gifts that would show up each month.
«After just a few months, we are thrilled with the response we've seen from patrons,» said Kit Hadley, director of the Saint Paul Public Library in St. Paul, Minn. «We're proud to have the ability to be more responsive to our tech - savvy readers, and also glad to be able to introduce ebooks to patrons who wouldn't otherwise have the chance to try them.»
The Casual Vacancy couldn't sound more different from the Harry Potter series, and although some people are sure to buy based on the Rowling name, its level of success will depend on the word - of - mouth response from readers.
I'm beginning to think my current beta reader is not who I need to have be reading my books, because I'm not getting the kind of feedback I need from her, and trying to «fix» the book in response to her comments has brought me to a grinding halt.
Just last month, a thread about this topic sparked a host of detailed and thoughtful responses from readers on r / Fantasy.
In August 2004, Dan Neuharth, PhD, the author of Secrets You Keep from Yourself: How to Stop Sabotaging Your Happiness, told the readers of the magazine First for Women that «avoidance is a knee - jerk response to a core fear that threatens your ego.»
The response from readers suggested to me that, all of a sudden, geology was being seen as a romantic science, and that, quite fantastically, it had developed cool.
You agree not to misinterpret readers» response to your book as any fault of Books Butterfly e) You have to check and send screenshots from the actual ebook store dashboards (like KDP dashboard).
As one of her YA titles was specifically singled out in the article, Rainfield's resulting campaign opened a flood gate of response from authors and readers alike who shared personal stories of how their favorite books as teens were vital to their understanding and love of reading.
While paying for book reviews creates the illusion of a perfect book, true bestsellers will generate a wide range responses from readers.
The publishers sent out a couple of calls for cat hair submissions from readers earlier this year, and the response was overwhelming.
And of course, if you first use these questions as a guideline during your revisions, the responses from your beta readers should be much more positive, or of a nature to take your story and your skills up a level or two.
Interview with Goodreads CEO Otis Chandler and Amazon's VP of Kindle content, Russ Grandinetti, on paidContent raises many of the questions that people are asking, although answers are mostly variations of «we don't know yet» and assurances that things will remain the same (the headline «First Do No Harm» comes from Grandinetti's response to the question of whether Amazon reader reviews will migrate to Goodreads, «Our mentality here is to first do no harm, and make sure that if we're going to do integrations, users genuinely find it to be a big benefit.»)
Having experienced the euphoria of writing and getting a response from her readers, Deborah expanded her horizons.
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