Sentences with phrase «of rubbing alcohol»

To remove permanent marker get a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and rub it off effortlessly.
Then, pour a few drops of rubbing alcohol into the tin and mix together with your finger.
Everyone has a bottle of rubbing alcohol in the medicine cabinet.
If you've already made the computer screen cleaning mixture, simply add the 2 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol and proceed to clean the rest of the computer.
One really cool experiment at this site involves the use of rubbing alcohol, so it might be appropriate only for older students.
My windows and shower doors were cleaned with a homemade mixture of rubbing alcohol and water stored inside a recycled spray bottle.
It is best to dispose of ticks in a tightly closed container, such as a jar or a sealed plastic bag, containing a bit of rubbing alcohol or dish detergent.
Between the needle and the smell of rubbing alcohol, just about anybody's blood pressure would soar to high heavens.
If you get really desperate, have a shot of rubbing alcohol with a certain 1988 presidential candidate's wife.
Question though... when you say that your mineral oil was cut with a small amount of rubbing alcohol, what proportions did you use?
-- Combine a cup of rubbing alcohol, a cup of water and a tablespoon of vinegar.
One of her go - to DIYs is a window and mirror cleaning spray that contains 3 drops of peppermint essential oil, 1 1/2 cups of water, 1 1/2 tablespoons of white vinegar, and 1 1/2 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol mixed together in a spray bottle.
The process includes dabbing a small amount of rubbing alcohol on the tick and then use the tweezers to take hold of it as close to the dog's skin as possible.
It was moist and it smelled just as strong as a new bottle of rubbing alcohol.
First you get some pasta noodles and shape size will do, then you put them in a ziploc bag with a splash of rubbing alcohol, add a few drops of food coloring and close the bag.
We used Ziti noodles and vinegar instead of rubbing alcohol to dye the -LSB-...]
When this stroller came in there was an ink mark from a pen so I put a little of rubbing alcohol on a cotton and scrubbed it off and it came off with no issues with this to say the fabric cleans off very easily.
Mix seven pints of cold water, a half cup of soapy ammonia and one pint of rubbing alcohol in a squirt bottle for an effective glass and window cleaner, Perry says.
If your eyeshadow, blush, or any kind of compressed powder product is broken, add a few drops of rubbing alcohol to the crushed product, and press the pieces back together by applying pressure with the back of a clean spoon.
Veterinarians recommend the use of rubbing alcohol, a pair of tweezers and gloves for your hands.
To keep Scruffy from chewing on electrical wires, make them unpalatable by coating them with a mixture of rubbing alcohol and hot sauce.
Pick those off with eyebrow tweezers and drop them into a jar of rubbing alcohol or vodka.
For all types of floors, combine a few drops of liquid dish soap (Fairy or Dawn), 1/2 cup of vinegar, 2 cups of water (warm), 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol and a few drops of essential oils.
• Adhesive bandage strips in various sizes • A small bottle of rubbing alcohol • Bandage materials including sterile gauze pads, gauze and adhesive bandage tape • Elastic bandages for wrapping sprains • A powdered electrolyte replenishment such as Emergen - C • Moleskin blister treatment • Scissors and tweezers • An instant - read thermometer
Dab the inside of the problem area of the shoes with a liberal amount of rubbing alcohol.
This reflects the greater volatility, or tendency to evaporate, of the rubbing alcohol.
In fact, you can even every so slightly dampen the toothpick with a drop of rubbing alcohol and the tip very lightly over the top and bottom of the port: it'll come out a dingy gray color — that gray color is the dirt and slight tarnish coming off the connection pads inside the port.
After intense workouts when you sweat on your Fitbit, you should clean it thoroughly with a small amount of rubbing alcohol.
We would use powder cleanser, rinse and wipe down with mineral oil (cheaper than baby oil) cut with just a small amount of rubbing alcohol and then dried to a nice shine.
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