Sentences with phrase «of shallow ocean»

, the average global response to low latitude volcanoes is close to that expected of a shallow ocean system.
Since the industrial revolution, we have tripled the mercury content of shallow ocean layers, according to the letter published in the peer - review journal Nature on Thursday.
The rate of shallow ocean warming can decrease at the same time the rate of deep ocean warming increases.
However, there has been plenty of warming of the shallow oceans that could have been transferred to the deeper oceans.

Not exact matches

If these shallow pools existed at least 700 million years earlier — or when the oceans of Mars began to evaporate — they may have bridged a crucial gap for microbial life on the planet.
In support of the Administration's priorities to advance domestic energy production, generate revenue, and increase job opportunities nationwide, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is moving forward with wind energy planning efforts on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the New York Bight region, which represents an area of shallow waters between Long Island (to the north and east) and the New Jersey coast (to the south and west).
Depth may not be as much of an issue for you if you tend to fish in shallow waters, but if you fish in the ocean or deep lakes and rivers, having a maximum depth of 100 meters or more can be crucial to finding your next big catch.
Shallow coral reefs from the water's surface to 30 - 40 metres depth are the tip of the iceberg that comprises the ocean's extensive coral ecosystem.
They found glacial fjords hundreds of meters deeper than previously estimated; the full extent of the marine - based portions of the glaciers; deep troughs enabling Atlantic Ocean water to reach the glacier fronts and melt them from below; and few shallow sills that limit contact with this warmer water.
Examining the distribution patterns of microfossils, Shen's Harvard colleagues have discovered that the marine eukaryotic algae of 1.5 billion years ago occupied only the ocean shallows and not the deeper basins, indicating a smaller oxygen concentration in the atmosphere than exists today.
Roughly 800 million years ago, in the late Proterozoic Eon, phosphorus, a chemical element essential to all life, began to accumulate in shallow ocean zones near coastlines widely considered to be the birthplace of animals and other complex organisms, according to a new study by geoscientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Yale University.
When the newly multiplied bacteria died, they fell to the floor of those ocean shallows, stacking up layer by layer to decay and enrich the mud with phosphorus.
Dune - shaped mountains display 520 - million - year - old gray limestone, formed from the remains of marine organisms that once filled a shallow ocean covering the western United States.
The researchers tested air samples from ground level and from altitudes of about 20 miles, as well as dissolved air from shallow ocean water samples.
In North America, a warm, shallow sea called the Western Interior Seaway extended from the Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico, subdividing the continent into eastern and western landmasses, known as Appalachia and Laramidia, respectively.
We present observations of the structure and composition of the shallow source fault of the 2011 Tohoku - Oki earthquake and tsunami from boreholes drilled by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 343 and 343T.
Distribution of shallow low - frequency tremors detected by the ocean bottom seismometer network.
Photo of the related Opisthoteuthis californiana; image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons / Ed Bowlby, NOAA / Olympic Coast NMS; NOAA / OAR / Office of Ocean Exploration The many octopus species that live beyond the reach of vacationing snorkelers, scuba diving researchers and even near - shore commercial fisheries are relative unknowns compared with the more familiar shallow - water species.
Once a year, they migrate from the deep ocean to shallow water along the Pacific Coast of North America.
«We need to do more studies to be able to determine if this new species, which we are yet to name, only lives in the shallow waters of the western Mediterranean or if it is also found in other deep water basins in the eastern Mediterranean or Atlantic Ocean, for example,» highlights Conxita Àvila.
During field trips out to West Texas, he and Rice students noticed hundreds of ash layers in exposed rock that dated to the Cretaceous period when much of western North America lay beneath a shallow ocean.
A new survey reveals that trash from our activities on land litters the bottom of the ocean, from shallow to deep.
Scientists are creating a massive global database of marine creatures, revealing tremendous biodiversity ranging from the ocean's shallows to its cold, dark depths
Such an ancient date required the researchers to make a few educated guesses about the early planet, such as assuming it had a shallow ocean just 10 percent the volume of that on Earth today.
Next, he wrote a simple aqueous geochemistry model to calculate how much of these gases would have been dissolved in shallow lakes and reservoirs — environments that would have been more conducive to concentrating life - forming reactions, versus vast oceans, where molecules could easily dissipate.
A pioneering study — led by scientists from Imperial College London in collaboration with marine biologists from UC Santa Barbara — found that the predators, through their fecal material, transfer vital nutrients from their open ocean feeding grounds into shallower reef environments, contributing to the overall health of these fragile ecosystems.
This is not only because harvesting from relatively shallow waters is easier than in the open ocean, but also because fish are much more abundant near the coastal shelf, due to coastal upwelling and the abundance of nutrients available there.
Foord and scientists at the University of Miami say the corals living in the shallow waters just south of Miami Beach may offer clues as to how the world's disappearing coral can survive in changing oceans.
The ship crossed the ocean only to fall foul of shallow reefs off the eastern coast of what is now the Dominican Republic.
But their major effect would have come from radiation, which the KU astrophysicist said would have packed doses equivalent to one CT scan per year for every creature inhabiting land or shallower parts of the ocean.
Whereas the nodules are scattered across the deep abyssal plains of the oceans, hundreds of miles from shore and typically three miles or more below the surface, many of the sulfide deposits are close to a coastline; also, they are always on undersea mountains and therefore located in much shallower water.
For much of the global ocean the coarser resolution is okay, but when you are studying a unique location like the Gulf of Maine, with its complex bathymetry of deep basins, channels, and shallow banks combined with its location near the intersection of two major ocean current systems, the output from the coarser models can be misleading.»
By studying iron extracted from cores drilled in rocks similar to these in Karijini National Park, Western Australia, UW - Madison researchers determined that half of the iron atoms had originated in shallow oceans after being processed by microbes 2.5 billion years ago.
The calculations suggest that the ocean contains about 60,000 to 80,000 tons of mercury from pollution, with almost two - thirds residing in water shallower than a thousand meters, the team reports online today in Nature.
A report about U.S. oil and gas exploration in the Arctic published last month by the National Petroleum Council found most drilling opportunities under America's jurisdiction are less than 100 meters below the ocean's surface, more shallow - than - standard depths in other drill regions, like the Gulf of Mexico.
In some parts of the Arctic Ocean, the shallow regions near continents may be one of the settings where methane hydrates are breaking down now due to warming processes over the past 15,000 years.
Like Earth, Mars must have received a lot of water at birth; some researchers think the plains that cover most of its northern hemisphere were once the bed of a vast, shallow ocean, filled by cataclysmic floods of water cascading out of the southern highlands.
Exponentially less methane would be able to reach the atmosphere in waters that are thousands of feet deep at the very edge of the shallow seas near continents, which is the area of the ocean where the bulk of methane hydrates are,» Sparrow says.
By employing a technique they developed that involves collecting methane from roughly ten thousand gallons of seawater per sample, they made a surprising discovery: ancient - sourced methane is indeed being released into the ocean; but very little survives to be emitted to the atmosphere, even at surprisingly shallow depths.
But Jaramillo and his colleagues have proposed a new model: most of Panama existed as it does today 12 million years ago, with shallow, narrow channels connecting the two oceans periodically after that.
Now, locked in limestone that was formed in shallow seawater offshore of the supercontinent Pangaea, scientists have found an isotopic signal to support a sharp drop in pH. The catastrophe holds a cautionary lesson: Due to the burning of fossil fuels, today's oceans are acidifying at an even faster rate than they were at the time of the extinctions, although it hasn't yet persisted nearly as long.
«This is because the coastal ocean is shallower than the open ocean and can quickly transfer sequestered carbon dioxide to the deep ocean; this process creates an additional and effective pathway for the ocean to take up and store anthropogenic carbon dioxide,» said Cai, the Mary A.S. Lighthipe Professor in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Environocean is shallower than the open ocean and can quickly transfer sequestered carbon dioxide to the deep ocean; this process creates an additional and effective pathway for the ocean to take up and store anthropogenic carbon dioxide,» said Cai, the Mary A.S. Lighthipe Professor in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Environocean and can quickly transfer sequestered carbon dioxide to the deep ocean; this process creates an additional and effective pathway for the ocean to take up and store anthropogenic carbon dioxide,» said Cai, the Mary A.S. Lighthipe Professor in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Environocean; this process creates an additional and effective pathway for the ocean to take up and store anthropogenic carbon dioxide,» said Cai, the Mary A.S. Lighthipe Professor in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Environocean to take up and store anthropogenic carbon dioxide,» said Cai, the Mary A.S. Lighthipe Professor in the College of Earth, Ocean, and EnvironOcean, and Environment.
The Randall's pistol shrimp (Alpheus randalli), native to the shallow tropical and subtropical waters of the Indian and central Pacific oceans, is known as the candy cane shrimp for its red and white or transparent striped...
This research not only provides the first clear evidence that microorganisms were directly involved in the deposition of Earth's oldest iron formations; it also indicates that large populations of oxygen - producing cyanobacteria were at work in the shallow areas of the ancient oceans, while deeper water still reached by the light (the photic zone) tended to be populated by anoxyenic or micro-aerophilic iron - oxidizing bacteria which formed the iron deposits.
These European reptiles inhabited warm, shallow seas of the continent, but «they were not as agile in this environment as today's sea turtles, who are able to cover very large distances and cross seas and even oceans,» the expert explains.
Earth's oxygen - rich atmosphere emerged in whiffs from a kind of cyanobacteria in shallow oceans around 2.5 billion years ago, according to new research from Canadian and US scientists.
Way and his GISS colleagues simulated conditions of a hypothetical early Venus with an atmosphere similar to Earth's, a day as long as Venus» current day, and a shallow ocean consistent with early data from the Pioneer spacecraft.
Venus may have had a shallow liquid - water ocean and habitable surface temperatures for up to 2 billion years of its early history, according to computer modeling of the planet's ancient climate by scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York.
In the shallower Arctic Ocean most of those deposits are tucked underneath a thick layer of sediment, impeding their travel.
Most of the deposits, some small and some large, are buried in or below permafrost and sediments in the ocean bottom along continental margins — where shallow offshore waters slope down toward the deeper ocean floor.
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