Sentences with phrase «of seizure activity»

Video recording of the seizure activity can be helpful for the veterinarian (if possible).
Combined signals result in «singing» that indicates the presence and intensity of seizure activity.
Doctors may either remove the area of the brain where seizures begin or use various surgical techniques to limit the spread of seizure activity.
Until now, the «seizure - generating area» of the brain — in which the earliest signs of seizure activity can be observed — was considered the most important of these regions.
Side effects should also be monitored and your veterinarian should be notified of any seizure activity your pet experiences or any side effects that occur.
Others prefer to rely on clinical signs and monitoring of seizure activity to determine the efficacy of the medication dosage for the pet.
Follow your veterinarian's instructions closely, keep a record of seizure activity, and notify your veterinarian when seizures occur.
Researchers from the Baylor College of Medicine and the Gordon and Mary Cain Foundation Laboratories explored the effects of seizure activity on short - and long - term memory in a rat model of epilepsy.
In laboratory research, rodent models of seizure activity, typically differentiate between absence seizures (a type of generalized epilepsy, in which electrical activity of the entire brain is affected), and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (a type of partial epilepsy, which only affects one hemisphere of the brain).
For my personalised approach to periodic fasting, keeping the containment of seizure activity in mind, salts are added to my water and fluid intake is closely monitored to prevent «breakthrough» seizures (by maintaining homeostasis of electrolytes in the brain as I expel urine throughout the fasting period).
Sometimes I can feel a little bit of seizure activity when I am tired and overworked (or maybe a little hungover).
Sometimes, as in the case of idiopathic epilepsy, the cause of seizure activity is unknown.
However, when only those dogs with onset of seizure activity before 3 years of age were taken into account, there was not a significant difference between the percentage of affected females and males.
Anti-convulsant therapy will not eliminate seizure activity but will hopefully decrease the frequency and severity of seizure activity.
Levetiracetam may act by preventing hypersynchronization of epileptiform burst firing and propagation of seizure activity.
If dog seizures last for longer than 5 minutes they may be turning into «status epilepticus» which essentially means a constant state of seizure activity, and if the seizures are not stopped, this can lead to life threatening consequences.
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