Sentences with phrase «of school options»

When it comes to education, conservatives believe that American families should have the flexibility and the right to a variety of school options for their children.
This may allow you to explore a greater range of school options and internship locations, since you can easily travel all over the city.
«First - generation» choice programs such as open enrollment, magnet and charter schools, and voucher plans have indeed increased the number of schooling options available.
We must think creatively about how best to expand the supply of schooling options, both private and charter.
In a perfect world where funding is plentiful and the playing field is level, it would be easy to say yes to all kinds of school options.
Private, charter, magnet — you name it — none of these school options existed throughout my K - 12 experience.
With a wider variety of school options, education ads are part of a «new reality,» he says.
Standalone or single - site charter schools are essential to achieving a responsive mix of school options for families.
The District of Columbia offers its families [1] a broad set of school options through its traditional public and public charter schools.
«The standalone or single - site school, and an environment that supports its creation and maintenance, are essential if we are to achieve a successful and responsive mix of school options for families,» says Bradford.
In the end, some government agency or a set of agencies needs to assess whether the current portfolio of school options in a city is serving all students» needs and has to make the choice process rational and equitable for all kids in a community.
Americans who know a home - schooling family are especially likely to support a more expansive array of schooling options for them.
They cultivated a diversity of school options to suit a pluralistic society.
Your verification letter should be returned to the Office of School Options by May 27.
F.E.S. organized about a dozen charter school parents in the City Hall lobby on Tuesday, several of whom gave speeches about the lack of school options in their neighborhoods.
«We need to build more robust portfolio of school options,» said Botel in a speech Wednesday to the National Parent Teacher Association's legislative conference.
It should be noted that the St. Vrain school district has a fairly wide range of school options from Core Knowledge to STEM, dual - language, International Baccalaureate ® (IB) and Montessori.
With the increasing number of schooling options that can include homeschool, public, charter, or private school, finding the right fit for your child and family takes some serious thought.
The OneApp will likely enjoy long - term public support only if it is woven into a larger fabric of school options and choice.
Chicago Public Schools is committed to offering a portfolio of arts programs and opportunities for all students that includes both in and out of school options.
This report for Opportunity 180 shows why Clark County needs high - quality school options: A largely middling spectrum of school options tends to better serve students in wealthier neighborhoods, while poor and minority students in «quality school deserts» have fewer and poorer options.
Supporters of Indiana's voucher program say parents and students benefit when they have a choice of schooling options.
The State Board struck a serious blow to district - level control of school options.
Added to the expanding list of school options available to parents and children are a growing number of course choices, dual - credit opportunities and other alternative learning options that go well beyond the traditional offerings of brick - and - mortar classrooms.
The Office of School Options does four «pulls» between January and mid-July.
Explore a variety of school options with extraordinary teachers, small class sizes, and collaborative learning environments where teachers nurture and stimulate students» intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and critical thinking skills.
As a result, some of New Jersey's legislators and community leaders have been working to elevate the quality of school options for families while also incorporating the tradition of neighborhood schools.
First, most families who live in the Wilson HS boundary experience a different set of school options than those who do not.
For many years, states and the federal government have been creating a range of schooling options for students, and the focus of the new administration on expanding choice is likely to accelerate this trend.
The gathering, which is expected to attract a crowd of as large as 8,000, is intended to help parents learn more about the variety of school options available to their kids, according to the executive producer of the event, Xavier Reyes.
be ways to ensure families are provided with a diversity of school options, and to intentionally create integrated schools, a likely recommendation from the Strengthening Neighborhoods Initiative.
It was hard to be an individual, most seemed to follow a dress code and everyone gossiped, there was no way to avoid those you wished to avoid, services and cultural options were few and the lack of school options (1 middle school, 1 high school) was a big negative for me.
In Fuller's view, one that is shared by many charter supporters, the standalone or single - site school, and an environment that supports its creation and maintenance, are essential if we are to achieve a successful and responsive mix of school options for families.
As a result, our results should be interpreted as the overall availability of different kinds of school options and not necessarily the marginal increase in access that would result from a new policy change (federal or otherwise).
[31] In sum, families have a variety of school options from their nearby schools to ones in the neighboring city.
The gathering, which is expected to attract a crowd of as large as 8,000, is intended to help parents learn more about the variety of school options available to their...
For many years, states and the federal government have been creating a range of schooling options for students, and the focus of the new Administration on expanding choice is likely to accelerate this trend.
Also, it is important to educate yourself on all of the school options for your child, and a visit is one way of many to begin your research.
Today, parents across the city face a wide array of school options, but choice has ballooned in geographic clusters that correlate directly with racially segregated neighborhoods.
Instead, they provide statistics that divert attention away from the things that actually do matter, such as high - quality teaching, a good range of school options, and success in early elementary schools.
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