Sentences with phrase «of session deals»

Cuomo and legislative leaders are expected to finalize any end of session deals next week - the last scheduled session day is Wednesday, June 15.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo acknowledges that the cloud of corruption over the capitol is making it harder to achieve end of session deals.
The legislature was closing down on an end of session deal that would strip convicted lawmakers of their pensions, extend mayoral control of New York City schools for one more year, and legalize Daily Fantasy sports gambling.
Both leaders deny that they would trade the issue of new tax cuts for raising the minimum wage, and pass both measures as part of an end of the session deal, though in the past that's how disagreements have been resolved in Albany.
Lawmakers are struggling to reach end of session deals, as the corruption scandals and on going federal investigations seem to be hampering their progress.
There is another factor that's hampering end of session deals.
Part of the reason for the reticence among the legislative leaders is that traditionally, issues in Albany are not decided one at a time, but at the end of session deals are forged that link numerous seemingly unrelated issues together.
Senate Finance Committee Chair John DeFrancisco says the cloud is weighing heavily on lawmakers as they try to forge end of session deals.
The 2 percent per year property tax cap does not technically expire until next year, but leaders of cities, towns, and counties, as well as teachers and public worker unions say they fear an early renewal of the law might be part of any end of session deal.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo acknowledges that the cloud of corruption over the Capitol is making it harder to achieve end of session deals.
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