Sentences with phrase «of seeing new places»

They have all the ingredients — writing ability, courage and the creative fuel of seeing new places.
By the time they're 18 months or so, kids have begun to enjoy the novelty of seeing new places and new things.

Not exact matches

His market, the New York tri-state area, already has in place many of the provisions included in the health - care overhaul, including a provision that dependent under the age of 30 need be eligible for family coverage, and he's seen rates continue to rise over recent years, making him skeptical of the plan's ability to hold costs down for small businesses.
The new place to stay — and be seen — is the Silo Hotel, on top of the V&A Waterfront's much - anticipated Zeitz Museum of Contemporary African Art.
While one or two of these signals might be the post-recession «new normal» for your organization, if you see a majority or all of them in place for several months a career assessment is probably in order.
For over 115 years, the New York Auto Show has been one of the largest car shows in the US and a place for carmakers to see and be seen.
First, at the end of Apple's presentation that saw not only a new iPhone, but new iPods too, CEO Tim Cook emphasized that «what sets them apart and what places us way ahead of the competition is how well they work together.»
«And the amount of travel far exceeds the vacation time I used to get, where I was lucky to see one new place a year.
Whereas this was once seen as a laborious and never - ending task, especially when placed on top of the other responsibilities of starting a new business, modern technology has simplified this process, too.
The first and last visible supermoon of 2017 — there were three others that were impossible to see because they took place during the new moon phase — will occur this weekend on Sunday, December 3.
If people decided to actually get going on their new year goals and resolutions instead of just talking about them they would begin to see an amazing shift take place.
Lake George in upstate New York is just about the last place you would expect to see the future of technology.
And in tough economic times, when companies are desperate to find new areas for growth, getting everyone together in the same place is seen as one of the best ways to spur innovation.
KF: so it's interesting what's happening on the world trade frontier we're seeing this new age of protectionism becoming more and more prevalent with currency devaluation and recently the Swiss franc had a cap placed on it.
In looking at Facebook's efforts to continue innovating its core product — adding more features like Places and Deals, taking away the friction of page - loads to access parts of the site like Photos, going further into mobile with new apps, and generally trying to make itself easier to access and more available anywhere — one can see how it is working to get there.
The new law keeps this part of the former tax law in place, although it reduces the amount of eligible mortgage debt, as seen in item No. 1 above.
With the news that BTCC, one of the biggest Bitcoin exchanges in China has integrated Ethereum Classic on its new exchange BTCC DAX, placed before Ethereum itself — which is a listing first, will we soon be seeing ETC on the rise?
This model invites students to see the New Testament as the product of a profoundly human process of experience and interpretation, by which people of another age and place, galvanized by a radical religious experience, sought to understand both that experience and themselves in the light of the symbols made available to them by their culture.
In the third place, to see Christ as the reality which stands between man and man means that there is given to each life the possibility of a new way which involves a restoration to our right mind and the freedom to become a new person.
With all their laudable effort to understand the integrity of the Scriptures, both Old and New, and to insist on the basic unity of the Bible; with all their recognition of the place of Jesus within the setting of Jewish piety and religious thought, these scholars sometimes fail to see that the very truth about God which the Bible as a whole affirms, and above all that which the New Testament says about Jesus himself, can be smothered by sheer biblicism and thereby made meaningless for those to whom the gospel should be a living, vitalizing, and contemporary message.
Instead, both in the suffering of the Holocaust and in the triumphant Jewish return from exile, he saw the call of a radical new Christian task: «to see the Jews as God sees them, to love them as He loves them, to understand their place in the divine plan for Salvation according to the theological vocation of God's people.»
Bass asks us to see time in a new way, not as something that controls us, but as God's first gift, as the medium of God's presence and activity and as the place of sabbath.
In the first place, a «cooler» and more sophisticated scholarship distanced from the heat of earlier controversies has seen new historical nuances and has begun to question the claim of the old Princeton theology to represent the «church doctrine of inspiration» adequately.
It has been necessary to see what may be made of the «resurrection» about which the New Testament speaks, both in respect to Jesus Christ as the decisive event in the story of that divine - human relationship and also in respect to the human side of the matter, where you and I may fit in and have our part and place.
He who reaches that place truly wills himself from self to perish; all he lately knew, seen newly, seems trifles unfit to cherish; his new knowledge grows to flourish so that he lingers there, going past the boundaries of knowing.
I've got a long list of places where I am longing to see some new life — not only in my own personal self but in the church and in the world.
I saw in all this, as people abandoned a dying building for a new and living one, as they established a new place for themselves and their children, a symbol of resurrection.
He had watched the sacred New Year procession; he had seen, for the pious but benighted Babylonian, a profound mystery taking place under the eyes of the beholder as Marduk and Nabu went out in solemn pilgrimage to the Akitu house, there to settle the fates of the incoming year; he had witnessed the annual festival in which Marduk triumphed over all his foes, cosmic and terrestrial, and himself died that life might once more return to the world.
We sing it, but we must learn to pray it and mean it (Samuel M. Shoemaker, «Power to Become,» The Evangel [New York: 61 Gramercy Place, December 1954], pp. 40 - 43; see also John 1:12, which is the subject of Sam's article; and Dick B. New Light on Alcoholism: God, Sam Shoemaker, and AA., 2d ed.
Its reality is signified by God's dwelling in the city (21:3); the throne of God and of the Lamb will be there, and the heavenly worship glimpsed throughout the book will now take place on earth in the new Jerusalem (22:3); God's servants in the city will see God's face and God's name will be on their foreheads (22:4).
New forms of religious faith take its place and new gods arise to replace the older ones, as we shall presently sNew forms of religious faith take its place and new gods arise to replace the older ones, as we shall presently snew gods arise to replace the older ones, as we shall presently see.
From the moment Levin saw his beloved brother dying and for the first time looked at the problems of life and death in the light of what he called the new convictions that between the ages of twenty and thirty - four had imperceptibly taken the place of the beliefs of his childhood and youth, he was horrified not so much by death as by a life without the slightest knowledge of where it came from, what it was for, and why, and what it was.
To him I owe a debt of friendship and a dialogue across the years which has enabled me to see what I did not see before, to find the world a richer place and to invest the word God with a new depth of meaning.
There are few examples of Paul actually praying in the New Testament, but there are several places in Paul's letters where he writes about his prayer requests and how he prays (See Rom 15:5 - 6, 13; Eph 1:16 - 19; 3:16 - 19; Php 1:9 - 11; Col 1:9 - 12; 2 Thess 1:11 - 12).
In the lives of the saints we see that love of God and neighbour brings a new quality to love of self, it is placed into an eternal dimension and removed from a neurotic self - obsession.
Hard questions arise when people of faith exercise religion in ways that may be seen to conflict with the new right to same - sex marriage — when, for example, a religious college provides married student housing only to opposite - sex married couples, or a religious adoption agency declines to place children with same - sex married couples.
If you've seen any of the trailers for John Krasinski's new horror film A Quiet Place (which he stars in and directed), then you know that the plot revolves around a family that must live in silence to avoid detection from some sort of evil force.
I am glad to see the collaboration between science and faith, but it seems there is not very much new under the sun, just new people to do «research and learn it» — Monasteries both eastern and western have been at the core of learning, of science, of faith, of culture, and the development of libraries, and other «storage places of knowledge and wisdom.
When we climb to another place, we don't just see some things differently, but our view of everything changes because we are seeing it all from a new perspective.
Too often the world sees the strangeness of the religious right not where the New Testament places it — in the scandal of the Gospel — but in a willingness to say outrageous things on television.
In place of utopianism which sees the new world just around the corner, and in place of progressivism which sees progress as inevitable, we can think of progress in terms of possibilities that are realistically appropriate for this present moment.
To understand this blueprint of creation puts a new spin on our understanding of our place in the field of limitless possibilities, allowing us to see our interconnectedness within the web of life.
Instead of rushing to start a worship service there, we increasingly see churches who first work to show the love of Jesus Christ as they seek to reach people in the new place.
It means a life which, in New Testament idiom, is «in the heavenly places» even while it is lived here; for belief, worship, and action are seen as worthwhile, since they can never ultimately be frustrated or useless — God receives them, enjoys them, employs them, to «his greater glory», which is nothing other than His continuing loving action in the advance of the creative process towards the good.
I might not catch every Alabama game this year, but I can resign myself to the fun of meeting new people, eating new food, seeing new places, hearing new music, learning new things.
Yet, pro-life Christians are frustrated to see their place as fellow defenders of human rights sidelined along with the New Wave Feminists» removal.
«I was appalled to see the condition of the place,» said New Yorker Nagassar Ramgarib, a practicing Hindu.
The only question is whether this understanding is necessarily bound up with the cosmic eschatology in which the New Testament places it — with the exception of the Fourth Gospel, where the cosmic eschatology has already become picture language, and where the eschatological event is seen in the coming of Jesus as the Word, the Word of God which is continually represented in the word of proclamation.
It should be clear by now that Barth's theology is being read today in provocative new ways by a generation of interpreters who see well the contradiction in trying to recapture the doctrinal propositions of Barthianism without the dynamic movement of revelation in which Barth himself was caught up and in which he placed his hope.
Yet if, so understood, Bradley's work can be seen as the axis which, in the Anglo - Saxon world, turns nineteenth - century German Idealism and empiricist sensationalism into the twentieth century, it is Whitehead who firmly inhabits the new age, establishing the structural model of the process of feeling in the place of any attempt to provide an original or final Real, or a center or privileged locus for the nature of things.
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