Sentences with phrase «of similar mass»

But if the abundances of heavy elements in atmospheres of exoplanets in other systems resemble the abundances for planets of similar mass closer to home, then those exoplanets were probably created in similar ways.
Like bald pates, black holes of similar masses and spins then have no details — no «hair» — to distinguish them, as American theorist John Archibald Wheeler quipped.
The results are particularly important, he says, because astronomers are watching a star of similar mass within the Milky Way.
The gravity, and hence the pressure, on the surface of a giant star is much lower than for a dwarf star because the radius of the giant is much greater than a dwarf of similar mass.
Astronomers will resolve that issue when they find a planet of similar mass that eclipses its star, says theorist Alan Boss of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C..
«There are other galaxies that are likely to be the same size as this one that have black holes of similar mass.
Adding to the case is a finding from nighttime astronomy that the present level of activity on the Sun is higher than the average found in a selection of other stars of similar mass, age, and chemical composition.
The planet is rocky, of a similar mass to Earth, and temperate — all conditions that are promising for life.
They remain the least understood and most mysterious planets in the solar system and yet Kepler has already shown that planets of similar mass (in between that of Earth and Jupiter) are widespread outside the solar system.
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