Sentences with phrase «of sexual harassment»

The takeaway for employers with labour pains is that if you become aware of allegations of sexual harassment in your workplace you simply can not ignore the issue.
A joint statement from former legislative staffers who have worked for lawmakers they have accused of sexual harassment called for «meaningful» reforms to how the state handles sexual harassment allegations.
When widespread allegations of sexual harassment in the entertainment industry broke late last year, lawyers were quick to align with celebrities and women's rights organizations to demand change.
A new report outlines multiple allegations of sexual harassment against the fired «Today» show host.
This will give you coverage against claims of sexual harassment, discrimination or wrongful termination from any of your taxi drivers.
Perhaps you are the victim of sexual harassment by a superior or co-worker and are considering a sexual harassment lawsuit.
Every action of managers and supervisors in relation to an incident or complaint of sexual harassment from receipt or knowledge of it to its resolution.
Both parties have been hit by accusations of sexual harassment from prominent MPs and party members.
Nonetheless, the existence of multiple payouts underscores the serious nature of the sexual harassment scandal.
One silver lining is that the poll found that 67 % are convinced the movement has changed attitudes about the issue of sexual harassment in the long run.
Most important is the topic — charges of sexual harassment against a professor.
He has been under nearly constant fire for his handling of sexual harassment complaints within the 150 - member chamber and for years has faced questions about his outside income.
Silver publicly stated that he chose not to disclose the earlier allegations of sexual harassment at the request of the victims.
The list of high - profile men who have fallen from grace over reports of sexual harassment spans several industries.
We have a long track record of aggressively helping clients with the various different types of sexual harassment cases.
But the need for men to speak up and out about incidents of sexual harassment at work has become increasingly clear.
Additionally, 59 per cent of girls and young women aged 13 - 21 questioned in 2014 said they had faced some form of sexual harassment at school or college in the past year.
The danger is it could deter victims of sexual harassment from coming forward in the future.
Nor is there a uniform statewide definition of sexual harassment.
Conducted dozens of high - profile investigations into allegations of sexual harassment on behalf of employers across the country.
These rules are meant to address the ongoing problem of sexual harassment in academia.
Stories of sexual harassment of young members of staff by MPs have captured the headlines.
This obligation also applies to any instance of sexual harassment, as the latter is included in the definition of psychological harassment.
Our study reveals that we must address the gender stereotypes and the ideas about men and women that lead to such prevalent levels of sexual harassment.
While, generally, employers have to overcome a very high bar to successfully dismiss an employee for cause that bar is lowered if an employee has committed acts of sexual harassment.
2017 saw a wave of sexual harassment allegations against powerful men across all industries, from entertainment to politics, and the trend has continued into 2018.
Through this project, researchers examined experiences of sexual harassment in schools even when zero - tolerance policies may exist.
One particular student had to be moved classes because of sexual harassment.
This gives firms room to claim that they aren't guilty of sexual harassment even when the actions of certain employees or executives have made miserable the lives of others.
After years of sexual harassment, abuse and even rape, I left the ministry in 2005.
The subject of sexual harassment can rightfully inspire strong emotions, especially if you or someone you know has suffered.
The takeaway for employees with labour pains is that all employees have the right to work in a workplace free of sexual harassment.
One out every six of these women say they themselves are survivors of sexual harassment.
Did the topic of sexual harassment come up when you were talking to women, or was it in the backdrop of their experiences?
Has the criteria changed in light of the sexual harassment problems in the sector?
In its most basic form, this type of sexual harassment involves an employer asking an employee or a job applicant for a sexual favor in return for employment or some job benefit.
Women are more often the targets of sexual harassment, but men are also victims in many cases.
It is all too easy to imagine the academic effects of sexual harassment on high school victims, but it is worth being specific.
What precautions and consequences do you have in place to lower the risk of sexual harassment in the workplace?
Here are just a few examples of the sexual harassment I experienced that affected my productivity.
One of the more nuanced areas of sexual harassment law is what kind of language a male can direct towards a woman in the workplace.
And this year heavily featured another cause that's embarrassing that it had to be a thing — the end of sexual harassment and fight for equal rights for females.
The bill introduced this month in the wake of a flood of sexual harassment allegations against powerful men in a variety of industries includes a provision that would ban confidential settlements.
Every time you turn on the television or radio, it seems, there's a new set of sexual harassment claims being discussed.
Schools are responsible for fostering the best environment for young people to learn; fear of sexual harassment, or worse, should not be part of that.
Nearly 40 percent of companies believe confidentiality should still be a part of sexual harassment agreements, according to the study.
Another factor contributing to the high rate of sexual harassment in law firms is the mistaken impression that lawyers are somehow above the law.

Phrases with «of sexual harassment»

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