Sentences with phrase «of situational awareness»

The most highly developed sense of situational awareness is attuned to even minor changes that can prove deadly.
As for the McCain, the Navy cited a loss of situational awareness in response to mistakes in operating the ship's steering and propulsion system.
Really sticks out in my mind, I think a healthy dose of situational awareness would do him some good.
What your mind just did, in the context of skill - building, is an exercise of situational awareness.
Orientation Once you've gotten the hang of observing your surroundings, you can move on to the next phase of situational awareness: orientation.
July 21 — Aug 31 — group exhibition of artists who draw inspiration from different forms of situational awareness transforming them into complex new platforms for reflection and discourse.
He points out that babies still die or are damaged because of intrapartum hypoxia and that focusing entirely on the fetal heart rate without taking account of other relevant risk factors «may create a lack of situational awareness and lead to adverse outcomes.»
«We're a thinking person's shooter that requires a high level of situational awareness and superior tactics.
It is suggested that they continue to do so with a greater sense of situational awareness.
Another key root cause was this loss of situational awareness, which went a little deeper than just a software glitch.
«One of the main limitations facing war fighters and emergency responders in subterranean environments is a lack of situational awareness; we often don't know what lies beneath us,» Timothy Chung, program manager in DARPA's Tactical Technology Office (TTO), said in a statement.
[15] The optional Kinect feature gives zombies a certain level of situational awareness.
Yet, having regard to the EUROSUR Regulation, the limited exchange of data and information with the UK and Ireland may contribute to increase the level of situational awareness and to improve the effectiveness of the surveillance at the external borders.
But besides getting what feels like the world's biggest screen, seeing a third - person game in VR gives you a real sense of situational awareness.
Realtor ® Safety from a Law Enforcement Perspective In this webinar you will learn: To identify possible dangers you may face during client meetings and on property showings How a lack of situational awareness can compromise your personal safety To understand the mind set and mental preparation necessary to ensure personal safety during day - to - day operations What a position of advantage is,...
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