Sentences with phrase «of ridiculous people»

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So if you want someone to take a big leap and do as you say, buy the person a chocolate marble loaf and several butter croissants at Starbucks around 7 a.m., as well as one of those ridiculous Frappuccinos.
Making a point of starting off a meeting with an impromptu dance party might seem ridiculous and awkward, but it's likely to get people laughing and feeling grateful to be part of your team.
«The dogs, for their part, all speak clear American English, which is ridiculous, charming and a little revealing; all these coy linguistic layers amount to their own form of marginalization, effectively reducing the hapless, unsuspecting people of Megasaki to foreigners in their own city.»
I get up early at a ridiculous hour, I go to work, spend time with the troops, take care of my family, I love taking care of people, and I think that kind of thing resonates with people today.»
Telling people that whom they voted for means they shouldn't work there anymore is a ridiculous overreach of power.
My ridiculous behavior was a timely reminder of how anger can turn otherwise sensible people into raving, irrational lunatics.
Like «Grand Theft Auto,» you're in control of a protagonist from the third - person perspective, and you navigate a massive open - world with missions, side missions, and all sorts of ridiculous characters.
«Agents of Mayhem» is an open - world, third - person action game from the same folks who created the absolutely ridiculous, delightful «Saint's Row» series.
«It got to the point where people were doing ridiculous things in the car,» says Chris Urmson, the leader of Google's self - driving car program.
Rachel Notley put it best: «Only in Alberta would the government not get the irony of that,» Then to make it even more ridiculous, Taylor said the public people should give him a year's grace before judging the effectiveness of the new Agency.
Very few people have followed it like I have for five years and still find it ridiculous, but that's because I'm an academic and I have the space to do it and I find parts of it, especially the criminality, interesting.
Naturally, the kind of people who will fall for Keynes» ridiculous ramblings masquerading as science will have no problem falling for Keys» ridiculous ramblings.
And this ridiculous notion that people who don't believe are part of some Satanic cabal intent on «silencing» you and the «truth» is just plain laughable.
BUT: The music is both overwrought and banal, the actors try so hard but finally seem ridiculous (their characters are the most stickish of stick figures), and no person is transformed THAT MUCH in this world (see Flannery O'Connor).
How about we educate people on the benefits of healthcare and continue to show what every other country does that... now don't fall over... WORKS!!!! This country is so maddening with the ridiculous rhetoric.
The difference is that you see 8 of those names and recognize them as ridiculous bedtime stories made up by ignorant people from the Bronze Age.
I'm not even going to address how ridiculous that argument is in light of the issues of overpopulation or the fact that gay people can indeed have children (my wife and I are planning to have five), or how many orphans there are in the world that could use a loving home.
@Noah, That book is ridiculous... He claims the universe is likely younger than 13.7 b.y. and backs it up by claiming that 100 + measurements taken over the past 300 years supports the claim that light does not travel at a constant rate... As if people 300 years ago could measure with the kind of accuracy we can today
I'm not even a religious person I see this as ridiculous and a bad move on Rush's pathetic playbook of nonsense.
you believe in a narrow view of a god based on ancient fairy tales and that if you adhere to the teachings of a supposed son of god you will go to disneyland in the sky forever... which is damm ridiculous... I consider myself an atheist but I am aware of the possibility of a creative force which created the universe... but that god chatted with people 2000 years ago and brought out a book is childish and stoopid!
What a lot of people on this board are saying is that the rule is just plain ridiculous, akin to burkas in orthodox muslims (or wigs on orthodox Jewish women, beards on orthodox muslims and orthodox jews alike).
The Bible is already choke full of contradictions, errors, and outright ridiculous continuity errors practically every other page, and yet gullible people continue to buy into it.
People in general are leaving the church because of how ridiculous it all seems.
it's good if it gets more people to stop following these ridiculous belief systems that have zero grounding in the realities of life that we now know to be axiomatic to existence.
SO YOU are so special that god allows 25 thousand people to dye everyday of starvation alone, while bothering with your little existence enough to go thru this insane episode is RIDICULOUS.
It's absolutely ridiculous to think that it's every person for themselves in a society of over 300 million people.
It must be one of the three of those, because I don't want to live in a world with a person like you actually believing and convincing others of the ridiculous as.sertions you make on a daily basis.
This is CNN's blatant attempt to give media bias to the Obama administration making all of us Catholics out to be ridiculous people.
Yes, hawaii, and I think quite often they do not realize how ridiculous they sound when one (versus the other) will disenfranchise an entire group of people, yet both will say that particular issue is not really a disagreement because it's not a «central» tenet of Christianity.
People have shown to be too smart to fall for the ridiculous notion that A. the universe is either eternal or came from nothing B. Morality is a figment of our imagination C. And also, despite the aforementioned, religion is objectively immoral.
As for the people being aware of the bag, there is no way all 150 + would have been able to see that and what you propose is ridiculous.
M. Kelly is correct... Santa and Jesus are white... it is getting absolutely ridiculous to try and ruin everything because a minority of people are not happy... too bad... that's life... get over it... I am not afraid of these people who try and make me do what they want by saying I am a bigot or whatever... I am just a realist.
It's amazing how many people still don't believe in the theory of evolution in spite of the absolutely ridiculous amount of evidence behind it.
Oral tradition was a self correcting excercise, as opposed to the ridiculous comparison people make to the game of telephone.
Mackay's account of the Dutch tulip mania, in which people lost fortunes by bidding up the price of tulip bulbs to ridiculous levels, anticipates the recurrent cycles of boom and bust that have plagued nations» economies since his book was first published.
The notion of a religious «think tank» is ridiculous, unless a person wanted to violate the law to promote religion and needed help in thinking of ways to distort the truth in self - serving ways.
To believe dripping sewage water is an act of faith I think is rather ridiculous... people are probably angry and defensive because they feel foolish over such an non miraculous stunt.
I didn't use the word «ridiculous» with regard to Jesus having polygamous wives or that Indians are lost Hebrew tribes or that black people are black because they have the mark of Cain — One can see for themselves.
But I've also learned over my lifetime that it is just as holy and just as ridiculous and just miraculous for the people of God to pick up their own small shovels and shoulder into that mountain with faith.
It's pretty ridiculous how quick some are to label a person or group a heretic over some of the most petty things.
So instead of just talking about it, I would post screenshots and stats and say ridiculous things like, «I'm so humbled that so many people are reading my blog today.»
Jesus returns to heal the person who had been made blind and dumb by a devil and to show how ridiculous was the contention of the Pharisees that he performed this miracle through the power of the devil.
The people speaking out against the inclusion of birth control in insurance coverage must not realize how uncaring, unintelligent, and ridiculous they sound.
You can't just call «robots are people» ridiculous out of hand!
This is the type of ridiculous thinking that empowers these crazy Muslim fundamentalists to keep doing horrible things to people in the name of their religion.
Here's what I keep coming back to: The setup of Westworld — throw humans into a theme park where they can do anything, and they almost invariably do evil — is really compelling, but instead of diving into those ideas, we're following this ridiculous «robots are people too!»
bootyfunk your and idiot because that passage in mathew 10 its a parrable he is trying to get people to realize that God needs to be the most important thing your life because with him you would not be period so to say that Jesus Christ the son of God is promoting volience is ridiculous, it tares me up that people like you take bit's and peices of the bible and make sound like you want it to if your going to read the Christian hand book then read it all do nt take stuff out of contence just to suit your life style your truly and always be a devoute Christian
-- throw humans into a theme park where they can do anything, and they almost invariably do evil — is really compelling, but instead of diving into those ideas, we're following this ridiculous «robots are people too!»
I don't want to go on and on about this but over the years I have observed that one of the biggest causes of ridiculous antics in the church and the rise of various cults has been people running away with ideas about eschatological events which are nothing more than pure imagination.
Today we have plenty of cults, sects and false churches replacing practical love and righteousness in daily life (that would require the true faith) through ridiculous rituals (for example, the Muslims keep the 5 Pillars of Islam; that is enough to be a good Muslim, but they are not required to love all people independent from belief, nationality, etc.) The cults, sects and false churches make their members practicing a biased love.
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