Sentences with phrase «of school types»

Among white students, the results indicate that being assigned to a white teacher had similar effects regardless of school type.
The distribution of school types for low - poverty elementary schools was similar to the distribution for high - poverty elementary schools.
Whether urban, rural, suburban, or frontier, this magazine issue takes a deep dive into the elements that influence access and opportunity that cross boundaries of school type.
Open Participation - Students may participate regardless of school type or location across grades 5 - 8.
The Trustees on the board represent a range of school types from across the educational landscape and bring a variety of different experiences with them.
The participating schools represented a variety of school types from across the country, and the 1,012 students represented a diverse mix of ethnicities as well as English language learners and students with disabilities.
Our group included leaders from a diverse mix of school type but all had a similar interest in developing research engagement in their schools — an enthusiasm that we would love to see replicated in all schools.
In England, PISA was conducted from November to December 2015 with a sample of 5,194 pupils from across 206 schools, with roughly the proportion of each school type represented.
The PISA tests in England were conducted from November to December 2015 on 5,194 pupils from across 206 schools, with roughly the proportion of each school type represented.
The current study sought to understand the impact of school type — middle school, junior high school, or K - 8 school — on the range of early adolescent outcomes that matter for success in high school and beyond.
Another viewpoint within the movement, though, points out that the sector is still growing, though at a slower pace and even if there is a coincident reduction in the diversity of school types.
He also pointed out the «outstanding» Progress 8 scores of converter academies and free schools, which came joint top of all school types.
The SSM and the performance framework have been a joint endeavor with CCSA's Member Council, an advisory group representing member charter schools of every school type and geographic location.
This interpretation is further supported by use of phrases such as «Effect of School Type on Forward Exam Performance,» elsewhere in the report.»
That also diminishes the output quality of graduates and tarnishes the reputation of these school types (or rather, contributes in precluding them from ever truly being taken seriously).
A first - of - its kind professional growth tool, the Framework has been called «the most innovative thinking in how to bring MBE research at scale to educators regardless of school type or geographic location.»
And if a lot of those proposals described similar college - prep approaches, former Recovery superintendent Patrick Dobard is the first to admit his district focused on opening schools that raised test scores from the pre-Katrina basement — «like triage,» he said — not on creating a range of school types for parents.
These cities reflect rapidly changing student demographics and the complexity of today's urban public education landscape, where multiple agencies oversee public schools and enrollments are spread across a variety of school types.
In Denver, committees that support candidates who will keep the district on its current path — which includes supporting a mix of school types, more autonomy for school leaders and closing persistently low - performing schools — are outspending critics by more than 2 - to - 1.
Gates support, which usually begins with planning grants of $ 100,000, pays for joint professional development; for designing a universal enrollment system; for establishing common metrics for evaluating all students, regardless of school type; and for creating more personalized learning for students.
John — this confirms what the OECD said using international evidence: extra «choice» of school types is likely to increase segregation not promote it.
Evaluate opportunities for district schools and charter schools to collaborate with an eye toward equitable access to resources for all Minnesota students, regardless of school type.
Right now, each Indiana district receives a minimum of just over $ 4,000 per pupil, regardless of school type.
This question, although important, underestimates the degree to which both research and consensus values can enforce certain common goals and common learning for all students, regardless of school type.
«Systemic issues, such as poverty, suspensions, and poor attendance had relatively stronger effects on student performance,» he notes, «regardless of school type
Models listed in this database serve a range of grade levels (Elementary, Middle and High Schools) and a variety of school types (including public schools, magnet schools, charter schools, and private schools).
Second, a wider range of school types might be the answer to the city's flatlining test scores and graduation rate, Dobard said.
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