Sentences with phrase «of sensory information»

-- In the brain, this type of sensory information is transmitted and processed in the superficial layer of the cortex, also called layer 2/3.
This neural network could take in two kinds of sensory information and produce two kinds of responses.
Her pattern - recognition system found a match in the flow of sensory information.
When we are awake, an incredible amount of sensory information flows into the brain, where it is filtered to distinguish important signals from all the noise.
The quality of the sensory information can affect the quality of business decisions.
The process seemed to involve complicated analysis of sensory information that occurs, somehow, entirely without their awareness.
The grid code is also valuable because it exists high up in the brain's hierarchy, with no direct input of sensory information.
That decision results from a combination of sensory information and internal predictions.
It acts like a virtual editor of sensory information, letting in certain things and filtering out others.
Our skin serves to protect us, provides us with all kinds of sensory information.
Researchers next have plans to analyze the activities of Sst interneurons and other kinds of neurons in the cerebral cortex using their innovative method during more complex behaviors to figure out their role in the processing of sensory information in the brain.
Differential use of sensory information in sexual behavior as a function of gender.
Conversely, theta oscillations have been correlated to various voluntary behaviors (exploration, spatial navigation, etc.) and alert states (goose bumps, etc.) in rats (Vanderwolf, 1969), suggesting that it may reflect the integration of sensory information with motor output (for review, see Bland & Oddie, 2001).
Rowan was struggling with language and social interaction [and she was] so overwhelmed by every piece of sensory information in the environment that she just couldn't function and no one could tell me why.
The constant loop of sensory information coming in and postural adjustments going out of the brain is developmentally rich; it isn't a step in the progression toward sitting to be skipped over or rushed through.
Kacelnik and Martinho reasoned that ducklings might be able to grasp patterns relating to shape or colour as part of the array of sensory information they absorb soon after hatching.
The SPECT scans indicated that meditation temporarily blocks the processing of sensory information within both parietal lobes.
Dr. Sousa - Neves explains that this hypothesis, known as «summation hypothesis,» predicts that females integrate, or summate, all types of sensory information given by male courtship in order to reach a state of excitement that, according to this study, seems to be provided by a small number of excitatory neurons arranged in a circuit that projects to main sensory centers in the brain.
When many types of sensory information arrive simultaneously, they need to be prioritized, integrated, and passed along to the parts of the brain that are needed to deal with it.
Many types of sensory information enter the brain at a structure called the primary sensory cortex, where they are processed by different layers of cells in ways that ultimately influence an animal's perception and behavioral response.
Exploring the sense of touch in mice, brain researchers from the University of Zurich now demonstrate that the transmission of sensory information from one cortical area to connected areas depends on the specific task to solve and the goal - directed behavior.
In the rodent experiment, scientists networked the brains of four rats complete simple computational tasks involving pattern recognition, storage and retrieval of sensory information, and even weather forecasting.
A team of researchers headed by Professor Fritjof Helmchen at the University of Zurich's Brain Research Institute now provides an answer: The processing of sensory information depends on what you want to achieve.
Despite the lack of sensory information, we found that animals were remarkably precise and consistent in timed behaviors, with standard deviations on the order of 100 ms. To examine the potential neural basis of this precision, we recorded from single neurons in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP), which has been implicated in the planning and execution of eye movements.
Furthermore, we asked what kind of sensory information induces the pattern of neural activity observed during defensive bee ball formation and found that it may relate to the processing of thermal information.
Efficient modulation of cortical alpha rhythms in turn enables optimal filtering of sensory information.
Researchers describe how dopamine - releasing neurons weigh the ambiguity of sensory information, indicating that neurons are highly sophisticated...
In the memoir, Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Aspberger's, by John Elder Robison, the author describes the horrible onslaught of sensory information and overload that can happen, to the point that he felt almost as though he could not use all five sense at the same time.
«Our study shows that dogs have the ability to integrate two different sources of sensory information into a coherent perception of emotion in both humans and dogs.
The N64 Rumble Pack required batteries to operate and made the pad somewhat unwieldy, but again proved to be ahead of its time; Sony's DualShock pad would follow suit and haptic feedback is featured on most controllers these days, offering the player another level of sensory information in addition to sound and audio.
Altogether, it's an avalanche of sensory information that flips between lurid jolts of color and frenetic sequences in black and white.
He links locales and actions, which are separated by time and space, through the recollection of sensory information.
According to the principle, the brain's cortex manages the tremendous amount of sensory information — images, sounds, smells, etc. — flooding it constantly by reformatting the influx into various components called features, so that it takes very few neurons to process it.
In fact, Nobel laureate Francis Crick hypothesized as early as 1984 that the TRN might function like a gate for the flow of sensory information.
She will look at your child's strengths and challenges holistically to asses self - care skills, fine - motor skills, gross motor skills, and their processing of sensory information, among other things.
«This technology could really teach us so much about how birds» brains process many different types of sensory information
But researchers are still puzzling over where and how the brain combines these two very different types of sensory information.
By enhancing GABA, these drugs interrupt the processing of sensory information, resulting in the unconsciousness and amnesia we get with anesthetics.»
The findings, which are presented in the journal Neuron, show that the striatum acts as a sensory «hub» integrating various types of sensory information, with specialised functional roles for the different neuron types.
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