Sentences with phrase «of romantic movies»

This may sound like the setting of a romantic movie but, in fact, it is very much a reality.
There is nothing else positive to say about this sorry excuse of a romantic movie.
Nothing breaks the mood more than a dull movie, so we've put together a collection of romantic movies on the streaming giant that will keep the night on a high note.
It is like a scene out of a romantic movie or one of those Caribbean holiday commercials that you used to see growing up.
The rest of their romantic movie won't be about how they first got together, but about everything else that happens after.
We usually think of romantic movies when we think about finding the perfect love.
Indeed, Canadians don't like the convoluted exit strategies so beloved of romantic movies and sitcoms; rather than a fake illness or phone call, 71 % of singles would simply opt for the truth.
It sounds like the start of a romantic movie, and yet that's exactly what April and Eric Lee did when they took the plunge...
So what could be a better time to watch a couple of romantic movies with your loved one, because a movie freak will remain a movie freak, even if a hot girl or guy is sitting beside.
Putting on our serious hats for a second, sex is also a bedrock of cinema — the undercurrent of all romantic movies.
LA Story — Speaking of romantic movies, this is one of my all - time favorite romantic comedies, and easily the best Steve Martin movie ever.
Screening: «Beauty and the Beast» at Film Forum Celebrating the 70th anniversary of French poet and filmmaker Jean Cocteau's famous adaptation of Jeanne - Marie Leprince de Beaumont's fairy tale Beauty and the Beast, Janus Films presents a newly restored 35 mm print of the romantic movie, just in time for Valentine's Day.
Indeed, Americans don't like the convoluted exit strategies so beloved of romantic movies and sitcoms; rather than a fake illness or phone call, 73 % of singles would simply opt for the truth.
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