Sentences with phrase «of secondary characters»

Which of the secondary characters in the novel particularly interested you?
Around these two strong if ridiculous leads, we have a flock of secondary characters with great faces, delivering one knockout line after another.
The film also introduced a lot of secondary characters that really didn't serve much of a purpose other than being there conveniently whenever the film needed them.
The colorful Indian street scenes and unfamiliar faces of secondary characters help hold the audiences attention as well.
I do however recommend watching it though as to better understand the motivations of the secondary characters.
One of the other ways we could look at this latest crop of secondary characters is that — we could see it as a symptom of the video game industry aging.
The New World was not so new, and a cast of secondary characters give fascinating glimpses of a nation - in - making: a European anthropologist lamenting Indigenous extermination; a pastor who's not beyond a bit of bounty - hunting; and naturally Ben Mendelsohn shows up as an endearingly menacing sociopath.
Madeline Miller's second novel, Circe, tells the story of a secondary character from Homer's «Odyssey,» the classic Greek epic.
For a portion of the film Bilbo is more of a secondary character, the story focusing more on the dwarves and their leader.
But even with most of the secondary characters consigned to mere cameos, many of them still get their chance to shine.
McDonagh deftly establishes a host of secondary characters who are more than just plot - advancers: the manager of the rundown office that rents out the billboards (Caleb Landry Jones), a regular at the town bar with a longtime crush on Mildred (Peter Dinklage), or the thuggish Officer Dixon's even meaner mother (Sandy Martin).
And yet, the use of those clichés is efficient short - hand to introduce readers to the nationality, background, and general personality of secondary characters.
Writers made sure Riddick has a following of secondary characters in virtually every scene, providing the necessary sacrifices in a story that laboriously kills one - by - one.
Unforgiven, long - nursed grudges; strategically deferred, murderous designs: These are the real passions that drive Mantel's books, far more than the sexual passions of her secondary characters.
For instance, several of the novellas and short stories were told from the point of view of secondary characters (most notably, Kiernan, but also Saul and his henchman Simon), giving the reader a glimpse into their lives separate from Kate.
Subplots of secondary characters that weren't related to the main arc should have been lessened.
Plus the hoards of secondary characters Just following two of these would have been plenty.
Two great performances by Robert Downey Jr. and Robert Duvall are overshadowed by a raft of secondary characters and needless subplots.
Alcohol / Drug Use: A group of secondary characters appear inebriated and one makes a joke about visiting four bars.
The later results in cannons blasting and dozens of secondary characters being killed and tossed into the sea.
Two of the scenes find Jake and Emily engaging in some cheesy flirtations, while the other two hold further plot points for a pair of secondary characters (a female trainee and Neal McDonough's bullying assistant).
The sub-plots plots further develop a few of the secondary characters and examine some particular aspects of college life that exist.
Yet the movie actually includes an action sequence of the secondary character, Legolas, fighting off a pack of ugly, evil Orcs for something like two full minutes of screen time.
Robert Altman says that during filming, Elliott Gould and Donald Sutherland together went to the studio and complained that Altman was filming too much of the secondary characters.
The plot so revolves around Officers Brian Taylor (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Mike Zavala (Michael Pena) that most of the secondary characters simply seem there to interact with the dynamic duo at the core of the story.
Certainly, the Duff sisters don't seek to do anything memorable with their lead roles, but at least they weren't repeating the same sounds for a barrage of secondary characters the way the remainder of the stock voice cast is.
The Eve Duncan series has gone on for many, many books and spun off a multitude of secondary characters.
In the Valiant Chronicles, one of the secondary characters goes through hell before he matures enough to enter into a monogamous relationship.
Several of the secondary characters in Banishing Verona cause Zeke and Verona quite a bit of stress: Zeke's mother and father, Verona's brother and her best friend.
Entwistle's spot - on narration reveals the irrepressible, intrepid heroine's prowess and captures a delicious range of secondary characters in these whimsical mysteries set in 1950s rural England.
Probably the biggest addition is that during certain moments of the game you can take control of a secondary character, such as Nightwing or Robin, and perform tag - team moves.
While Puppeteer already offers the player unique gameplay mechanics, there is another element that brings complexity to its structure: the inclusion of a secondary character: a fairy named Pikarina.
Due to the shield mechanics I detailed earlier, use of your secondary character in solo play is mandatory and thus, having an under - levelled secondary leaves you at a major disadvantage.
In the opening hours of the sequel, you are greeted to a new protagonist and cast of secondary characters with no explanation as to what's actually going on in the broader context on the series.
As well, the script expands to include a host of secondary characters and a storyline with some historical significance, which will thrill film buffs but may bore children and some teens.
You can only play 2 characters, and I feel that Noah is such a terrible character, and Serah is so ditzy and more of a secondary character.
Fortunately the script is salvaged by some of the secondary characters including Popper's perky personal assistant Pippi (Ophelia Lovibond) who has a penchant for putting a preponderance of p's into every pronouncement she produces.
The show's writers seem to have less of a firm grasp on how to evolve some of the secondary characters, particularly while Dexter is on leave from the Miami Metro police department.
A rotating cast of secondary characters would give the reader a chance to meet people from all walks of post-apocalyptic life, and the rate at which they betray and dispatch each other would illustrate why the wanderer prefers to travel alone, or with just a dog.
The things that make this quite possibly the best in the cheerleader sub-genre are the decent cast, a strong central female character, and the unique sub-plots for some of the secondary characters.
The best — by far — young adult movies, the Harry Potter series, had romance only as an afterthought, and only between two of the secondary characters, who seemed genuinely surprised and flabbergasted to find themselves in love during all the commotion.
All of the secondary characters, the bumbling cops, the warring drug dealers, their families, their rivals, are all broad caricatures played by a very funny cast of character actors.
For instance in a book I recently read, one of the secondary character's hair color changed.
As I mentioned to Emerald about one of my secondary characters, who's a beta reader and editor favorite:
One of your secondary characters, Hamilton Barth, is a moody movie star in need of Helen's PR magic.
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