Sentences with phrase «of rising costs»

In fact, this generation is acquiring new debt at a faster rate than their parents, partially because of the rising costs of education.
First, our labor costs are too high — less because of salaries, more because of the rising costs of pensions and health care.
As a result of rising costs, we have been unable to set aside funds to replace old equipment for the past few years.
That will put downward pressure on wages and salaries at a time of rising costs.
Even if your financial situation is solid, you can worry about large, sudden expenses, or about the impact of rising costs in the future.
This marketing, they explain, is nothing more than putting the burden of rising costs on the people most suffering.
Ensure your entire workforce stays sharp in the face of rising costs, changing regulation, and increased competition.
The problem lies in our inability as a nation to deal with the problem of the rising cost of health care.
In this current age of rising costs, the general health insurance policies offered by the employers are not sufficient to afford the extra costs in several situations.
Although businesses must be cautious of rising costs, they must also have a reliable and safe way to receive power or all else is a moot point.
However, payments for personal - injury and property damage rose by nearly six percent — marking the fifth year in a row of rising costs.
Even with both parents working full - time, the middle class is drowning in a sea of rising costs.
You can buy stocks if you are willing to get some inflation protection, and run the risk of a rising cost of capital at some point in the future.
The British study warns of the rising cost to consumers of wind power subsidies on the grounds that governments could achieve the same environmental benefits by other means at much lower cost.
In this day of rising costs, most people would like to save on driving school fees and join the cheapest traffic school available, in order to fulfill their driving school requirements.
We all are aware of the rising costs of higher education.
For animals, such as dogs, referencing stool samples is a more viable option than ever because of the rising costs of healthcare.
With flat cash education spending at a time of rising costs, school budgets are being pushed to breaking point.
In today's age of rising costs, a tiny amount of pension will not be sufficient to meet the rising costs.
Further, only a handful are planned, because of the rising costs of cement, steel and other materials as well as the additional cost of the technology.
The vast majority of spending growth over the next decade is the result of rising costs for health care, Social Security, and interest on the debt.
The combination of the rising costs of AdWords — along with the unreliability of SEO — is pushing more and more marketers to move their e-commerce products into the realm of social media.
Justice Karakatsanis addressed the concern of rising costs due to use of Rule 20 by pointing to Rule 20.05 and the ability of a summary judgment judge seizing themselves of the matter and presiding over the trial as well if scheduling allows for it.
Picente and Timpano noted that the raters rightly viewed tHe future with caution, noting that county governments across New York state are caught between the upward pressures of rising costs for state - and federally mandated programs and the local property tax cap New York State has implemented beginning next year.
The effort comes as a way to stem the tide of rising costs for government and public safety from a growing drug epidemic in -LSB-...]
Despite all of the attention deflation and disinflation have been receiving, there are clear examples of rising costs and pricing power in recent earnings reports.
One of the byproducts of the rising costs of college involves parents putting off saving for retirement.
Your coverage increases every year under this option to secure you and your family from the impact of rising costs due to inflation.
The AHCA is designed to do the opposite, shield the budget and let families shoulder most of rising costs.
There are two main drivers of the rising cost of opinion polls: First, Americans, wise to telemarketing tricks and empowered by caller ID, are less and less likely to pick up the phone.
In light of this, as well as of the rising cost of hotel expenses, getting the most out of traveling for pleasure or work now requires more than just planning ahead, or sandwiching conference calls with time on the beach.
«This idea that Airbnb is what's at the root of the rising cost of Washington is so dispiritous and wrong,» he said.
In spite of rising costs of living, salaries and wages for great numbers of people are high enough to afford all the necessities and provide many of the luxuries undreamed of by our fathers.
• Ascending Spiral The athletic department of the University of Nebraska faced a round of rising costs: the Board of Regents raised tuition $ 70 a year for Nebraskans, $ 150 for out - of - staters.
The danger is that higher costs will push other younger, healthier people to give up coverage, leaving behind the sicker customers who especially need insurance, setting up a vicious cycle of rising costs and shrinking enrollment.
«If prices were to be controlled against a background of rising costs it would simply not be economically viable for Centrica, or indeed any other energy supplier, to continue to operate» chief executive Roger Carr said.
Day specifically proposed spreading costs across areas ranging beyond taxpayers in an effort to soften the blow of rising costs.
«Families can not afford paying additional hundreds of dollars a month on top of the rising costs of living,» said Assemblyman William Colton, of Brooklyn.
People are responsible for much of the rising cost and ecological damage that wildfires impose
Understandably so, the simple arithmetic of rising costs of fuel
School budgets are likely to be affected by an eight per cent fall per pupil, as a result of rising costs over the next five years.
A rise in the cost of financial services and insurance were the two areas of rising costs, but some academies still maintain close links with their local authorities and informal networks can also be a solution.
School leaders say that their budgets can not stretch to the level of rising costs and have warned of having to cut teaching staff or reduce school hours.
But K - 12 school districts won't be feeling that flush; increases in districts» share of rising costs for teacher and other employee pensions will eat up $ 1.3 billion, more than 40 percent of the Prop. 98 increase next year and for the following two years, the LAO says.
«In addition to the prospect of lower «home market» sales right now, UK publishers face the likelihood of rising costs on a number of fronts, albeit over time.
Generally, these incomes increase by a certain percentage per year, offsetting the effects of rising costs.
The Science Diet people were kind enough to send me this graph of the rising cost of ingredients when they apologized for raising prices again.
At the national level, these days any Washington talk of a rising cost on carbon generally comes up only in debates over why cap - and - trade legislation failed.
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