Sentences with phrase «of sharp upward spikes»

Their collabration left computer footprints on their publicly available temperatuire curves that consist of sharp upward spikes at the beginnings of most years.

Not exact matches

What we see is a sharp upward spike in median wealth in the second half of the 1990s and the first half of the 2000s.
These consist of sharp upward pointing spikes at the beginnings of years.
A further shortcoming of their curve is the existence of sharp upward temperature spikes of approximately 0.2 degrees that are obviously erroneous and should be eliminated.
These comprise sharp upward spikes near the beginnings of years, in exactly the same positions in all three datasets.
But unbeknownst to them their computer left traces of its operation on all three publicly available temperature curves, These comprise sharp upward spikes near the beginnings of years, all in exactly the same locations in all three curves.
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