Sentences with phrase «of sacrificial love»

It just requires a belief in the power of sacrificial love.
In attempting to live the life of sacrificial love, we can not set limits to the degree of the brokenness of the old self that may be required of us.
The revelation of God in Jesus Christ indicates that the path of sacrificial love is the «law of life.»
I am trying to recognize the place of sacrificial love and at the same time to avoid the dangers of an absolutely transcendent ethic.
If «justified» has reference to the validity of sacrificial love, its intrinsic value and goodness, its beneficial consequences (both to the loved and to the lover), its meaningfulness, then the answer is in the affirmative.
The meaning of life, the justification of sacrificial love, the redemption of tragedy, the meaningfulness of history, and the resolution of whatever paradoxes there be, are «now.»
But the exemplification of sacrificial love should not be so conceived that the «sacrificing» individual does not count for one.
The cross of sacrificial love usually does not and can not mean the cross of physical death.
And i do this because i hope in the existence and power of sacrificial Love... and ultimately i hope in the Author of Love — even though it is kinda silly
Many differences in situation and opinion separated Jesus and Paul but with regard to the central ethical principle of whole - hearted reliance on the power and persuasiveness of sacrificial love, Paul, as the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians shows, understood Jesus very well.
The early Church confessed Jesus as Lord, as the highest authority at whose name every knee shall bow, who in the cross and in the resurrection has liberated in this world the power of sacrificial love.
In marriage, a couple who receive Holy Communion regularly drink deeply from that source of sacrificial love: they renew once again their desire to give themselves to God through each other and the spiritual food they eat gives them the strength and the will to die to themselves every day and give themselves utterly and irrevocably to their spouse.
Is self - sacrifice an ultimate limit toward which the self may move, but which it can never quite reach, or is there a union of sacrificial love with the self's growth into its full stature which can be realized, though certainly only through grace?
As an ethicist he moved from the imperatives of the gospel ethic of sacrificial love to the requirements of ambiguous situations, always under the mediation of the principles of justice — freedom, equality and order.
Goodness means a spirit of sacrificial love that can see, appreciate, and elicit goodness in others.
As we come close to celebrate the events of the Passion, we are reminded that the kingship of Christ is a kingship of sacrificial love.
Indeed Niebuhr believes that unless there is a degree of sacrificial love in human mutuality, mutuality will break down.
Mutual love, because of this self - interest, always remains partly a contradiction of sacrificial love.
But the problem of sacrificial love is a practical problem of the Christian life.
(The second aspect of Christ the Truth was treated by Niebuhr under the heading of «the second Adam» — a disclosure of sacrificial love as the perfect form for human nature.)
The religious understanding of the conflict between good and evil, the fact of the stubborn resistance of the human heart to the love of God and its demands, the vision of the divine strategy of sacrificial love in the life and death of Jesus as the climax of history, all this is foreign to most of the philosophies of progress, but it was the heart of the great expressions of Christian liberalism.
The New Testament leaves no doubt of its witness that something radical has happened in Christ's act of sacrificial love.
But to expect that all tasks will get split evenly down the middle and neither spouse will ever do more work than the other is not only unrealistic, it's not the kind of sacrificial love God calls us to in any relationship.
For others, the books were a celebration of the Christian ideal of sacrificial love.
Recently, in his first Encyclical Deus Caritas Est, Pope Benedict has beautifully set the goodness and delight of the love of man and women — and indeed wider loves — in the context of the sacrificial love of agape and the ecclesial service of caritas.

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Hmm, «In the precious name of boundaries, and by the blood of the lamb, I will not show self sacrificial love»!
This rigid concept of love fits with a world where no other vocation — no form of sacrificial, devoted love other than romantic sexual union — is acknowledged.
We pledge to stand with you, our Christian brothers and sisters of the historic Black church, and to work arm in arm with you in Christ - like self - sacrificial love to build in America a true culture of life and of family life.
As St Paul says in Ephesians 5, the more that the husband in his relationship with his wife reflects the sacrificial love of Christ for His bride the Church, and the more that the wife in her relationship with her husband reflects the self - giving love of the Church for her Bridegroom, the more they will be truly fulfilled and the more they will live up to what they are called to be.
True power and true victory lie in love for your enemies, in self - sacrificial service, in infinite forgiveness, and in bearing sin and shame for the sake of others.
Pastor Ryan Schneider, who married them and who leads a Bible study in which they participate, tells FCA Magazine that Nic's sacrificial support of Elana, prioritizing her training and her needs above his own, is «the perfect picture of a husband loving his wife like Christ loved the church.»
Do emerging structures / ministries / programs carry and pour out the new wine of Jesus» sacrificial love?
The use of contraception gravely and seriously disrupts the sacrificial, holy and loving meaning of marriage itself.
That is a good point about focusing on the big picture of God's sacrificial love.
But Jesus» sacrificial death has given value to all suffering if it is accepted and offered in union with Him out of love for the Father, sincere sorrow for sins - our own and those of the whole world - and charity towards those who have caused it.
Now a considerable number of Christians see his divinity in some special feature of his humanity, such as his intense awareness of God, or his total self - giving and sacrificial love.
In pouring himself out in the form of a servant, and in living his humanity as an offering up of everything to God in love, the shape of the eternal Son's life was already sacrificial in this special sense; and it was this absolute giving, as God and man, that was made complete on Golgotha.
These two characters represent the mixture of evil and good in human beings but also, in their love for Lyra and their sacrificial acts, a powerful symbol of redemption and transformation in the face of evil.
In summary, I have suggested that love is voluntary and freely given; that since it involves moral volition, it must be personally mediated; that love is sacrificial, and thus limited to the extent to which an individual is capable of personally absorbing the consequences of its acts; and finally, that love extends beyond duty or moral obligation (implying that it must first fulfill moral obligation or duty).
It expands by manifesting the power of self - sacrificial, Calvary - like love
«For Paul, Jesus» death on the cross is an act of loving, self - sacrificial obedience that becomes paradigmatic for the obedience of all who are in Christ.»
But I am a «slave» of His love as He «bought» me with His sacrificial death by paying the price for the redemption of my soul.
He who loves his dream of community more than Christian community itself becomes a destroyer of the latter, even though his personal intentions may be ever so honest and earnest and sacrificial
It includes values from both the independence and the self - sacrificial model of love but avoids their excesses.
Some understand it as a self - sacrificial love — a mandate to love the other at the cost of sacrificing the self.
Extreme self - sacrificial models of love also can be manipulated to persuade oppressed people to endure passively, in the name of bearing their crosses, their situation of oppression.
This extreme self - sacrificial interpretation of neighbor love has often been coupled with those passages in Ephesians, Colossians and I Peter that seem to advise women to submit to the spiritual authority of their husbands.
And his friend (Solara, the source of light) learned that, of course, not from the Bible, but from her love of her loving and sacrificial mother.
Ask another what a home is, and a very different answer would be given: A home is a place where we have to consider the wishes of others, where we can not always have our own way, where children fall sick and require sacrificial care, where puzzling problems rise which it is hard to settle, where we must be true to love to keep it, where every day brings some small self - denial and every year some great one.
91 So Niebuhr retained his emphasis on man's freedom, sin, sacrificial love, and God's grace, vindicating their meaning by an analysis of contemporary history and experience.
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