Sentences with phrase «of school report cards»

The bill would also allow the board to approve three alternative tests whose results would inform the compilation of those school report cards.
State law (Act 55) specifies that annually every public school, including charter schools, and each private school participating in a Choice program is to provide parents with a copy of their school report card and a list of their educational options, including the Special Needs Scholarship Program.
Summary: This article sums up efforts to include SEL skills as an element of school report cards.
Under ESSA, the state must hold public meetings during their development of school report cards, and the first in a series of such meetings was...
Also Wednesday, the Assembly Education Committee approved a bill that would prohibit the use of this year's test scores in measuring teachers and schools, and prohibit the creation of a school report card for the 2014 - 15 school year.
To be fair, it was widely acknowledged even in the pre-Fariña DOE that the reductive nature of the school report cards was having unintended ill effects.
This conclusion comports with research about the motivating effects of school report cards that Winters and others had published long before de Blasio and Fariña made their decision to eliminate the Progress Reports.
After years of debate and design, this summer will bring the debut of school report cards that reflect the new requirements and flexibility of the Every Student Succeeds Act.
This is the type of school report card that North Carolina should adopt.
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction released the third year of school report cards Tuesday.
Task force members relished the opportunity to get to know each other and offer their viewpoints on must haves and a wish list for a future template of a school report card.
Okay, maybe things don't have to take the formal, written format of the school report card style, but conducting periodic check - ins to take the temperature of your relationship can be one of the best things that you ever do for your and your partner's long - term relationship success.
For example, an access parent may request a copy of a school report card or meet with a child's teacher, but can not make major decisions regarding education such as moving the child to a different school; these decisions are the right of the custodial parent.
Summary: This article sums up efforts to include SEL skills as an element of school report cards.
She has increased accountability by spearheading the development of School Report Cards, which are now distributed each year to every parent in the District.
Steineke, Vos and Reps. Jeremy Thiesfeldt, R - Fond du Lac, and Joel Kitchens, R - Sturgeon Bay, said they called the press conference to tell Wisconsin residents that they would soon pass proposed legislation already passed by the Senate that would prevent this year's Badger Exam test scores from being used to evaluate teachers and from banning the creation of a school report card.
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