Sentences with phrase «of snobbery»

«There's no longer the same kind of snobbery about the support the work is executed on.»
Thornberry was forced to resign from the shadow cabinet during the 2014 byelection in Rochester and Strood, when she was accused of snobbery after tweeting a photograph of a house adorned with St George's cross flags with a white van parked outside.
Elsewhere, there's a lot of snobbery about the Ultimo boss, Michelle Mone, being elevated to the peerage.
But if that's going to be your premise — whites killing blacks out of snobbery or intolerance — your humor better be pretty sharp and sophisticated.
I overheard that kind of snobbery in the disdainful tones of critics departing the festival's screening venue before The Bay, a creature feature running in the fest's «Midnight Movies» sidebar that may well have been the most unabashedly fun film I've seen there.
There's a lot of snobbery in the air when it comes to art or culture generally.
Islington South and Finsbury MP Emily Thornberry was accused of snobbery after posting the picture of the modern terraced house with three red and white Cross of St George flags - one bearing a West Ham United badge - and a white van parked in the drive, along with the message «Image from Rochester».
During this shoot I was cured forever of even a hint of snobbery towards Neanderthals while holding a fearsomely massive fragment of a mammoth tooth in one hand and a spear point in the other.
But this is not because of any animus against the north: it is the result of a snobbery towards «naive» and popular art.
There remains a considerable amount of snobbery about degrees and A-levels and the like (class, your postal code and your grades) and where they are obtained... I also think that some students (black and white) need to do a bit more research about their proposed university.
In amongst the various complaints about Felix disinfecting the playing cards and insisting upon coasters, there is an undercurrent of snobbery on the part of Felix and a bitter reaction on the past of Oscar.
First, perhaps his harshest critics could remove the enormous log of snobbery, hatred and judgement from their own eyes.
There have been viewers, of course, who switched off the program, deciding that such a dish of snobbery, alcoholism and decadence was too gamey to serve up in the living room.
Being immigrants, or children of immigrants, these people could not pretend they came from old and prestigious families; money was the sole instrument of their snobbery.
In all my years of drinking almond milk, this never fell in that category of snobbery.
If it taught me anything, it was that coffee is a fool's paradise full of snobbery and being fake.
«They said my nose was growing up,» Terlecki says, lifting his nose into the air with his thumb and forefinger in the universal gesture of snobbery.
It's a sign of snobbery and narcissism.
[42] Earlier in the day, she had received much criticism after tweeting a photograph of a house in the constituency adorned with three flags of St George [43] and the owner's white van parked outside on the driveway, under the caption «Image from #Rochester», provoking accusations of snobbery.
Senior Labour MP Emily Thornberry has resigned from Ed Miliband's shadow cabinet after being accused of snobbery when she tweeted a picture of a house decked out in St George's flags.
In The Winterton's Unmuzzled, the daughter of the two former Conservative MPs states: «Whatever Dad's other faults, he is devoid of snobbery... He was not the kind of up - his - arse Tory MP — and I have met a few in my time, some of them so far up their arses they couldn't find their way out again.»
The tweet prompted widespread criticism, with many accusing the politician of snobbery and after a dressing - down by Labour leader Ed Miliband Ms Thornberry resigned from the shadow cabinet.
As the poll's closed in Rochester & Strood, Labour MP and former University of Kent student, Emily Thornberry resigned from the Shadow Cabinet after being accused of snobbery following a tweet in the constituency.
For their part, the Speaker and his supporters argued that he faced an unprecedented campaign of snobbery and slurs since taking on the job.
This is her adventure story with food, an overly - personal, florid description of one's relationship, with a big helping of snobbery.
While the low comedy is undeniably effective, the film leaves behind a bad taste of snobbery and petty meanness.
It's lost sales to me otherwise, and in this business you can't afford any level of snobbery over how you sell your work.
He particularly hates «literary» novels and that people who claim to like them are victims of snobbery - «It must be good if it's difficult.
W H Smith have every right to decide what they will and will not sell, and Kobo and the other suppliers need to get their act together on what they allow itno the system, but let's not lose sight of the snobbery and prejudice about self - publishing pervading these arguments.
And the problem of snobbery that still lingers despite such breakout successes.
I had to think about that, and my conclusion was, maybe the indie authors in her circle were great at branding themselves, but that's not what I see (I'm purposefully not revealing this person because I thought this author seemed to reflect a bit of snobbery toward the indie author).
That stance reeks of snobbery and flies in the face of those words on the plaque at the Statue of Liberty, and what many Americans still think America is all about.
The lack of local play is part of a growing trend and smacks of the snobbery that elite purist gamers believe you should buy into.
It'll all be defended with «it's just a bit of fun» but surely it's obvious why, from the outside, law looks like a heaving pit of snobbery, classism, and one - upmanship.
Indeed, to try to define good taste could simply be an extreme example of snobbery and elitism.
But if this is going to be your premise — whites killing blacks out of snobbery or intolerance — your humor better be pretty sharp and sophisticated.
They think of opulence, quality and even a hint of snobbery.
Whilst I'm sure she gets a fair amount of snobbery, and shocked reactions, every time I've been out with her — whether in a bar or at a festival — men can't get enough of her!
As she said when I interviewed her for Class Act: «there is a lot of snobbery on this subject, and on all sides.
S: Do you think it has to do with perceptions about the Harbourfront audiences» ¦ do you think there's a kind of snobbery about the general public demographic?
But if this is going to be your premise — whites killing blacks out of snobbery or -LSB-...]
An added benefit is that it could take some of the snobbery and pretentiousness out of law school and the legal profession generally because at two years the JD would become a Master's degree, plain and simple.
Hair stylists, masseuses, and dog groomers all have «clients,» and no one accuses them of snobbery about it.
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