Sentences with phrase «of signs of intelligent life»

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Miniso's pitch to customers of «aesthetics and intelligent design» that will «enrich» their lives taps into that, with the added promise of rock - bottom prices, making it something of a stylish Dollarama — the storefront window has a large sign proclaiming «$ 2.99, High Quality Life» and items in the store retail for anywhere from $ 1.50 to $ 25.
In my post on that, I divided Fermi thinkers into two camps — those who think there's no other highly intelligent life out there at all because of some Great Filter, and those who believe there must be plenty of intelligent life and that we don't see signs of any for some other reason.
Every time I see an article about Catholicism in the mainstream media, I scan the comments for signs of intelligent life and rarely find any.
While they did not find any signs of intelligent life, the research helped expand the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence (SETI) from distant stars to objects closer to home.
There is no evidence so far of intelligent life out there and we are emitting fewer deliberate signs of our existence (even if a few messages are still being beamed into space, such as one in the direction of the star Polaris on 10 October 2016).
And now, Breakthrough Listen, a broad project designed to hunt for signs of intelligent life in the universe, has joined the effort.
The discovery was made as part of the Breakthrough Listen project, an initiative to find signs of intelligent life in the Universe.
Using the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, scientists with the Breakthrough Listen initiative — a massive project dedicated to finding signs of intelligent alien life — recorded 15 repeating fast radio bursts (FRBs) on August 26.
The first batch of data from a $ 100 million effort to find signs of intelligent life beyond Earth has been released for public access.
BL is unquestionably the most ambitious of the two endeavors, a 10 year mission seeking to scour the closest 1,000,000 stars on the galactic plane for signals that may constitute signs of intelligent life.
One of the biggest flaws in Swedish director Daniel Espinosa's (Safe House) Life, which follows what happens to the crew of the International Space Station after they discover the first evidence of extraterrestrial beings, is that lead biologist Hugh (Ariyon Bakare) seems to immediately throw all common sense out of the window and get emotionally attached to the thing they've brought on board, despite really REALLY glaring warning signs that the alien is highly intelligent.
Crude bits can be excusable when they show some signs of intelligent life.
There were a few metroid - games with barely any sign of any other intelligent life than samus.
For many years, scientists have been looking across the universe for signs of intelligent life.
«My great fear,» Neil deGrasse Tyson told MSNBC's Chris Hayes in early June, «is that we've in fact been visited by intelligent aliens but they chose not to make contact, on the conclusion that there's no sign of intelligent life on Earth.»
It suggests that, by instinct or by birth, you know more about this subject (even if you show no sign of ever having studied it) than the thousands of intelligent people who have spent their lives working on it.
Ms Soapbox was trolling through Hansard searching for signs of intelligent life under the Dome when she discovered (sandwiched between the Wildrose Opposition's accusation that the Premier appointed a Soviet - era communist to serve as her deputy chief of staff and the NDP MLA for Edmonton - Ellerslie admires «the worst leftist dictators») a few glimmers of wit....
That's how long radio astronomer Frank D. Drake pointed the 26 - meter telescope at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) research facility in Green Bank, West Virginia, toward the heavens, looking for signs of intelligent life beyond Earth.
Read next: Twitter bot scans «deplorables» at Trump rallies looking for signs of intelligent life
Even though most companies have automated the process of scanning your resume from among hundreds, managers eventually turn to the tedious work of sorting through each document, looking for signs of intelligent life.
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