Sentences with phrase «of revealed religion»

To understand these differences is to understand much about the root opposition between those who live in the categories of revealed religion and those who do not.
The poor could be protected only on the basis of revealed religion.
The general teachings of revealed religion influenced their political habits to an unprecedented extent, while church and state remained separated in law.
The supremacy of conscience is the essence of natural religion; the supremacy of the Apostle, or Pope, or Church, or Bishop is the essence of revealed religion...
He draws on a naturalistic morality, not entirely unlike natural law, rather than invoking doctrines of revealed religion.
Yet he came also — and this was the unique gift of Revealed religion — to redeem men and the world which was their home....
It readily adopts the language and trappings of revealed religion, yet reformulates doctrine as metaphor, and abolishes moral absolutes in favour of flexible aspirations.
If we believe in the wisdom of God as one wisdom shared with us both in creation and revelation, then the call to the common search for truth is a brilliant solution to the problem of tolerance and dialogue when faced with the claims of revealed religion.
This admixture appears based upon the conjunction of revealed religion with the natural law as set in creation by its Creator, at the head of which is the mind of man — law which defines nature's constitution from the physical to the structure of human society, including the general moral precepts by which it must be governed.
Cultural specificity is relevant even concerning the teachings of revealed religions.
Thus, as Fr Tolhurst brings out in this issue, Newman could write in his most influential work of theology «The supremacy of conscience is the essence of natural religion; the supremacy of the Apostle, or Pope, or Church, or Bishop is the essence of revealed religion
For each of the revealed religions, it has been the private, lonely, personal illumination, revelation, or ecstasy of some acutely sensitive prophet or seer that provided the primal revelation that was later codified and dogmatized by his followers (RVPE 19f).
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