Sentences with phrase «of similar events»

They calculate the risk that certain events will occur in the future, based on the number and frequency of similar events in the past.
Demand on retention vs organization was manipulated by varying the time - interval separating repetitions of similar events.
Regardless whether the alleged negotiations have been held or not, I can't recall of similar events occurred in the past.
Hundreds of similar events occurred simultaneously in other state, and a number of other countries.
The amendments put forth to the public also included removing a provision that allows a single permit for up to six recurring events or a series of similar events in a three - month period.
Facebook said it is making a number of changes to reduce the chances of a similar event in the future.
No need to rehash how rising food prices are at least a strong background component of the ongoing uprisings in the Middle East, and have figured heavily in plenty of similar events historically, but the UN Food and Agriculture Organization has just released some new data showing that global food prices hit a new record high in January and that similarly high prices and upward pressure on them is likely to «persist for months to come.»
No need to rehash how rising food prices are at least a strong background component of the ongoing uprisings in the Middle East, and have figured heavily in plenty of similar events historically, but the UN Food and Agriculture Organization has just
In an order to Coincheck, which lost $ 530 million to hackers last week, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) of Japan has demanded a full explanation of what went wrong, along with a raft of upgrades for «prevention of similar events in the future.»
Hsieh has put on dozens of similar events, at his own expense, to try to get his employees excited about the move downtown.
Held in English and a part of a series of similar events held in other cities, such as Hamburg and Copenhagen, the Athens version of Startup Live aims to tie Greek entrepreneurs to the rest of the start - up community in Europe.
I» m suggesting that I agree with that assessment and believe there is a strong possibility of a similar event like that occurring within the next 30 years — and therefore see additional risk to concentrating wealth in those vehicles.
This Universe obviously had a beginning, but that beginning was probably an infinitesimal moment in an endless cycle of similar events.
Tyndale's work and martyrdom was one of similar events throughout northern Europe, news of which kept reaching Luther.
These particles pose health risks to populations, especially to the medically vulnerable, By infusing CATS data directly into aerosol models, data from CATS can make a difference in tracking and responding to impacts of similar events in the future.
Four months after the devastating tsunami that swept through the Indian Ocean, researchers are furiously evaluating the risk of similar events elsewhere around the world.
«Tritiated methane is a convenient source of similar events, and we've now studied hundreds of thousands of its decays in LUX.
Daniel Bausch and Ian Crozier in a commentary: «A documented case of sexual transmission in Liberia six months after acute Ebola virus disease, along with accumulating evidence of similar events, remind us that even low levels of virus can result in transmission.»
Second, we examined the change in frequency of occurrence of unusually hot, dry or windy conditions by comparing the number of years that maximum temperature, rain - free days or wind speed was > 1 s.d. above the mean or when minimum relative humidity was < 1 s.d. from the mean in 1996 — 2013, as compared with the number of similar events observed in 1979 — 1996.
Motorola has launched the Moto G 3rd generation smartphone at the company's launch event in New Delhi, India ahead of similar events in London, New York, and Sao Paulo where the company is expected to unveil other smartphones.
As a starting point, we explore what the traces of the Anthropocene will be in millions of years — carbon isotope changes, global warming, increased sedimentation, spikes in heavy metal concentrations, plastics and more — and then look at previous examples of similar events in the geological record.
The naysayers have insinuated and then exaggerated the perceived facts so they may gain the needed attention to manipulate the masses about the credibility of similar events.
But as for the last winter, and the wet summer of 2012 and the dry summer of 2010, the conclusion is honest: it is «too early to say» whether our activities have changed the odds of similar events happening again.
«For example, one can quantify the odds of a typical heatwave happening and estimate how much a warmer world would load the dice toward the more frequent occurrence of a similar event.
This includes a statement of the actions taken or proposed to be taken with respect to such developments and a statement of changes, if any, in the entity's operations in order to avoid repetition of similar events.
Facebook said it is making a number of changes to reduce the chances of a similar event in the future.
Hundreds of similar events could occur every day and, if detected, could serve as cosmological probes.
We earnestly accept the terms of the order and vow to re-examine our business practices while simultaneously striving to make all facts involved in this case clear, discover the root cause of the breach, safeguard our customers, and develop stronger and more effective measures for system risk management and prevention of similar events in the future.
Tuesday's summit is just the first of a series of similar events to be held around the country.
They must also submit, as soon as practicable, further reports of any developments along with a statement of the actions taken, and a statement of changes put in place in order to avoid repetition of similar events.
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