Sentences with phrase «of season»

From Megan: My all - time favorite Lenten discipline that I've done is read the Chronicles of Narnia during the course of the season I think it's important to do something that is both challenging and enjoyable so you do not resent the season.
The Christmas wars are now as much a part of the season as mistletoe and reindeer.
Evelynn's little hands are holding onto the tray of her stroller and I could drop to my knees in thankfulness for dimples at the base of fingers, for buds on the trees, for the coming of spring, for the first crocus of the season, for friends that live just down that street there, for pine trees and rough hewn fence lines.
In light of the season, I will share an experience I had several years ago while pastoring in the civilian sector (in other words, prior to becoming an Army Chaplain).
On Saturday night, quarterback Greg McElroy led the team to one of its most decisive victories of the season, complete with an 88 - yard drive, 239 passing yards, and some sweet ballet - like moves along the sideline.
Since the bitter end of season one of Aziz Ansari's Master of None, we've all been anxiously awaiting the news: Will there be a season two.
Thus, no social conservative can welcome the exoteric message of «Time of the Season,» a message which pop - culturally speaking overwhelms its esoteric one.
While it has been delightful to discover the artistry of «Time of the Season's» ironic message (whichever of the two it is), I ultimately hold that the song must be regarded as an artistic failure.
A «Time of the Season» will be likewise digested.
So I can not make a slam - dunk case that «Time of the Season» secretly opposes the sexual revolution it seems to be a celebrating.
«However, after many, many weeks of wrestling with the question of what to do, I wanted to put it in writing what I have decided, and it's with a heavy, but peaceful heart that I write these words: I have decided to leave Sky at the end of the season
So, it makes sense that in next song, «Time of the Season,» we leave the couple - love world of Odessey and Oracle, the world briefly made nauseatingly sunny by «Friends of Mine,» and explore (after darkening the lights) the idea of love / sex detached from permanent coupling.
My family has nothing but a humble Advent wreath, with two of its four candles half - burnt, and a tartan - red ribbon wrapped round a single white candle, to remind us of the order of the season we are entering.
I actually struggled through the first part of this season.
In my stupid corner of the world I am in the middle of a season where I watch man of my friends fighting each other, and this is good insight into how such things can happen even among people with the same hopes and dreams.
Golden ages are not measured by their major figures, since genius comes when it comes, in or out of season.
Let us say that instead of playing as they have been playing all year, they instead play the worst game of the season.
It's simply the Ache of time passing, because this is what time does, and our souls are noticing the passing of a season, and it's okay.
From It's a Wonderful Life to Home Alone, one highlight of the season has to be the opportunity to watch Christmas films.
He cursed my brother because he didn't have figs OUT of season.
«But they all avoided any reference to the religious meaning of the season.
Wentz went on to say he'd stay with the team going forward for the rest of the season, and that he trusts the Eagles to continue accomplishing their goals for the season beyond the NFC East title they secured on Sunday.
There Jesus stops his own parade to heal a blind man named Bartimaeus, and curses a poor little fig tree for not bearing fruit out of season.
The regularity of nature not only ensures a proper harvest at the end of the season, but also is a witness to the divine grace manifested in nature's activity.
Like Jesus cursing a fig tree because it wouldn't bear fruit out of season.
Isn't the theme thus perennial and not a function of this new thing called the sexual revolution, exhibited so vividly by last summer's («Time of the Season» hits the charts in 1968) Summer of Love?
«Time of the Season» is a new sort of work: it is as much a piece of a larger whole known as the rock album, as a piece meant to stand alone.
1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2 Preach the word [as contained in God's Bible «revelations»]; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
For those who didn't see the first time around, my Rock Songbook began with four epic posts on what may be the greatest 60s album, Odessey and Oracle, especially concentrating on the hit «Time of the Season,» but also taking in the glorious «Changes,» the ambivalent «Friends of Mine,» and then settin» down for some Platonic analysis of why it's hard to convey wisdom in rock - song, even for a group as great as the Zombies.
Lead us not into rough water; Deliver us at the end of season.
But then I remembered my calling as a minister to teach the word of God as I understand it, whether in season or out of season, whether convenient or inconvenient, whether culturally engaging or culturally offensive.
It turns out that when we let ourselves surrender to the «Time of the Season,» we are less like the animals and flowers of the field than a) like actors playing parts in some two - bit melodrama about low - class Others, or, b) like the starry - eyed Icaruses of the first verse seeking to take one another «to the sun» and «to promised lands.»
In this position of incurable uncertainty I began to feel that it was rather unfair to keep my family from taking part in the joy of the season and taking advantage of those precious few opportunities we have to see our relatives.
2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
Then there's 88 - year - old Vin Scully, who'll retire from the Los Angeles Dodgers» broadcast booth at the end of this season, having called games involving Jackie Robinson, Sandy Koufax, Kirk Gibson, and Clayton Kershaw over the course of an extraordinary six - decade career.
The Zombies, «Time of the Season» 2.
Songbook posts 1 - 4 provide the following: a reading of the three songs, especially «Time of the Season,» a sketched analysis of the entire Odessey and Oracle album, and a consideration of the sexual revolution's relation to rock.
In one of the most relatable scenes of the season so far, Kate and Kevin are in their 20s, celebrating the birth of Randall's first child.
From a moral and ethical perspective, Friends From College presents an interesting idea as the foundation for its first big hook of the season, infidelity.
And the Church must be allowed to be true to herself — to preach Christian doctrine and Christian morality, in and out of season.
The idea of another season of Arrested Development was met with universal...
By pairing practical ministries of coaching, career counseling, and mentoring along with the Truth of who Jesus is, regardless of the season of life in which we find ourselves, I believe that the local church can have a real impact on the largely unreached twentysomething population.
The peace of the season and the accompanying recognition of the futility of all this hustle and bustle (read: the modern promethean attempt to construct beatitude) extends far beyond the bounds of orthodox Christianity.
This being the onset of the season of Lent ¯ when Christians think especially on the reality of sin in their lives ¯ I thought I would offer a string of quotations from Newman appropriate to this season now begun, a catena, as it were, of «edifying discourses» from a master at homiletical brilliance.
Today, we have two boys of our own and the only time we speak of hell is when we discuss the kind of season the Vancouver Canucks are having this year!
A number of season tickets have gone up by more than # 100, including in Theresa May's constituency of Maidenhead, where an annual pass to London rose by # 104 to # 3,092.
We came out of a season of almost burnout and exhaustion in church — just feeling like we were kind of like at a breaking point with how things had always been.
We know the importance of celebrating who we are, making the most of this season of life, and hoping while we wait.
The old Christmas carols, by delighting in humble details, capture the paradox of the season: God's power made incarnate in the womb of a lowly girl.
The first produce of each season was brought to Jerusalem.
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