Sentences with phrase «of rising temperatures»

After 20 years of drought conditions, some scientists are calling for better terminology to describe the impact of rising temperatures in the region.
Researchers examined the impact of rising temperatures on five types of commercial planes flying out of 19 of the world's busiest airports.
About 25 % of British butterfly species are spreading north as a result of rising temperatures.
It is possible that because of rising temperatures, the world is experiencing an increase in the occurrence of hurricanes.
And when they do, they recognize a long - term trend of rising temperatures.
But a pair of British scientists think it may be the perfect model for how vulnerable animals will go extinct in the face of rising temperatures.
The unprecedented burn is a symptom of rising temperatures in a region that has warmed twice as fast as the rest of the world.
Authors from 40 countries worked on the report, which concluded with 90 percent certainty that humans are the main cause of rising temperatures.
Many are poor with limited access to air conditioning and other infrastructure to combat the health risks of rising temperatures.
The dangers of rising temperatures include damage to crop production, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and more prevalent heat waves.
The instrumental temperature record shows the signal of rising temperatures emerged in the tropical ocean in about the 1950s.
In climate circles, the so - called «hockey stick» curve of rising temperatures is well known.
In response to the discomfort of the rising temperature and the consequently dying corals, marine life is moving steadily towards the poles.
The regions of moisture increase are associated with regions of rising temperatures over the same period, and the regions of decreased moisture are associated with falling temperatures.
However, the authors noted that technological change, including improvements in engine performance and air frame efficiency could alleviate the effects of rising temperatures to a degree.
They found that about half of the change is a result of rising temperatures, particularly in areas at northern middle and high latitudes.
This study tracked not only how much CO2 wetlands absorb, but also the impact of rising temperature and sea level, changing rainfall and plant type.
Even with a long - term background trend of rising temperatures, other climate factors contribute to yearly ups and downs.
Rising sea levels are a direct consequence of rising temperatures: As the oceans warm, they expand.
At a minimum, the observations of this study do not support fears of widespread forest decline in the face of rising temperatures and atmospheric CO2.
Among the many risks of rising temperatures, agriculture, forestry, ecosystems and human health are all expected to suffer as a result of trends in climate change.
The combination of rising temperatures from climate change and environmental pollution can have devastating effects on the very young, starting in utero.
Instrumental temperature records have now been kept for long enough for us to have lots of graphs that show a sawtooth pattern of rising temperatures since the end of the little ice age.
But a new study shows that the preindustrial level used in the agreement, based on temperature records from the late 19th century, doesn't account for a potential century of rising temperatures caused by carbon dioxide emissions.
They don't have to be scientists to understand that the higher energy waves of visible light from the Sun can penetrate through CO2, H2O, CH4, NOZ etal in the atmosphere, but the lower energy radiation of infra - red waves, from Earth's surface, have problems getting back out through these molecules, and a new energy balance has to be established in the form of rising temperature.
Strategists and planners within the Pentagon have for many years been exploring the military implications of rising temperatures and seas and retreating Arctic sea ice.
President Obama is expected to appeal to Americans about the perils of rising temperatures and the economic benefits of dealing with climate change
Finally, in a world of rising temperatures, lianas often out - compete tropical trees for resources like light, water, and nutrients.
By Alister Doyle and Nina Chestney OSLO / LONDON (Reuters)- World governments are likely to recoil from plans for an ambitious 2015 climate change deal at talks next week, concern over economic growth at least partially eclipsing scientists» warnings of rising temperatures and water levels.
Evidence of rising temperatures deep in the Pacific Ocean, even as surface temperature rise has slowed, has come in part from measurements of the rise of expanding seas.
Over all it is expected that these benefits will be outweighed by the negative health effects of rising temperatures worldwide, especially in developing countries.
With the impacts of rising temperatures already being felt, and recent IPCC reports drawing into sharper focus the range of impacts expected in the coming decades, solar radiation management (SRM) is attracting increasing attention as a potentially cheap, fast - acting, albeit temporary response to some of the dangers of climate change.
In a climate of rising temperatures and shifting rainfall, amid debate about whether fire disasters are natural or man - made, what does the rise of mega-fires mean for life as we know it?
Climate change is likely to spread malaria to new areas in the Indian Himalayas, and lengthen the periods in which the infection is spread in a number of districts, according to projections from malaria researchers in India.But the country's east coast could see fewer malaria cases by 2030, because of rising temperatures which affect mosquitoes» [continue reading...]
One of the biggest drivers in this trend is disappearing spring snowpack, which is tied to a mix of rising temperatures and more rain melting it earlier than usual.
These measurements of rising temperature are supported by observations from the Tasman Sea and the Indian Ocean where sea surface temperatures have risen between 0.3 and 0.5 degrees since 1967 and on small atolls in the South Pacific where temperatures have risen 0.7 degrees this century.
Ever since his «hockey stick» graph of rising temperatures figured prominently in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, Mann has been at the center of the climate wars.
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