Sentences with phrase «of sheep dip»

what a crock of sheep dip!

Not exact matches

Recently we dipped our toes into our new world of mutton with a simple stew and our sheep passed.
Improved husbandry means fewer sheep die in the fields, especially during winter when the ravens breed, and traces of sheep - dip on those that do die may poison the ravens.
«We have probably had as many cases of pollution from sheep dip in the past year as in the previous 10 years,» says Morrison.
But Prigg says that pyrethroids are so toxic that «if dipped sheep drip while grazing near streams, that can provide the few nanograms of pesticide per litre of water required to kill freshwater shrimps».
It's important to realize that the sheep - dip approach doesn't have a glowing record of success.
Another lake, Ffynnon - y - gwas means lake of the servant's spring names so because a servant drowned in its waters while dipping his master's sheep.
Once again, if the reason for the LLB to JD switch is to ensure that employer recognize that the JD holder isn't some snot - nose kid just out of the equivalent of grammar school but (generally) has some prior academic standing (even if it is in sheep - dip marketing from Woolabunga U), why demand the right to be called «Doctor Fawlty»?
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