Sentences with phrase «of role stress»

Similarly, our research confirmed that higher levels of salesperson EI reduced the negative effects of role stress on customer - oriented selling and on interactional sales performance.
Heart disease remains a leading killer in America, but consider the progress: the routine nature of lifesaving surgeries, the rise of cholesterol - controlling drugs, and the ever - deeper understanding of the roles stress, diet, and exercise play in maintaining a healthy heart.

Not exact matches

«The findings are encouraging because they are consistent with rodent literature that pinpoints exactly the parts of the brain that play a role in stress - induced memory benefits caused by exercise.»
Kaplan looks for certain skills when hiring remote workers, stressing that, «those who are the most successful in remote roles are often strong communicators who understand the value of connection and shared ideas to drive innovation and results.»
«The title alone of this book has been a great lesson for me, and I think it is something that every leader has to do or learn to get comfortable with to manage stress and stay productive, effective, and happy in their role.
Pinkesh also stresses on the importance of data sciences - driven entrepreneurs, who he considers as playing vital roles in building the Indian economy.
It is important to stress that the main goal of our reform plan was not to question the role of private saving in Chile.
Giving the CPPIB a larger role would be only one of several potential recourses to mitigate the problem of Canadians» failure to save for retirement, says Wiseman, who stresses that it's ultimately up to policy - makers to decide.
In a recent study that de-emphasized the impact of NAFTA on the U.S. economy, economists David Autor (MIT), David Dorn (University of Zurich) and Gordon Hanson (University of California, San Diego) stress the role of China's emergence on job growth and wages in the U.S..
Employers have a role in helping people with financial stress as well, says Liz Davidson, chief executive officer of Financial Finesse.
Note again the role played by excess savings, which, as I've stressed, are the flip side of our trade deficit.
While roles like CEO, head of operations, human resources, etc. are certainly filled with more than their fair share of stress, there is probably no position that has more responsibility for success, often with less input and control, than the sales manager.
Since the global financial crisis, the financial system role of central banks has expanded to place more emphasis on the prevention of financial stress and crises.
Among other things, Fed experts feared that, by substantially increasing the Federal Reserve's role in financial intermediation, the new facility «might magnify strains in short - term funding markets during periods of financial stress
He stressed that our common language and business culture will ensure Ireland's continued role as a key U.S. commercial partner and bridge between the U.S. and the rest of Europe after the UK has left the EU.
On that score, the Reserve Bank, in its role as system administrator of RITS, has held discussions with banks to ensure that effective lines of communication between the Reserve Bank and banks will remain open, if the RTGS system comes under stress due to technical malfunction as may occur from time to time.
There's different types of stresses with my new role.
The implementation and monitoring of human rights enforcement going beyond mere legislations but insisting on the creation of national structures, institutions and organs of society which play a given role is stressed.
It is not necessary here to stress the important role played by relationships in the family; these affect the mental health of every member of the family unit, and especially that of the children and adolescents in their development into adulthood.
Parent growth groups which also emphasize the crucial role of fathers and stress the enrichment of marriage (which ours did not) are, in the long run, more helpful to both children and parents.
Thus, while the idea behind the terms «event» and «activity» may be basically the same, the shift may have indicated a growing concern that the stress be laid on the human role in the growth of value.
The only way that Pannenberg could appropriate Whitehead's analysis would be to affirm a doctrine of personal becoming which stresses individual concrescence more and ascribes a less important role to consciousness, especially consciousness of the whole of history.
What I am trying to stress is that the focus of many discussions about proselytism leaves out the role of communication.
Perhaps most of us stressed His Death and Blood Atonement to the point where it seemed we were neglecting the Resurrection's role and power in these areas.
Stressing the peasant background of Jesus and acknowledging the role of the social background and artistic skill in molding his thought, Legrand observes, «the type of imagination revealed by the parables is more that of a farmer than that of an artisan.
When the stress is on the role of the occasions constituting the psyche in relation to the other occasions transpiring in the organism, then the adjective «dominant» is sometimes placed before «occasion of experience.»
Thus Tillich's theory of symbols stresses their religious use in expressing and evoking experience, and their role as vehicles of commitment and devotion.
This stress on the importance of the community suggests parallels in the role of the religious community which will be explored later.
Ting stresses the need for ministers who are sophisticated enough to make a contribution to the national debates over the role of religion.
The Prophets, even when stressing God's sovereignty over all of humanity and his eventual establishment of universal justice, emphasize the role of the land as the place in which international disputes will be settled and the divine word sent forth to all of humanity (Isaiah 2; Micah 4).
The critical realism of the process - relational vision, on the other hand, while stressing the independent reality of the world outside of myself, does not neglect the role of the subject in knowing.
Whereas Khan stresses increasing Muslim involvement in the U.S. political process, imam Feisal Abdul Rauf believes that American Muslims must play a central role in the bigger picture of healing the rift between the U.S. and the larger Muslim world.
Here he stresses the role of the body, for in the mode of causal efficacy, «the almost instantaneously precedent bodily organs» impose their characters on the experience in question.
For instance, Habermas pays more explicit attention to economic development and to the state, credits the social sciences with a more prominent role in cultural evolution, and stresses secular procedures as elements of legitimation rather than emphasizing sacred or religious values.
The «rapid about - face» began in the early 1960s under the impulse of the Second Vatican Council and «its willingness to address non-Catholic Christians as «brothers,» to acknowledge that blame lay on both sides for the ecclesiastical ruptures of the Reformation, to stress the unique role of Christ as mediator between God and humanity, and to urge ordinary lay Catholics to live lives of practical Christian holiness.»
They stressed the role of freedom and of purpose throughout the creation.
When here and there in draft decrees of the Council stress was laid on this role of conscience as irreplaceable even in practice, anxious voices could be heard in the aula, pointing out in alarm that in earlier days the Church used to lay down clear and unmistakable norms, whereas now even at the Council appeal was being made to the individual conscience, so running the risk of slipping down into an arbitrary, subjective situation ethics.
On the other hand, if you appropriate the «Berlin» model's stress on Wissenschaft on the «Athens» model's terms (wissenschaftlich education as paideia - like «formation» in capacities for critical inquiry) do not suppose that you can omit the other pole of «professional» education, for as we have seen, Wissenschaft is theologically relevant only insofar as it is tied to church leadership roles.
Although Ezekiel stresses Yahweh's self - sufficiency, he is not a prototype of the extreme Barthian, the proponent of a theology in which man's role in redemption is reduced to a cipher.
Moreover, Hyman rightly stresses the role of immigration in French Jewish life, including the arrival of more religious North African Jews in the post-World War II period.
But he also stresses the role of Plato's doctrine of the soul as this was assimilated into Christianity and later into humanism.
Fretheim rightly observes that alongside the theme of divine blessing goes a stress on «the role of the human in the divine economy,» thus holding a certain tension between God's plans for «good» and human cooperation and resistance with that plan.
Ancient covenants sometimes laid greater stress upon the role, obligations, and commitment of the junior or subordinate party to the covenant.
«Research has also shown that blueberry eaters experience a boost in natural killer cells, «a type of white blood cell that plays a vital role in immunity, critical for countering stress,» says Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, Health's contributing nutrition editor.
Stress plays a huge role in gut health, altering the composition of the gastrointestinal microbiota and likewise, an unhealthy diversity of bacteria can impact emotional behaviour and exacerbate our stress resStress plays a huge role in gut health, altering the composition of the gastrointestinal microbiota and likewise, an unhealthy diversity of bacteria can impact emotional behaviour and exacerbate our stress resstress response.
Because oxidative stress is known to play a role in the development of some cancers, and pumpkin seeds are unique in their composition of antioxidant nutrients, it's not surprising to find some preliminary evidence of decreased cancer risk in association with pumpkin seed intake.
Decrease in oxidative stress has played a key role in many studies that show benefits of pumpkin seeds for diabetic animals.
The 47 year - old has now moved to rule himself out as a future coach of his current club, insisting his love for his current role allows him to be free of stress and distraction, a luxury he is keen to keep.
I do appreciate the stress that the Jazz's offense places on him (which is why seeing Zach Lowe pick Snyder as his COY — in spite of what seems to be a «here, rook... jack 20 + shots and save our ass» approach to offense — is a bit laughable), and I have MUCH respect for how Mitchell has taken that role on.
One of his many coaching mantras, Lombardi stressed teaching his players through repetition so that even the slowest learner new his role.
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