Sentences with phrase «of scripture as»

To write off various portions of Scripture as error is to miss out on some of what God wants to teach us about Himself, when viewed through the lens of Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
Banners of «inerrant» or «infallible,» descriptions of Scripture as verbally inspired, plenarily inspired, or just plain «inspired,» even denials or critiques of any of those qualifiers - all are statements about the nature of Scripture; left untreated is the extent of Scripture.
Again it is even possible that Jesus was playing with the scribes, demonstrating that they were not such clever interpreters of Scripture as they thought.
Using select verses of the Scripture as slingshot ammunition in vain attempts to ridicule believers is juvenile.
The development of theology in the early church is intricately related to the development of Scripture as the church's authority.
Is not faith simply the hearing of Scripture as the Word of God?
Just as the nature of Christ as God and man challenged the full faculties of the faith and reason of Augustine and the Church Fathers, so the nature of Scripture as the Word of God and the word of human authors challenges the full faculties of the faith and reason of evangelical scholars and missionaries today.
The epistemological use of Scripture as criterion is in this canonical perspective secondary.
These six passages (a remarkably small percentage of Scripture as a whole) are sometimes referred to as «clobber passages.»
What I am against is the use of Scripture as a defense for the practice, especially when these passages are used to lay burdens of guilt on others if they don't give more, tithe more, and «joyfully» sacrifice more.
The NET translators apparently wanted to clarify that it is not just Scripture in it's entirety that is inspired, but every individual part of Scripture as well.
These doomsdayers should all be sterilized so they can't reproduce.The brainwashing starts at an early age, passed down from generation to generation.It is programed into childrens psych and nurtured throught childhood.If the Bible is correct - noone will know the day or hour this will happen, It also says you can not add or take out of the scripture as well.It is totally laughable when you hear these nuts running around going against what their own textbook says.This (should) be a huge lesson for these zealots to keep their mouth shut, and stop trying to shove their doctorine down peoples throats - It's why most normal sane people laugh and think what a bunch of BS.
We over-psychologize revelation if we fall back on the notion of scripture as dictated in a literal fashion.
Frei argued that during the Enlightenment this sense of scripture as realistic narrative was lost.
When extended to all the other forms of biblical discourse we are going to consider, this concept of revelation, taken as a synonym for revelation in general, leads to the idea of scripture as dictated, as something whispered in someone's ear.
In both cases, the sense of scripture as canonical narrative was abandoned.
Rather, our case hinges on the essential clarity of Scripture as revelation.
It is used with ambiguity because he speaks decisively about God's Word but then rejects the role of Scripture as incapable of fulfilling the demands of the «being» aspect of revelation.
The inevitable demise of scripture as an irrelevant piece of outmoded literature has been predicted many times down the centuries.
The Muslim Council of Britain's secretary - general, Dr Abdul Bari highlighted the misinterpretation of scripture as a cause of terrorism.
This objection rests on the claim that, given our present historical methods and knowledge, none of the writings of Scripture as such can be held to satisfy the early church's own criteria of canonicity.
To propose that the wholesale slaughter of other nations by the Israelites was a misunderstanding on their part and not indeed specific instruction from God is to bring wholesale scepticism on the reliability of Scripture as God's reveal word to His creation.
The issue is not the validity of Scripture as a guide to faith in contemporary culture.
They say that the devil can quote scripture and no more proof is needed than the use of scripture as attack against the LGBT community.
There have been other ways of framing the issue of the fundamental tension that exists between the views of Scripture as content and / or as address.
And as a matter of fact, the history of the Church's use of Scriptures in her preaching and teaching has tended to move in an either / or pattern, there being periods of strong emphasis upon the Scripture as the body of authoritative tradition, provoking a reaction in favor of an understanding of Scripture as address to the hearers.
To the contrary, I find it possible that the doctrine of inspiration of Scripture as classically defined has erected the Bible as a Sacred Relic to be worshiped by the masses.
Thus it may be said that these together constitute the historic canon of scripture as received by the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Hahn sees the importance for Benedict of the liturgy, and the liturgy's relationship to Scripture: «In the unity of the Last Supper and the crucifixion, Benedict is able to articulate the true depth of Scripture as the saving Word of God, for the redemption of the cross is renewed in the Eucharistic Prayer, the oratio.
OK, the problem may not be liberal v.s. conservative but rather the nature and authority of Scripture as God's word.
Also, if you reject any portion of scripture as truth, doesn't that mean it should all be rejected?
The internal principle for interpreting scripture can be no other than the mind of Christ.17 Christ is Lord of scripture as surely as he is Lord of the Sabbath, Lord of the church, Lord of all.
First of all, it seems to me, we need to take the canon of scripture as it stands.
First, it is interesting that in the fourth century, the road to Constantinople in 381 is not paved by blunt appeals to church authority but by extensive wrestling over biblical texts and fine - tooling of extra-biblical language (most notably the term «hypostasis») in an attempt to establish which exegetical claims made sense of Scripture as a whole and which fell short.
I see it as having been twited out of Scripture as a control measure.
That does not mean that the idea of Purgatory is necessarily true and it must be assessed in the light of scripture as a whole and, in my view, there's simply not enough biblical support to affirm it as an established doctrine.
It is traditional to speak of scripture as «inspired.»
The additional point can be made that to the extent these people do in fact treat the whole Bible as equally sacred, they are using the whole of Scripture as their compass instead of Jesus of Nazareth.
Those who advocate for «biblical equality» often overlook those passages in which women are clearly regarded by the writers of Scripture as less than equal.]
Rather than use either «inerrant» or «infallible,» it opted to express the nature of Scripture as inspired by speaking of its «truthfulness.»
The criticism of Scripture as norm has also come from those theologians who have been most deeply affected by Christian responsibility for the Holocaust.
For Protestants, sola scriptura is a theological reminder of the centrality of Scripture as the inspired Word of the Incarnate Word.
As the first chapter indicated, constructive evangelical theology is a dynamic blend of Biblical, traditional, and contemporary sources, all operating in such a way as to insure the continued place of Scripture as one's final authority.
I am not positive, but from what I understand, the doctrine of inspiration at its core is generally used to define the nature of Scripture as God's Word.
Instead, I learned it through the careful and prayerful study of Scripture as I seek God's face and listen to His whispering through the words of God on the written page and the Word of God in Jesus Christ.
They may be challenged to reconsider their view of the authority of scripture as they learn how the biblical canon came into existence and the different literary genres it contains.
(7) I contend for biblical inerrancy because acknowledgment of Scripture as totally true and trustworthy is integral to biblical authority as I understand it.
Such a feminist hermeneutics of liberation reconceptualizes the understanding of Scripture as nourishing bread rather than as unchanging sacred word engraved in stone.
Indeed, the same misunderstanding of scripture as mandating total and unquestioning obedience to government (based on a misreading of Romans 13:1 - 7) contributed to submission to Nazi mandates among Christians in occupied Europe as well.
This human point of view calls for further elaboration, for one often sees reference to the cultural and historical conditionedness of Scripture as though it were a cause for concern.
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