Sentences with phrase «of sand paper»

A tube of wood glue, a box of finishing nails and a few pieces of sand paper later we were ready to paint!
Let your child feel the texture of the sand paper and let him discover that the difference between soft felt vegetables and rough sand paper.
I had to do this for a long time and went through a few pieces of sand paper because the paint was some sort of industrial stuff!
To keep a cat from scratching inappropriately, owners can try covering the inappropriate object in something the cat finds unappealing, such as double sided sticky tape, aluminum foil, or sheets of sand paper.
Essential for smoothing edges, small collections of sand paper and files are ideal companions for modders - get the ins and outs here!
If you find that you applied too much decoupage to your top layer and your plate is «crispy feeling», then take a bit of sand paper and lightly sand the burlap to soften.
Smooth Out The Edges Take a file or a small piece of sand paper and smooth out any rough edges.
Take a piece of sand paper and sand the inside of the lid until the surface is rough to the touch, this will allow you figurine to stay put.
Grab a piece of sand paper, I think I used 150 grit, and start sanding the areas of the frame where you want the white to show through.
All it took was a piece of sand paper and a little elbow grease and my sign (and disassembled frame) was looking aged, rugged, and well - loved.
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