Sentences with phrase «of sneered at»

That said, I was floored by the revelation that Rachelle Gardner, agent extraordinaire, and someone who has kind of sneered at self - published work, has now... self published.
We got ours as a gift after the boys were born, and I sort of sneered at them originally, but they turned out to be amazing.

Not exact matches

I laugh and sometime sneer at those who think new Fed Head Jerome Powell will impose monetary discipline by raising interest rates at least up to the real rate of inflation and reduce the Fed's balance sheet according the schedule as laid out by Yellen.
A naked statue of Donald Trump, complete with a distended belly and jowly sneer, is to go on display at a Haunted Museum after a paranormal investigator bought it at auction.
This book is a personal and at times blistering critique of the «ignorant screeds» of the New Atheist meme machine: the «sneer pressure» from the likes...
Meanwhile, I have gravitated to a certain type of mommy - blog: one written by a stay - at - home mother, lovingly grateful to her provider - man, capably in charge of every detail of her children's lives and home: the Angel in the House, as we might have sneered back in English 101.
It featured some mountebank striding up and down in front of an audience, wisecracking and sneering at Darwinism....
In fact any form of «dualism» with regard to the constitution of human nature has frequently been sneered at as philosophically dated and theologically distasteful.
I like that, and I would include sneering at the «religion» of atheism as being juvenile and stunted too.
It's a world - weary Tyrion Lannister sneering at the ridiculous motives of those around him.
«All the time not having a clue that they were being whispered against, campaigned against by both Catholics & Anglicans who made it palpably clear that this initiative was detrimental to the «dialogue towards unity» and temporarily compromised their positions as oecumenical ambassadors - that this was a counter-productive «wacked - out» scheme by an ailing Pope who merely needed to be placated until he died - hence delaying tactics, obfuscations, procedurality, red tape and making everything as difficult and administratively untenable as possible; with patronising sympathy and hand - wringing at their lot while sneering, dismissing and chuckling to themselves that the whole thing will eventually come to naught... that the administration will crumble via crises and power politics andpersonality clashes and outright frustration at the situation... and ultimately the Ordinariate will be re-integrated into the Conference system and those not happy about it will crawl back to their friends in the C of E.
I think this is important — some may sneer at the supposedly «uneducated» Gospel writers Matthew and Mark whose accounts are based on the testimony of working people.
It is popular among the elite Bible scholars and academy - trained theologians to sneer at the uneducated lay person who seeks to teach Scripture and theology to others as being «untrained» and therefore, unable to accurately teach others what God is like, what He says in Scripture, and how to live life in light of what we learn.
It's a useful book for students who need accurate information for the argument / debate / shouting match at the student bar, for families tackling big issues in passionate kitchen debates, and for quiet perusal before replying to the sneers of office colleagues — or even to the well - intentioned «But surely you can't believe...?»
In one respect, his presentation of Byzantium seems aimed at Gibbon, who sneered at Eastern Christian claims to be the protectors of reason and civilization.
As he sat down in front of my desk, his eyes seemed to bore a hole straight through me, and a sneer formed at the corner of his mouth.
They sneer and scoff at all the ignorant masses who «live lives of emptiness and insignificance.»
Finally, Hans Urs von Balthasar has it just right in The Glory of the Lord: «We can be sure that whoever sneers at [beauty] as if she were the ornament of a bourgeois past — whether he admits it or not — can no longer pray and soon will no longer be able to love.»
The honeymoon, that is, between the now enfeebled and increasingly remote souls who for over a quarter of a century had carped and sneered at Pope John Paul II (and by the same token at «PanzerCardinal» Joseph Ratzinger) but who had nevertheless hoped against hope for a Pope who would be somehow reborn if not as a fully paid - up liberal, as a Pope at least who would go easy on all that counter-cultural JPII stuff about being «signs of contradiction» and about continuity with the pre-conciliar Church and who had breathlessly found (so they thought) that, lo, it was even so, in the wonders of Deus Caritas Est. «On his election last spring,» carolled The Tablet, «the former CardinalRatzinger was widely assumed to have as his papal agenda the hammering of heretics and a war on secularist relativism, subjects with which he was associated as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.»
If he was sneering at Darwin a bit (one does not need a mirror to know that one sneers), did he remember uncomfortably that a sneer is derived from an animal's lifting its lip to remind an enemy of its fangs?
One suspects, however, that what really stings Posner and Segall is Scalia (along with Roberts, Thomas, and Alito) sneering at the priests of Baal in the theocratic majority of Obergefell.
No, it is not that, although that is the empirical expression, not to be sneered at, of the true reality of the Church, which is the supernatural organism, the divine society, in which Christ Incarnate still dwells among men, making them one with Him and thereby one with God.
is this: When he sneered at and abused himself beyond the tolerance of the crowd, it was not done through weakness but through strength, a defiance of God.1
There are lots of reasons for rejecting religion, for hating the Catholic Church, for sneering at Christians as hypocrites.
Join that with a terrible lapse in education quality, and with the segment of our population who actively sneer at education and you have a flock of voters waiting to be told how to vote by whoever tells them what they want to hear.
It is naturally very easy for the clever and well adjusted to sneer at simple people «finding Christ,» «knowing the saving power of Jesus,» and to forget that behind the «corny» expressions that may be used there lies a rather awe - inspiring truth.
To Christians who proudly wear their favorite fashion brand, or look askance at PC users, or sneer at drinkers of boxed wine, or belittle Christians who prefer Grisham, Koontz, and Clancy to Coetzee and McEwan, Paul would have much to say.
Exactly the sort of domestic arrangements sneered at and scorned by Bachofen's contemporaries, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
The remark may been intended as a sneer at Boehme, but it is an exact description of all works of literary art without exception.»
That unsharable feeling which each one of us has of the pinch of his individual destiny as he privately feels it rolling out on fortune's wheel may be disparaged for its egotism, may be sneered at as unscientific, but it is the one thing that fills up the measure of our concrete actuality, and any would - be existent that should lack such a feeling, or its analogue, would be a piece of reality only half made up.
The sound of their voices was very different, and Husing would have sneered at Cosell's bombast.
You always sneer at anyone that talks sense and accuse them of being an AKB.
I've sneered at the likes of Chel - ski, Oil City, and United, due to them trying to buy All Star teams year in and year out when they don't win.
The fact that ppl here are sneering at the list just goes to show how much our expectations and mentality have dropped after years of mediocrity
So equal 8th on the all - time list of English top division title winning managers behind Ferguson, Paisley and Chapman, level with Shankly and Mourinho and ahead of the likes of Clough is to be sneered at.
Much as I am consecutively annoyed, intrigued, baffled or sneer at these farcical stories, they do actually give me something to fill the doldrums betwixt the ending of one season and the start of the new one — so let the good times roll.
I chose a hospital for both of my own births but I don't sneer at those who elect different choices.
As a new parent, I picked up all of the popular books ad magazines offered dire warnings about co-sleeping and sneered at breastfeeding past six months, but now I've gotten pretty good at knowing where to avoid.
A Conservative parliamentary candidate has been accused of «sneering» at voters — after he ridiculed a man for visiting Costa Coffee while claiming to be working class.
That said, every time I hear someone sneer that the news of Pakistan or India's imminent implosion has been grossly exaggerated, I am reminded of a lecture by Carl Sagan in the Forum of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, many years ago.
Boles hit back, saying that the question was typical of the party opposite who «sneer at people's aspirations», and that there was a difference between property developers building a block of flats on gardens and ordinary families getting extensions.
Now that Sturgeon has demanded a second referendum, the Westminster Right swings between snickering at the supposed naivety of the silly «nats» and raging at their refusal to enthusiastically partake in our brave new Brexit Britain - all the while sneering at the supposed subsidy junkies north of Hadrian's Wall.
Labour shadow ministers who sneered at the idea they might offer Proportional Representation to the Libdems, on the eve of the election, will now have to face the fact that only permanent coalition politics or electoral reform can give them a chance to rule in future.
With that review now over, the city has decided the best course is to integrate the two agencies, and leave Mr. Banks in charge of both — even though a Cuomo spokesperson sneered at Mr. Banks, a former Legal Aid attorney, as part of the city's «management problem.»
Hydrocracker's new production of Harold Pinter's The New World Order is a strong riposte to anyone who has ever doubted the necessity of Shakespeare's epilogues or sneered at people fainting during Titus Andronicus.
«A bit of local colour,» sneers a theatrical old boozer, Jack, to his drinking partners in their local, an at once cosy and lonely Irish pub which provides The Weir's sole setting.
Instead of a Tory government that sneers at Wales, we need a UK government that admires and learns from Wales.
In the House magazine interview two months ago, Mr McGinn accused left - wing politicians of «sneering» at the public and warned Mr Corbyn that Labour is losing touch with working class voters.
Yesterday he made a speech at 8.47 pm at night, when most sensible people were already a pint and a packet of mini Cheddars down, about a local issue that is causing a good deal of distress to his constituents risking, in doing so, the muttered barbed and sneers reserved for the mighty who've fallen.
It is in the nature of cynical Britain to sneer at such sentimental American notions, but it does remind us that there are many, many people who could do my job as a politician and probably do it a great deal better, but no one else can be a father to my children.
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