Sentences with phrase «of schistosome»

Illustration to show the life cycle of the schistosome parasite.
Fresh - water snails living in certain tropical regions of the world release the larval forms of the schistosome parasite, which penetrate the skin, migrate through the body, and develop into adults that lay eggs that cause the disease.
We also did some field work and visited the site of a schistosome infection that is infecting ducks that live next to the White House!
The stakes are high: more than 70 countries affected by schistosomiasis rely heavily on praziquantel, which usually works after just one dose and against all species of schistosome worms.
In the early 1970s, I majored in human biology at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, where my faculty adviser's research interest was in the biochemistry of schistosomes.
The data obtained provide a wealth of information on the reproduction biology of schistosomes and a rich resource for exploitation through basic and applied research activities.

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James Bennett, at the University of Michigan, studies schistosomes in Egypt where praziquantel has been used more heavily than anywhere else in the world.
Researchers at the Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences at Tufts and Tufts University School of Medicine (TUSM) have uncovered a mechanism that may help explain the severe forms of schistosomiasis, or snail fever, which is caused by schistosome worms and is one of the most prevalent parasitic diseases in the world.
After observing important similarities between planarians and their disease - causing cousins, Newmark and former postdoctoral fellow Jim Collins (now a professor at UT Southwestern) took the radical step of applying their knowledge of planarians to studying schistosome biology.
As we learn more about how schistosomes infect their hosts and reproduce inside them, we hope to devise new strategies for controlling these devastating parasites that infect hundreds of millions of people in the developing world.
Our results indicate that sma - miR - 277 / 4989 might play a dominant role in post-transcriptional regulation during development of juvenile worms and suggest an important role in the sexual development of female schistosomes.
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