Sentences with phrase «of sleep on»

I was so bloody tired after only one hour of sleep on Wednesday night.
Consistent with previous research, Winsler et al. (2015) examined sleep in a sample of over 27,900 students in 8th, 10th, and 12th grades and found that, on average, students report obtaining fewer than 7 h of sleep on weekdays, with high school students (10th and 12th graders) obtaining an hour less of sleep than middle school students (8th graders).
In Study 2, we brought couples into the laboratory to assess the dyadic effects of sleep on the nature and resolution of conflict.
I wanted, as a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patient, to point out one very important reason why I rejected Ed's request that I switch to the April 3rd edition of Blawg Review, from my scheduled April 10th gig: We lose an hour of sleep on Sunday night.
Considering that the trip is for a long weekend, I'm looking forward to getting a few quality hours of sleep on the plane's new lie - flat seats.
The bus from Yangon (also known as Rangoon) crawled away in a swirl of dust and exhaust, leaving Marjan and me standing alone and delirious from lack of sleep on a dark street at 3 a.m..
It is only for families, school trips and people who like to get lots of sleep on holiday
By Christina Koukkos The bus from Yangon (also known as Rangoon) crawled away in a swirl of dust and exhaust, leaving Marjan and me standing alone and delirious from lack of sleep on a dark street at -LSB-...]
High end beds may even be constructed with springs and coils like the mattresses most of us sleep on.
Looking forward to many good night of sleep on my 2014 NOBO appalachian trail thru hike.
How many of y ’ all enjoyed the extra hour of sleep on Saturday / Sunday?
And the fact that we switched to winter time (and thus gained one hour of sleep on Sunday) doesn't change a thing.
I loved the extra hour of sleep on Sunday, but I mean, really it's pitch black here by five.
I tried to get my allergies under control (WHY am I having them at this time of year, let me know) and clocked in 12 hours of sleep on Saturday night.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need seven to night hours per night, and a substantial percentage of us are not getting this amount of sleep on a regular basis.
We will also discuss the impact of stress and lack of sleep on cardiovascular endurance and health, and neurodegeneration - from mild cognitive impairment to dementia.
But if you're into fitness, exercising, or mental and physical performance, if you're concerned about the effect of sleep on appetite regulation, fat loss or muscle gain, or if you want to optimize things like tissue repair, nervous system health and growth hormone release then you may want to think again, and keep reading.
Research on the impact of sleep on muscle repair (and thus muscle building) makes for a complex, intense read.
Most of us sleep on whichever side we are comfortable.
Tags: cortisol, cravings for sweets, impact of sleep on weight gain, low testosterone, poor quality sleep, stress and weight gain
This weekend, I got roughly 9 hours of sleep on Friday and Saturday night, along with a 90 - minute nap each day.
Then, rate your quality of sleep on a scale of 1 - 10, with 1 being terrible and 10 being totally restorative.
However, loosing that extra hour of sleep on Sunday can leave us feeling extra tired for a few days and in need for a serious energy boost.
There is a wide range of cascading negative interactions caused by lack of sleep on: stress and metabolism (28).
Even though their findings suggest only a modest effect of sleep on Alzheimer's risk, the researchers believe it could still be very important.
8 - 10 hours of sleep on a schedule.
Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep on a regular basis and avoid all - nighters.
People log 20 to 25 fewer minutes of sleep on average during a full moon than on nights with a quarter moon, according to a recent study in the journal Current Biology.
I was actually able to get a little bit of sleep on the plane and then was able to fall asleep when I arrived at the hotel at 10 am to catch up.
Also you need to try and squeeze a few more hours of sleep on a weekly basis somehow.
If you're getting six or fewer hours of sleep each night, aim to get just one more hour of sleep on average — it will leave you feeling more physically energized, emotionally resilient, and mentally clear.
Importantly, this benefit of sleep on emotional attention regulation is specifically associated with slow wave activity.
There are a number of important health benefits linked to a good night's sleep but we need to do more to unpick the potential long - term benefits of sleep on Alzheimer's risk.»
Only six percent reported getting eight hours of sleep on weeknights and only 22 percent reported getting at least seven hours.
The delay in school start time was associated with a significant (29 minute) increase in sleep duration on school nights, with the percentage of students receiving eight or more hours of sleep on a school night jumping from 18 to 44 percent.
Every country reported sleeping in on weekends, with an average of an extra 45 minutes of sleep on days they do not work.
To have the same quality of sleep on the ground, you need protection.
The researchers used the mid-point of sleep on weekends as a proxy for chronotype.
«Restoring this critical stage of sleep by means of electrical stimulation,» Buzski says, «is a truly intriguing possibility for restoring the declining effect of sleep on memory.»
«This research provides new insight about the potentially harmful effects of a lack of sleep on the brain and has implications for better characterizing the pathology of Alzheimer's disease,» said George F. Koob, Ph.D., director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health, which funded the study.
In the second study, Matthew Walker and his collaborators, part of the same group at Harvard University, looked at the effects of sleep on motor learning.
For a newborn baby, 14 - 18 hours of sleep on average in a day is enough.
I work four nights a week, so I go on about four hours of sleep on those days but try to catch up when I can.
Remember, that school going children need 9 to 11 hours of sleep on a regular basis.
Alex even had a brief amount of sleep on a special «dad mat» on the floor.
And the main thing is the number of hours of sleep on average they're getting each day and making sure they're not chronically sleep deprived.
The good news is that, if you don't give into the impulse to eat lots of high - calorie food, you will probably be fine — the lack of sleep on its own doesn't seem to affect the calories in / calories out equation.
In Biological Psychiatry (2011) Barak E. Morgan, Alan R. Horn, and Nils J. Bergman further detailed the impact of sleep on these separations.
I can definitely relate on the lack of sleep on holiday, we recently got back from a holiday with our two, apparently they weren't too keen on sleep even after hectic days out!
These methods require time and effort and some loss of sleep on your part and may result in some unhappiness on your baby's part if you are not responsive to his needs.
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