Sentences with phrase «of small plants»

This vertical garden can hold a variety of small plants.
The 12 - inch max grow height gives you room to grow a range of small plants and herbs.
Most fruits are highly complex in not just their basic vitamins and minerals, but also their never - ending array of smaller plant compounds and phytonutrients.
It is wild to think about how much love and time is poured into each aspect of gardening: from the planning stage, to the planting of the seeds, to the nurturing of small plants, and finally the harvesting and food processing.
«The mini-Horhizotron was designed to measure root growth of small plant material such as seedlings, herbaceous plugs, or woody plant liners normally grown in containers less than 3.8 L,» explained corresponding author Leslie Judd.
There are many different types of ribozymes in nature but our lab has focused upon the hammerhead motif which is found as part of the self - cleaving domain of small plant viruses.
Now, engineers from Sandia National Laboratories are improving the efficiency of smaller plants, designing a new receiver that can absorb much more sunlight.
, this tiny seed of a small plant belonging to the parsley family became popular in ancient Greece and Rome.
Just pair a couple of small plants or cacti to the place you've picked and put these around the letter board.
By now, most of us have heard something about the many benefits of a more plant - based diet, including one of the smallest plant forms on the planet: algae.
Official statistics also need to be increased by 415 PJ in order to include steelmaking energy use of small plants not included in official statistics.
Severe drought prevailed in the early 1980s (Hulme, 2001; Trenberth et al., 2007), and groundwater levels declined, species - specific woody plant mortality increased (mainly of smaller plants), and even dominant perennial C4 grasses with high water - use efficiency declined.
The mix of large plants and grouped varieties of smaller plants in mismatched pots forms a bohemian, random look that works.
I normally bring some of our smaller plants inside during this season to enhance the look of the decor.
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