Sentences with phrase «of scary noises»

Your next step is to purchase a CD of scary noises, and play it softly while you ask your dog to do one of his tricks.
She may come to you complaining of a scary noise, for instance, but what's really scaring her might be a war or a shooting that's in the news and that her classmates are talking about.

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The noise of an adult toilet flushing, the whirl of water going down, and even the size of the toilet seat opening can be scary to someone so small.
We talk about birth being normal and not scary, that some moms make a lot of noise and some don't, etc..
The idea of this approach, according to the VetPronto experts, is to make baby noises tied to good things and not scary.
John Krasinski's supernatural thriller A Quiet Place already has a good hook in the form of unseen creatures who kill people when they make noise — as seen in the movie's short Super Bowl teaser — but this expanded trailer adds an extra scary angle with the reveal that Emily Blunt's character is pregnant.
This helps, because for most of the movie, he is asked to react to scary noises in the Manor.
Like a Rolls, both Flying Spurs are scary - quiet inside, thanks to a host of measures to reduce noise, vibration and harshness, notably a triple - layer aerodynamic underbody, noise - insulated wheel wells and laminated glass.
Maybe there was something environmental that scared him; a car back - fire, a house under construction with lots of banging noises, even scary dogs or kids.
o The behavior modification for this is to have the person who is playing the part of the victim stop backing down from the cat, and yell NO at the cat, squirt it with water, make scary noises such as shaking change in a glass jar or bull horn, and throw things such as towels or bean bags in the direction of the cat (not AT the cat) to demonstrate that they are not afraid of the cat.
Between spooky costumes with masks, surprising noises and unexpected movement from decorations, and the purpose of the holiday to be scary and surprising, Halloween can be a perfect storm of potentially triggering situations for any animals, even normally unflappable service dogs.
They are too small, often covered, or have some sort of gadget or contraption that makes noise, moves or does some other scary thing a cat would rather not experience while eliminating.
Certainly, some dogs may be fearful of the car for reasons such as noise, traffic, or the association of going to «scary» places (e.g., the veterinary clinic).6 Dogs that are fearful may vomit because they are frightened, not necessarily because of motion sickness.6 This is why it is important to desensitize puppies to car rides.
Feel free to make funny or scary noises while you do this, but not to the point of causing them phycological issues!
All of the bright lights and noise may be exciting to us, but it can be scary and harmful to our four - legged family members.
The fury and noise of a dogfight can be quite scary for onlookers, especially the dogs» owners.
Dogs may dislike cars because of the noise they make (many dogs are reactive towards cars with loud engines), or because they are big and look scary.
For example, if your puppy seems to be frightened while sitting on your lap in a schoolyard full of children, then sit further away from the action and offer your pup a delicious treat each time a scary noise or movement happens.
If you're going to be using a blow dryer, keep in mind that many puppies might find the noise scary — turn it on several feet away to allow your dog to get used to the noise, bring it slowly closer while feeding lots of treats, and keep it on a warm setting to keep your pup comfortable.
If a phobia isn't treated promptly, it can develop into the fear of sounds and other signals associated with the scary noise.
«We eventually got him to the point where things weren't quite so scary but he was still startled by unexpected noises and easily overwhelmed when around a lot of activity and noise
Not all companion animals embrace the loud noises, scary gestures and costumes that come with the holiday, so the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC) shares the following tips to help keep pets safe and secure on what really may be the scariest night of all — for your pet:
Engine noise is almost scary accurate and adjusts in a believable manner when switching between the abundance of points - of - view.
With this tier, you can record something scary - a grunt, growl, or other noise, and our sound team will weave it into the aural tapestry of Neverending Nightmares.
Some of the scariest moments occur when you walk into a room and a burst of white noise explodes through your speakers, evolving into an industrial rhythm.
For example, watching a scary movie late at night might increase the accessibility of frightening schemas, increasing the likelihood that a person will perceive shadows and background noises as potential threats.
Re: Max and the nail gun — I have got to think that the nail gun makes a lot of noise and Max has a lot of ear so I can only imagine how scary that would be
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