Sentences with phrase «of silly mistakes»

Our DM and defenders have to do their job better and not make the kind of silly mistakes we see time and again.
This leads to heavy burnout, decreased productivity, and lots of silly mistakes, both major and minor.
However, you should take care of the silly mistakes.
It's sometimes incredible that with all the **** loads of money other teams have at their disposal, they make the kind of silly mistakes that demonstrate lack of seriousness and ultimately professionalism.
However, because of a silly mistake in my earlier years, I have a wage garnishment from my state for a speeding ticket that I completely forgot about.
In all three races so far, he's cost both himself and the team a whole load of points courtesy of the sort of silly mistakes you'd be disappointed to see from a rookie, not someone with over 60 races of experience.
Actually, it was created out of a silly mistake - I accidentally bought Cream of Broccoli soup instead of Cream of Mushroom soup.
Hi Natasa, congratulations for the recipe... I baked it on Saturday and inspite of a silly mistake during the shaping process that changed the final result, all my family loved it... right now I am working on the same recipe dough but I am thinking to change the filling (peaches and cream cheese)....
We've drawn games that we should have won because we conceded goals that are a result of some silly mistakes that happen at the back and not because we were tactically outplayed, its really unfair to put the blame on the manager for that.
He could possibly work on minimising the amount of silly mistakes that are currently dispersed in his game.
There's no denying his talent and with a bit more consistency to his game and the eradication of silly mistakes, they could be getting something special from Luiz.
Wenger has started again, we could pay for Juan Mata of Chelsea, edin hazard because of this silly mistakes, we want established striker to help us win league next season.
Those no - brainers are when I get cocky and think it's going to be a cake walk and then make all sorts of silly mistakes.
As a rookie I made a lot of silly mistakes and as a result I accumulated heavy losses which made me feel very depressed at the time.
He is still my number one goal keeper for Arsenal though he requires to avoid some of his silly mistakes.
from 481 resumes received, 297 of them were immediately rejected because of silly mistakes that could have very easily been avoided.
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