Sentences with phrase «of rivalrous»

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(And as the economist Robert Frank argues, taxing consumption to bring down rivalrous buying of Ferraris and other symbols of superiority would make us better off even without moderating our desires, though I doubt that rivalrous consumption is a very long - lasting or very important feature of high capitalist economies; notice, for example, that it's always those other, silly people, not we, who are buying to keep up with the Joneses.)
, which is funny, and so is the rivalrous back - and - forth between Thor and Star - Lord (Chris Pratt), who in contrast to the stentorian stud of Asgard has never seemed more of a dude.
-- Andrea Barrett, National Book Award - winning author «Lily King delves into the intellectual flights and passions of three anthropologists - as complex, rivalrous, and brutal as any of the cultures they study.
As the standard of record - keeping in academic institutions is a slap - dashery cobbled together over decades by ill - organized and rivalrous individuals notable for independent thinking, subject to frequent upheaval and change, pressured at many levels internal and external, and with too many agendas, it's not unexpected when data management fails.
S.R.E.A.: the carbon cycle's waste recycling service is demonstrably Scarce, Rivalrous, Excludable and Administrable, therefore it ought be privatized and traded on the Market with the price set by the Law of Supply and Demand, and the revenues returned to the owners — everyone who draws breath — per capita.
We understand that the carbon cycle is exhibiting scarcity, that it is rivalrous, that we can exclude lucrative uses of it from the Market; for Capitalism that is all we need know to demand its privatization, as a merely technical economic question.
The Taoist philosophy that the strongest government is virtually invisible, that so much function of an economy as possible remains in private hands, approaches the Capitalist ideal of the fair and open Market procuring maximum efficiency in allocation of scarce, rivalrous, excludable resources.
As for destruction of the economy, tell me, what should a fiscal conservative believe more harmful to the economy: obsolete technology propped up by corrupt governments, subsidies and tax gifts while a scarce private resource goes to whatever wastrel wants it for free; or, applying the Law of Supply and Demand to the scarce, capitalizable, rivalrous, excludable, marketable carbon cycle to let the democracy of Free Enterprise decide the right level of its exploitation?
Scarce, Rivalrous, Excludable, Administrable goods and services ought be privatized in the Market for most effective, fairest allocation of resources.
If a resource is rivalrous — that is, if when one person uses up part of it that part is denied to any other user — then we know our precedence and the precedence of other owners will compete.
All we need know is the resource of waste disposal in the carbon cycle is scarce, rivalrous, capitalizable, excludable, administrable and marketable.
If these 3.0 projects are genuinely anti-rivalrous to their core, then this would seem to imply that for any project in this space, like DAOStack, it would need to create some kind of capital flow into their system where there wasn't an upper limit on the token sale, because that would create artificial scarcity, making it rivalrous.
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