Sentences with phrase «of saccadic»

The results of saccadic function were available for 64 children of whom 62 had accurate saccades, with one child demonstrating an undershoot, and one with an overshoot of the saccadic endpoint.
Specifically, we looked at whether activity locked to a particular saccade could completely explain the peri-saccadic activity aligned to the other saccade by generating firing rate predictions of each saccadic alignment on the basis of the other (Figure 5A) and behavioral variability.
It not only measures the speed of rapid number naming, thus capturing impairment of saccadic eye movements, but the test - taker's balance, attention, language and visual recognition skills.

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Studies show that saccadic movements - the quick eye movements used in reading - are frequently abnormal following concussion and may predict whether an athlete will suffer from postconcussion syndrome (e.g. symptoms which persist over a long period of time, instead of clearing within the first 7 to 10 days, as in the vast majority of cases)(over 90 % in one recent study).
According to Noudoost, scientists have been trying to learn exactly how the brain processes these visual stimuli during saccadic eye movement and this research offers new evidence that the prefrontal cortex of the brain is responsible for visual stability.
By recording neuronal activity in monkeys as they performed tasks that caused saccades, Dr. Christopher Pack has shown that there are waves of activity that cross specific vision processing areas of the brain in defined patterns, and that these patterns are reorganized by saccadic eye movements.
Recent discoveries in the laboratory include the demonstration of a predictive relationship of parietal activity to both saccadic reaction time and visual attention.
His current projects include elucidation of the cortical representation of oculomotor proprioception, using saccadic adaptation to understand the coordinate system of neurons in the lateral intraparietal area, the role of prestriate cortex in visual search, and the role of inhibition in the response of parietal neurons.
Taken together, our findings provide strong support for the argument that the nonlinear saccade kinematics are not due to a passive saturation of brainstem burst neurons, e.g., as a result of neural fatigue, but reflect a deliberate design property within the saccadic system to produce the main - sequence characteristics.
The results provoke the viewer to engage in an active participatory role, as the gaze conflates the static physicality of the canvas with the natural saccadic movement of vision.
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