Sentences with phrase «of school kids»

This week, we hear from two awesome moms who are warriors for parents of school kids in their respective cities.
Lots of school kids pack organic milk in their lunch bags.
Don't provide information that allows people to find you in person, such as your address, place of work, or the name of the school your kids attend.
Outside of schools kids might eat multiple slices, again because it's not part of a balanced meal with other components.
When I get to watch Arsenal live and I see how Wenger sets up the players starting positions it reminds me of a bunch of school kids in the playground.
Ever wonder what it would take to get a local carrot grown in upper New York State to the lunch table of a group of school kids seated in NYC?
«You can have thousands of school kids doing research in a way that accomplishes much more than a handful of scientists,» adds environmental history professor Andrew Kirk.
In any case, democratic control of actual day - to - day school operations shouldn't really be a concern, especially if parents can make choices about the kind of schools their kids attend and that the schools engage parents in school decision - making (most - directly, in what their kids learn).
More than 300 scientists led swarms of school kids, families and volunteers on a mission to count every type of plant, animal and insect.
A narrative strained beyond the limit, even for Jackson's taxing penchant for extended, operatic battle sequences, this final offering may deliver on the promise of its title, but beyond a bloated, mind - numbing free - for - all that feels like watching a bunch of school kids playing Dodge ball with reckless abandon, Jackson fails to instill the same sense of awe and magic evident in his first round of monolithic films over a decade ago.
I was stepping out for a surf with some friends on the south coast of Sri Lanka when I saw hundreds of school kids playing in the waves.
How many computers are being discarded from corporations that should find their way out of recyclers and into the hands of school kids?
He does so in front of school kids and that's a clue: Primary education is a provincial responsibility, but it was symbolic of where much federal attention is focused these days, on funding matters in, or of relevance to the provinces.
Congress has passed no significant gun reforms — and it still doesn't look likely to do so, even as kids take to the streets and walk out of their schools
You attribute the deaths of school kids to the removal of prayer from schools.
I bet Wenger was one of those school kids who'd not do their homework at the start of the summer holiday, and then rush through it in the last days.
They are a bunch of school kids last night winching and complaining fuking little prics some of them, they have let us down and the manager down but at the end of the day the buck stops with the manager and he has to be held responsible for this mess.
With the happiness of sending kids back to school comes the concern about the cost of it all
It was a warm reception for Mayor de Blasio, as squeals of school kids and shouts of encouragement floated out over Third Avenue.
Notwithstanding all the hoopla, by the end of the Pataki years they accounted for less than 1 percent of school kids in NY.
All you have to do is channel the energy of a school kid at recess.
With backpacks no longer restricted to the likes of school kids and budget travellers, the time to pick yourself up a practical and stylish bit...
Old Mrs. Kindelman twisted her ankle, as she puts it, «diving for her life» when a bunch of school kids rode down the sidewalk on skateboards.
Although the film contains depictions of school kids fist - fighting, a teen couple kissing, and parents drinking, the movie speaks to those times when we feel like we are all alone, and reminds us that we are not.
Gutierrez uses a clever device — having the story not only narrated, but designed around a group of school kids visiting a museum.
Instead, as outlined in his 2017 speech, Gates and his foundation have maintained a laser focus on what happens inside the classroom or, in the case of its promotion of charter schools, on what type of school kids attend.
But when the education establishment pushes its collective whims on millions of school kids and their teachers, the results can be quite ugly.
Just think of all the things that a union boss has to be concerned with — denying parents more power in choosing what kind of school their kid goes to, attempting to personally destroy reformers, petitioning the courts in an attempt to keep parents and taxpayers in the dark about how effective teachers are, etc..
«Their job is to develop or put into place the kinds of schools kids really need.»
It's a time of excitement and trepidation for students, as well as for parents of school kids, school bus drivers, coaches, teachers and administrators.
I'm amazed an 18 rated game has done so well, it just goes to show that games aren't just for children... unless of course there's a lot of school kids learning their swear words from a game in which case shame on the parents, you lazy bastards, teach them the bad language yourself.
The cult Japanese role - playing series returns with a complex, visually arresting tale of school kids battling demons — and their own emotions.
«State of Mind» will appeal to those in the know before it appeals to the general public — Tom Marioni's Process Print (1969) failed to capture the attention of the dozens of school kids running around the day I visited, as did Chris Burden's video piece, Documentation of Selected Works (1971 - 74), in which Burden talks about most of his iconic performance pieces (Bed, Shoot).
Broad Range of Culinary Compost Recipes Covering everything from a group of school kids baking chocolate cake, to a farmer roasting an entire Thanksgiving turkey, there are undoubtedly some impressive culinary creations coming out of compost piles around the country.
Now he and the other activists from Stoneman Douglas believe they are fighting for their lives and the lives of every school kid in America.
Every year untold thousands of school kids are harmed by teachers who shouldn't be allowed in a classroom.
The green surface of the desks and the wooden benches were covered with thousands of drawings, inscriptions, carvings and scribbles left by several generations of school kids.
Winter Carnival in Steamboat Springs, 200 miles northwest of Denver, marks peak of season for this ski - loving Rocky Mountain town, and it brings out swarms of school kids and local ranchers for the celebration.
«We give clicker and trick demos to hundreds of school kids
So it looked like a lot of school kids would be confronted with an early morning filled with angry protesters marching, chanting, being obnoxious, you know, the usual union stuff.
This photo was taken when Balls was secretary of state for children, school and families, and had to frequently introduce himself as «Ed Balls» to groups of school kids.
brought in a gk and a bunch of school kids... We didn't play horribly... My god you gave really been downing the wenger kool aid... We were utterly shite... Up his sleeve... Please
It's all well and good when we play teams who come to us with a mentality that they can't win (i.e Newastle / Gala) but when a team is determined to cause us problems we look like a bunch of school kids.
As the teachers unions dig in, hundreds of thousands of school kids — poor and otherwise — are victimized by their work rules which have been enshrined into state law.
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