Sentences with phrase «of skin»

Don't worry a little bit of skin stays on.
Scrape a bit of the skin with your fingernail if you have to to see what's underneath.
It will help remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin that can clog pores and lead to blackheads and pimples.
It was perfect to get a sliver of skin with each slice of turkey breast for that added flavor.
I think that spas are also moving into the wellness sphere where nutrition is seen as part of skin health — some have juice bars and some even offer nutrition advice.
These effects are really heightened by the addition of raw honey, which is very antibacterial so together they'll help to relieve tired, inflamed skin and combat any blemishes or spots, while the banana adds an array of skin boosting vitamins, including the two most important ones for beautiful skin (vitamins A and E), which enhance all your natural beauty!
Hi Ella - What type of skin do you have?
Then pop the beans out of their skin and add them to the pepper, avocado and corn.
She is also the author of Skin Cleanse and Just the Essentials, which are both...
She has her own line of skin care which is purely organic, I have not tried it yet unfortunately, but I thought I would let you know so you could check it out, they do sound good to me!
She is also the author of Skin Cleanse and Just the Essentials, which are both amazing reads for anyone looking to learn more about simple, DIY skincare and beyond.
Scoop the avocado flesh out of the skin and discard the stone.
Using a fork, scoop the spaghetti squash strands out of the skin and spread 1/3 of them over the marinara in an even layer.
Slice the squash in half and peel of the skin, before chopping it into little cubes.
You all assume people wear clothes to cover open infectous regions of our skin, where I was thinking most people do not have worms or open skin legions.
And many of us Christians know that the se x ual orientation with which you were born is not sinful any more than the color of your skin would be sinful.
He was girt with a girdle of skin, his robe was black as sack - cloth of hair, and falling even to his feet.
In 1968 he recanted his earlier statements and preached a well - publicized sermon on «The Church of the Open Door»: «I have come to the profound conclusion,» he said, «that to separate the Body of Christ on the basis of skin pigmentation is unthinkable, unchristian, and unacceptable to God.»
A gentleman at Brussels had his nose mowed off in a combat, but the celebrated surgeon Tagliacozzus digged a new nose for him out of the skin of the arm of a porter at Bologna.
If you vote / not vote for someone based of their skin color, then you are just as ignorant as they come and should be castrated so that you may not be able to breed your ignorance and hate with future generations.
Or do you think that black people are automatically racially profiled no matter simply because of their skin color?
How could I hate you for how tall you are, the color of your skin, your age, your gender or for your sexual orientation?
The children of Cain proved this by killing for the sake of oaths they made, not because of skin color.
In the present racial clash man seeks to be free from the penalties imposed upon him because of the color of his skin.
There is absolutely no moral equvalence between people who were discrimminated against purely for the color of their skin and h.o.m.o.s.exuals who are demanding special rights because they are unable to control their immoral behavior.
No doubt the charge will be made that we blacks are advocating hatred and discrimination in reverse — that we are saying that people should be admitted to the church according to the color of their skin.
Our tacit (or non-explicit) knowledge indwells the countless individual features of the other person's visage, such as the nose, eyes, eyebrows, mouth, texture of skin, and all the subtle attitudes assumed by the face depending on the person's mood at any particular time.
I didn't have any choice over where I was born, the colour of my skin and what family I was brought up in and feel no guilt for any «privelidged» I experience.
Did not the needs for nurturing societal functionalities in matters of skin color become of racial concerns in such matters of wanting to lighten up one's skin tones?
Almost as $ tewpid as voting for Obama based of the color of his skin.
With all the commercialization of drugs, promoting made up diseases and disorders, these companies are already brainwashing this country that everyone is sick and if you take there littel pill you can» sleep better, get rid of skin disorders, etc.» The side effects are worse than the dsupposed disorder to begin with.
(4) Exhibiting corpses in public, stripped of their skin and in poses reminiscent of human life encourages us, the viewers, not to view human life correctly.
It's not religion itself it's difference that we fight over, nation states, color of skin, rich and poor, fat and skinny, man and women, old and young, etc. etc. fighting and death over all these issues.
Though an ancient evil, it began to receive intellectual defense more recently than most evils, for it was only a century ago that Count Gobineau published in French his four - volume Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races, in which he contended that color of skin determines mental and spiritual differences, and that mixture of blood produces degeneracy and the fall of civilizations.
In a speck of watery material smaller than the dot over this i, all the future characteristics of the child are programmed — the color of his skin, eyes and hair, the shape of his facial features, the natural abilities he will have.
«My faith fashions my thinking; it's who I am,» says Liz Warom, managing director of skin - spa brand Temple Spa.
They are judging Holder solely by the color of his skin.
Romney should have been asked outright «Do you believe the lamanites we cursed with darkness of skin for their iniquities?»
She specialised in the treatment of leprosy, a disease that causes discolouration of the skin, sores, and disfigurements.
August 28, 1963: Two hundred thousand Americans participate in the March on Washington and hear Martin Luther King, Jr., proclaim his dream of a country in which his children will be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin; ten months later, Congress enacts the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
They represented all the possible shades of skin color.
And as many parents of Black children will tell you, their greatest fear is that it will be their sons or daughters next, so much so that they often give their kids «The Talk,» warning them that they will be treated differently by police because of the color of their skin.
Read Gen. 3:21 and find why Yahweh made coats of skin when they were already covered with fig leaves.
«You can tell you're a first time mum,» commented a mother - of - four at the parish mother and baby group, because I still jump out of my skin every time he so much as wobbles.
Of special importance for world democracy at the present time is the decisive rejection of the white man's dominance of the world, as people of every shade of skin assume places of leadership in the councils of the nations.
How can she be a poster child for Mormons??? According to their own teaching, she has a spiritual deficit due to the color of her skin.
Democrats are notorious for voting on the basis of skin color.
Discriminatory laws enforcing racial segregation have been declared unconstitutional and abolished, while the dream of Martin Luther King (that every individual be judged by the content of his character and not the color of his skin) has been integrated into the American dream itself in a way that only Lincoln's Gettysburg image (a government of, by, and for the people) had been previously.
Why do humans not look out for one another and help each other out regardless of skin color or geographic location?
Did we collectively have a meaningful discussion, decide on what should change, and then develop a plan for improving lives and repairing relationships between people with different values, colors of skin, sexual orientations?
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