Sentences with phrase «of school outcomes»

This change has been motivated by the principal becoming aware of the research evidence that shows that grouping students by ability is a considerable contributor to the inequity of school outcomes because students in the lower ability groups don't get rich opportunities to learn challenging material and they internalise the modest expectations that their teachers often have of them.
Researchers find that an expanded set of measures allows for more accurate assessment of school outcomes that are widely valued, but often overlooked because of the current focus solely on math and language arts.
In one of the most comprehensive reviews of school outcome data ever conducted, Hattie and colleagues (2008) showed that what teachers do in the classroom every day makes the biggest difference in student learning (Hattie, 2008).
Students are the producers of school outcomes, so their involvement is fundamental to all improvement (p3).
Pounder et al. test a model of the influence of principals, teachers, parents, and secretaries on a number of mediating variables, as well as a range of school outcomes, providing a useful model for our approach a decade later.
The accountability movement in schools has brought a needed focus to issues of equity and achievement in schools, and this has required schools to develop standardized measures for the comparison of school outcomes across contexts.
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